package Agar::Event; use strict; use Agar; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Agar::Event - events generated by instances of Agar::Object =head1 SYNOPSIS use Agar; use Agar::Event; =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the object type that is passed to event handler subroutines. =head1 METHODS =item B<$name = $event-Ename()> Returns a string identifying the event's type. =item B<$obj = $event-Ereceiver()> Returns the Agar::Object which received this event. =item B<$obj = $event-Esender()> Returns the Agar::Object which sent this event, if there was one, otherwise undef. =item B<$arg = $event-Eptr($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-Eobject($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-Estring($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-Eint($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-EUint($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-Elong($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-EUlong($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-Efloat($index)> =item B<$arg = $event-Edouble($index)> Each of these methods returns the argument of the specified type at the specified index in the event's argument list (counting from 1). Returns undef if the index is out of bounds or the type doesn't match. =item B<$arg = $event-EptrNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EobjectNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EstringNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EintNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EUintNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-ElongNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EUlongNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EfloatNamed($name)> =item B<$arg = $event-EdoubleNamed($name)> Each of these methods returns the named argument of the specified type. If there are no arguments of the given name, undef is returned. =over 4 =back =head1 AUTHOR Mat Sutcliffe EFE Julien Nadeau Carriere EFE =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut