package Agar::Config; use strict; use Agar; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Agar::Config - interface to Agar's configuration interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use Agar; use Agar::Config; # global Agar properties: $config = Agar::GetConfig(); # object properties: $config = $object->getProps(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides access to AG_Prop(3), which is used for global configuration parameters and also the properties of individual objects. =head1 INHERITANCE HIERARCHY L -> B =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B<$config-Elock()> Obtains the mutex for modifying this config object. =item B<$config-Eunlock()> Releases the mutex for modifying this config object. =item B<$config-Eload($path)> Load the configuration properties from the named file. =item B<$config-Esave($path)> Save the configuration properties to the named file. =item B<$value = $config-EgetBool($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetInt($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetUint($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetUint8($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetSint8($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetUint16($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetSint16($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetUint32($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetSint32($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetFloat($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetDouble($name)> =item B<$value = $config-EgetString($name)> =item B<$config-EgetInt($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetUint($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetUint8($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetSint8($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetUint16($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetSint16($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetUint32($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetSint32($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetFloat($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetDouble($name, $value)> =item B<$config-EgetString($name, $value)> These methods set and get the values of properties of different types. =back =head1 AUTHOR Mat Sutcliffe EFE Julien Nadeau Carriere EFE =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut