package Agar::Toolbar; use strict; use Agar; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Agar::Toolbar - a widget containing row(s) of Buttons =head1 SYNOPSIS use Agar; use Agar::Toolbar; Agar::Toolbar->newHoriz($parent, 1); =head1 DESCRIPTION Please see AG_Toolbar(3) for a full explanation of what its methods do and what bindings and events it defines, if any. =head1 INHERITANCE HIERARCHY L -> L -> B =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B<$widget = Agar::Toolbar-EnewHoriz($parent,$numRows,[%options])> =item B<$widget = Agar::Toolbar-EnewVert($parent,$numRows,[%options])> Constructors. Recognised options include: =over 4 =item C =item C =item C Z<> =back =item B<$widget-EsetActiveRow($row)> =item B<$button_widget = $widget-EaddTextButton($text)> =item B<$button_widget = $widget-EaddIconButton($surface)> =item B<$widget-Eselect($button)> =item B<$widget-Edeselect($button)> =item B<$widget-EselectOnly($button)> =item B<$widget-EselectAll()> =item B<$widget-EdeselectAll()> =item B<$row = $widget-EgetRow($index)> =back =head1 AUTHOR Mat Sutcliffe EFE Julien Nadeau Carriere EFE =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =cut