package Agar::Menu; use strict; use Agar; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Agar::Menu - a (possibly nested) menubar widget =head1 SYNOPSIS use Agar; use Agar::Menu; Agar::Menu->new($parent); =head1 DESCRIPTION Please see AG_Menu(3) for a full explanation of what its methods do and what bindings and events it defines, if any. =head1 INHERITANCE HIERARCHY L -> L -> B =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B<$widget = Agar::Menu-Enew($parent,[%options])> =item B<$widget = Agar::Menu-EnewGlobal([%options])> Constructors. =item B<$widget-ErootItem()> =item B<$widget-EexpandItem($item, $x, $y)> =item B<$widget-EcollapseItem($item)> =item B<$widget-EsetPadding($l,$r,$t,$b)> =item B<$widget-EsetLabelPadding($l,$r,$t,$b)> =back =head1 ITEMS Items within Agar::Menus implement the Agar::MenuItem class. =over 4 =item B<$child = $item-EnodeItem($text)> =item B<$child = $item-EactionItem($text, \&coderef)> =item B<$child = $item-EactionItemKbd($text, $key, $modifiers, \&coderef)> =item B<$item-Eseparator()> =item B<$item-Esection($text)> =item B<$item-EsetIcon($surface)> =item B<$item-EsetLabel($text)> =item B<$item-Eenable()> =item B<$item-Edisable()> =item B<$selected_child = $item-Eselected()> =item B<$parent = $item-EparentItem()> =item B<$parent = $item-EparentMenu()> =back =head1 POPUP MENUS A popup menu might be used when the user right-clicks on something, or in a similar situation. =over 4 =item B<$popup = Agar::PopupMenu-Enew($parent)> Constructor. =item B<$popup-Eshow()> =item B<$popup-Ehide()> =item B<$popup-Edestroy()> =item B<$item = $popup-ErootItem()> =back =head1 AUTHOR Mat Sutcliffe EFE Julien Nadeau Carriere EFE =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut