/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2023 Julien Nadeau Carriere * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Dimension annotation. Creates distance and angle constraints, or * display effective distances, angles and radii. */ #include #include "sk.h" #include "sk_gui.h" #include const char *skDimensionTypeNames[] = { "None", "Distance", "Angle (at endpoint)", "Angle (at intersection)", NULL }; SK_Dimension * SK_DimensionNew(void *parent) { SK_Dimension *dim; dim = Malloc(sizeof(SK_Dimension)); SK_DimensionInit(dim, SK_GenNodeName(SKNODE(parent)->sk, "Dimension")); SK_NodeAttach(parent, dim); return (dim); } void SK_DimensionInit(void *p, Uint name) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; SK_AnnotInit(dim, name, &skDimensionOps); dim->unit = NULL; dim->n1 = NULL; dim->n2 = NULL; dim->cLbl = M_ColorRGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.5); dim->cLblBorder = M_ColorRGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.5); dim->cLineDim = M_ColorRGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.5); dim->vLbl = M_VecGet3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); dim->wLbl = 1.0; dim->hLbl = 1.0; dim->text[0] = '\0'; dim->xPad = 5; dim->yPad = 2; dim->type = SK_DIMENSION_NONE; } int SK_DimensionLoad(SK *sk, void *p, AG_DataSource *buf) { char unitKey[128]; SK_Dimension *dim = p; if (SK_AnnotLoad(sk, dim, buf) == -1) return (-1); dim->type = (enum sk_dimension_type)AG_ReadUint32(buf); dim->flags = (Uint)AG_ReadUint32(buf); AG_CopyString(unitKey, buf, sizeof(unitKey)); if (unitKey[0] == '\0') { dim->unit = NULL; } else { if ((dim->unit = AG_FindUnit(unitKey)) == NULL) return (-1); } dim->cLbl = M_ReadColor(buf); dim->cLblBorder = M_ReadColor(buf); dim->cLineDim = M_ReadColor(buf); dim->xPad = (int)AG_ReadUint8(buf); dim->yPad = (int)AG_ReadUint8(buf); dim->vLbl = M_ReadVector3(buf); dim->n1 = SK_ReadRef(buf, sk, NULL); dim->n2 = SK_ReadRef(buf, sk, NULL); if (dim->n1 == NULL || dim->n2 == NULL) { AG_SetError("Missing dimension nodes (%s)", AG_GetError()); return (-1); } dim->text[0] = '\0'; return (0); } int SK_DimensionSave(SK *sk, void *p, AG_DataSource *buf) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; if (dim->n1 == NULL || dim->n2 == NULL) { AG_SetErrorS("Missing n1/n2"); return (-1); } SK_AnnotSave(sk, dim, buf); AG_WriteUint32(buf, (Uint32)dim->type); AG_WriteUint32(buf, (Uint32)dim->flags); AG_WriteString(buf, dim->unit != NULL ? dim->unit->key : ""); M_WriteColor(buf, &dim->cLbl); M_WriteColor(buf, &dim->cLblBorder); M_WriteColor(buf, &dim->cLineDim); AG_WriteUint8(buf, (Uint8)dim->xPad); AG_WriteUint8(buf, (Uint8)dim->yPad); M_WriteVector3(buf, &dim->vLbl); SK_WriteRef(buf, dim->n1); SK_WriteRef(buf, dim->n2); return (0); } /* * Compute the minimal distance between L and v, and return the * closest point on L into pvC. */ static M_Real PointLineDistance(const M_Vector3 *_Nonnull v, const SK_Line *_Nonnull L, M_Vector3 *_Nullable pvC) { M_Vector3 p1 = SK_Pos(L->p1); M_Vector3 p2 = SK_Pos(L->p2); M_Vector3 vC; M_Real mag = M_VecDistance3(p1,p2); M_Real u; u = ( ((v->x - p1.x)*(p2.x - p1.x)) + ((v->y - p1.y)*(p2.y - p1.y)) ) / (mag*mag); vC = M_VecAdd3(p1, M_VecScale3(M_VecSub3p(&p2,&p1), u)); if (pvC != NULL) { M_VecCopy3(pvC, &vC); } return M_VecDistance3p(v,&vC); } /* * For a given dimension, return a transformation matrix to take us from the * sketch's coordinate system to a coordinate system where the x axis is the * line between the two dimensioned entities and the origin is this line's * midpoint. * * The sketch coordinates of the two measurement points are returned into * vr1 and vr2. In the case of point-line distances, not only the vertices * but any point on the line could be returned. */ static M_Matrix44 MapToAnnotation(SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim, M_Vector3 *_Nullable vr1, M_Vector3 *_Nullable vr2, M_Vector3 *_Nullable vShared) { M_Matrix44 T; M_Vector3 v1, v2; M_Vector3 v; M_Real theta; M_MatIdentity44v(&T); switch (dim->type) { case SK_DIMENSION_DISTANCE: /* * Find the positions v1,v2 of the two entities. For point-line * distances, we use the closest point on the line. * * Line-line distances entered by the user are expanded to two * point-point distances so that case is not considered. */ if (SK_NodeOfClass(dim->n1, "Line:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(dim->n2, "Point:*")) { v2 = SK_Pos(dim->n2); PointLineDistance(&v2, SKLINE(dim->n1), &v1); } else if (SK_NodeOfClass(dim->n1, "Point:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(dim->n2, "Line:*")) { v1 = SK_Pos(dim->n1); PointLineDistance(&v1, SKLINE(dim->n2), &v2); } else { v1 = SK_Pos(dim->n1); v2 = SK_Pos(dim->n2); } v = M_VecSub3p(&v1, &v2); theta = Atan2(v.y, v.x); M_MatTranslate44v(&T, M_VecLERP3p(&v1, &v2, 0.5)); M_MatRotate44K(&T, theta); if (vr1 != NULL) { M_VecCopy3(vr1, &v1); } if (vr2 != NULL) { M_VecCopy3(vr2, &v2); } break; case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_ENDPOINT: if (SK_LineSharedEndpoint(SKLINE(dim->n1), SKLINE(dim->n2), &v, &v1, &v2) == -1) { AG_FatalError("Bogus ANGLE_ENDPOINT"); } M_MatTranslate44v(&T, v); M_MatRotate44K(&T, M_PI); if (vr1 != NULL) { M_VecCopy3(vr1, &v1); } if (vr2 != NULL) { M_VecCopy3(vr2, &v2); } if (vShared != NULL) { M_VecCopy3(vShared, &v); } break; case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_INTERSECT: break; default: break; } return (T); } static M_Real GetDimensionVal(SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim) { SK_Node *n1 = dim->n1; SK_Node *n2 = dim->n2; M_Vector3 v1, v2; M_Real rv; if (SK_NodeOfClass(n1, "Point:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(n2, "Point:*")) { v1 = SK_Pos(n1); v2 = SK_Pos(n2); return M_VecDistance3p(&v1,&v2); } else if (SK_NodeOfClass(n1, "Point:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(n2, "Line:*")) { v1 = SK_Pos(n1); return PointLineDistance(&v1, SKLINE(n2), NULL); } else if (SK_NodeOfClass(n1, "Line:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(n2, "Point:*")) { v2 = SK_Pos(n2); return PointLineDistance(&v2, SKLINE(n1), NULL); } else if (SK_NodeOfClass(n1, "Line:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(n2, "Line:*")) { rv = SK_LineLineAngleCCW(SKLINE(n1), SKLINE(n2)); if (dim->flags & SK_DIMENSION_CONJ_ANGLE) { return (M_PI*2.0 - rv); } else { return (rv); } } return (M_INFINITY); } static void GetLabelText(SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim, char *_Nonnull text, AG_Size text_len) { SK *sk = SKNODE(dim)->sk; switch (dim->type) { case SK_DIMENSION_DISTANCE: AG_Snprintf(text, text_len, "%.02f", AG_Base2Unit(GetDimensionVal(dim), sk->uLen)); break; case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_ENDPOINT: case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_INTERSECT: AG_Snprintf(text, text_len, "%.02f\xc2\xb0", Degrees(GetDimensionVal(dim))); break; default: text[0] = '\0'; break; } if (SK_ConstrainedNodes(&sk->ctGraph, dim->n1, dim->n2) == NULL) Strlcat(text, _(" (REF)"), text_len); } static __inline__ void DrawLinearDistance(SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim, M_Real xPad, M_Vector3 *_Nonnull v1, M_Vector3 *_Nonnull v2) { M_Color cLineDim = SK_NodeColor(dim, &dim->cLineDim); M_Real y, x1, x2, e1, e2; M_Real d; y = dim->vLbl.y + dim->hLbl/2.0; x1 = dim->vLbl.x - xPad; x2 = dim->vLbl.x + dim->wLbl + xPad; d = M_VecDistance3p(v1,v2); e1 = -d/2.0; e2 = +d/2.0; GL_Begin(GL_LINES); GL_Color3v(&cLineDim); if ((x1 - e1) > 0.0) { GL_Vertex2(e1, y); GL_Vertex2(x1, y); } if ((e2 - x2) > 0.0) { GL_Vertex2(x2, y); GL_Vertex2(e2, y); } GL_Vertex2(e1, 0.0); GL_Vertex2(e1, y); GL_Vertex2(e2, 0.0); GL_Vertex2(e2, y); GL_End(); } static __inline__ void DrawAngle(SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim, M_Vector3 *_Nonnull vShared, M_Vector3 *_Nonnull v1, M_Vector3 *_Nonnull v2, SK_View *_Nonnull skv) { M_Color cLineDim = SK_NodeColor(dim, &dim->cLineDim); M_Real r = 10.0*skv->wPixel; M_Real incr = (2.0*M_PI)/30.0; M_Real a1, a2, i; if (dim->flags & SK_DIMENSION_CONJ_ANGLE) { a1 = Atan2(v1->y - vShared->y, v1->x - vShared->x) - M_PI; a2 = Atan2(v2->y - vShared->y, v2->x - vShared->x) - M_PI; } else { a1 = Atan2(v2->y - vShared->y, v2->x - vShared->x) - M_PI; a2 = Atan2(v1->y - vShared->y, v1->x - vShared->x) - M_PI; } while (a1 > a2) a2 += M_PI*2.0; GL_Begin(GL_LINE_STRIP); GL_Color3v(&cLineDim); GL_Vertex2(Cos(a1)*r, Sin(a1)*r); for (i = a1+incr; i < a2-incr; i += incr) { GL_Vertex2(Cos(i)*r, Sin(i)*r); } GL_Vertex2(Cos(a2)*r, Sin(a2)*r); GL_End(); } static SK_DimensionView *_Nullable GetNodeData(SK_View *_Nonnull skv, SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim) { SK_DimensionView *dimv; if ((dimv = SKNODE(dim)->userData) == NULL) { dimv = Malloc(sizeof(SK_DimensionView)); dimv->lbl = -1; SKNODE(dim)->userData = dimv; } return (dimv); } void SK_DimensionDraw(void *p, SK_View *skv) { char text[SK_DIMENSION_TEXT_MAX]; SK_Dimension *dim = p; M_Color cLblBorder = SK_NodeColor(dim, &dim->cLblBorder); M_Vector3 v1, v2, vShared; M_Matrix44 Ta; int wText, hText; M_Real xPad = ((M_Real)dim->xPad)*skv->wPixel; M_Real yPad = ((M_Real)dim->yPad)*skv->hPixel; SK_DimensionView *dimv; if (dim->n1 == NULL || dim->n2 == NULL) return; dimv = GetNodeData(skv, dim); GetLabelText(dim, text, sizeof(text)); AG_TextSize(text, &wText, &hText); dim->wLbl = (M_Real)wText * skv->wPixel; dim->hLbl = (M_Real)hText * skv->hPixel; if (strcmp(text, dim->text) != 0) { Strlcpy(dim->text, text, sizeof(dim->text)); if (dimv->lbl != -1) { AG_WidgetUnmapSurface(skv, dimv->lbl); dimv->lbl = -1; } } if (dimv->lbl == -1) SK_DimensionRedraw(dim, skv); GL_PushMatrix(); Ta = MapToAnnotation(dim, &v1, &v2, &vShared); M_MatTranspose44v(&Ta); GL_MultMatrixv(&Ta); switch (dim->type) { case SK_DIMENSION_DISTANCE: DrawLinearDistance(dim, xPad, &v1, &v2); break; case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_ENDPOINT: DrawAngle(dim, &vShared, &v1, &v2, skv); break; default: break; } AG_PushBlendingMode(skv, AG_ALPHA_SRC, AG_ALPHA_ONE_MINUS_SRC); GL_Translate(dim->vLbl); AG_WidgetBlitSurfaceFlippedGL(skv, dimv->lbl, (float)dim->wLbl, (float)dim->hLbl); GL_Begin(GL_LINE_LOOP); { GL_Color3v(&cLblBorder); GL_Vertex2(-xPad, -yPad); GL_Vertex2(dim->wLbl+xPad, -yPad); GL_Vertex2(dim->wLbl+xPad, dim->hLbl+yPad); GL_Vertex2(-xPad, dim->hLbl+yPad); } GL_End(); GL_PopMatrix(); AG_PopBlendingMode(skv); } void SK_DimensionRedraw(void *p, SK_View *skv) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; SK_DimensionView *dimv = GetNodeData(skv, dim); M_Color cLbl = SK_NodeColor(dim, &dim->cLbl); AG_PushTextState(); AG_TextColorRGB((Uint8)(cLbl.r*255.0), (Uint8)(cLbl.g*255.0), (Uint8)(cLbl.b*255.0)); if (dimv->lbl == -1) { dimv->lbl = AG_WidgetMapSurface(skv, AG_TextRender(dim->text)); } else { AG_WidgetReplaceSurface(skv, dimv->lbl, AG_TextRender(dim->text)); } AG_PopTextState(); } void SK_DimensionEdit(void *p, AG_Widget *box, SK_View *skv) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; AG_MSpinbutton *msb; AG_MFSpinbutton *mfsb; AG_LabelNew(box, 0, "Type: %s", skDimensionTypeNames[dim->type]); AG_LabelNew(box, 0, "Units: %s", dim->unit != NULL ? dim->unit->abbr : "(default)"); msb = AG_MSpinbuttonNew(box, 0, ",", "Padding: "); AG_BindInt(msb, "xvalue", &dim->xPad); AG_BindInt(msb, "yvalue", &dim->yPad); mfsb = AG_MFSpinbuttonNew(box, 0, ",", "Position: "); #if defined(SINGLE_PRECISION) || defined(HAVE_SSE) AG_BindFloat(mfsb, "xvalue", &dim->vLbl.x); AG_BindFloat(mfsb, "yvalue", &dim->vLbl.y); #else M_BindReal(mfsb, "xvalue", &dim->vLbl.x); M_BindReal(mfsb, "yvalue", &dim->vLbl.y); #endif } M_Real SK_DimensionProximity(void *p, const M_Vector3 *v, M_Vector3 *vC) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; M_Vector3 p1, p2; M_Real r, u; M_Matrix44 M; if (dim->n1 == NULL || dim->n2 == NULL) return (M_INFINITY); M = MapToAnnotation(dim, NULL, NULL, NULL); p1 = dim->vLbl; p1.y += dim->hLbl/2.0; p1 = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(M, M_VecToProj3(p1,1))); p2 = dim->vLbl; p2.x += dim->wLbl; p2.y += dim->hLbl/2.0; p2 = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(M, M_VecToProj3(p2,1))); r = M_VecDistance3(p2,p1); u = ( ((v->x - p1.x)*(p2.x - p1.x)) + ((v->y - p1.y)*(p2.y - p1.y)) ) / (r*r); if (u < 0.0) { *vC = p1; } else if (u > 1.0) { *vC = p2; } else { *vC = M_VecAdd3(p1, M_VecScale3(M_VecSub3(p2,p1), u)); } return M_VecDistance3p(v,vC); } int SK_DimensionDelete(void *p) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; return SK_AnnotDelete(dim); } int SK_DimensionMove(void *p, const M_Vector3 *pos, const M_Vector3 *vel) { SK_Dimension *dim = p; M_Vector3 v; M_Matrix44 Ta, TaInv; Ta = MapToAnnotation(dim, NULL, NULL, NULL); v = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(Ta, M_VecToProj3(dim->vLbl,1))); M_VecAdd3v(&v, vel); TaInv = M_MatInvert44(Ta); dim->vLbl = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(TaInv, M_VecToProj3(v,1))); return (0); } void SK_DimensionSetUnit(SK_Dimension *dim, const AG_Unit *unit) { dim->unit = unit; } SK_NodeOps skDimensionOps = { "Annot:Dimension", sizeof(SK_Dimension), 0, SK_DimensionInit, NULL, /* destroy */ SK_DimensionLoad, SK_DimensionSave, SK_DimensionDraw, SK_DimensionRedraw, SK_DimensionEdit, SK_DimensionProximity, SK_DimensionDelete, SK_DimensionMove, NULL, /* constrained */ }; struct sk_dimension_tool { SK_Tool tool; SK_Dimension *curDim; }; static void AddDimConstraint(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { AG_Window *pWin = AG_PTR(1); struct sk_dimension_tool *t = AG_PTR(2); SK_Dimension *dim = AG_PTR(3); AG_Numerical *num = AG_PTR(4); SK *sk = SKTOOL(t)->skv->sk; switch (dim->type) { case SK_DIMENSION_DISTANCE: SK_AddConstraint(&sk->ctGraph, dim->n1, dim->n2, SK_DISTANCE, M_NumericalGetReal(num)); SK_Update(sk); break; case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_ENDPOINT: case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_INTERSECT: SK_AddConstraint(&sk->ctGraph, dim->n1, dim->n2, SK_ANGLE, M_NumericalGetReal(num)); SK_Update(sk); break; default: break; } t->curDim = NULL; AG_ObjectDetach(pWin); } static void UndoDimConstraint(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { AG_Window *pWin = AG_PTR(1); struct sk_dimension_tool *t = AG_PTR(2); SK_DimensionDelete(t->curDim); t->curDim = NULL; AG_ObjectDetach(pWin); } static int AddDimConstraintDlg(struct sk_dimension_tool *_Nonnull t, SK *_Nonnull sk, SK_Dimension *_Nonnull dim) { AG_Window *win; AG_Numerical *num; AG_Box *hb, *vb; const char *unit = NULL; #if 0 if (SK_FindConstraint(&sk->ctGraph, SK_CONSTRAINT_ANY, dim->n1, dim->n2) != NULL) { AG_TextMsg(AG_MSG_ERROR, _("Existing constraint; new %s constraint would " "overconstraint sketch."), skConstraintNames[SK_DISTANCE]); return (-1); } #endif win = AG_WindowNew(AG_WINDOW_MODAL | AG_WINDOW_NOVRESIZE | AG_WINDOW_NOCLOSE); AG_WindowSetPosition(win, AG_WINDOW_CENTER, 1); vb = AG_BoxNewVert(win, AG_BOX_HFILL); { switch (dim->type) { case SK_DIMENSION_DISTANCE: AG_WindowSetCaptionS(win, _("Distance constraint")); AG_LabelNew(vb, 0, _("Distance between %s and %s:"), dim->n1->name, dim->n2->name); unit = "mm"; break; case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_ENDPOINT: case SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_INTERSECT: AG_WindowSetCaptionS(win, _("Angle constraint")); AG_LabelNew(vb, 0, _("Angle between %s and %s:"), dim->n1->name, dim->n2->name); unit = "deg"; break; default: AG_SetError("Bad dimension type"); return (-1); } } vb = AG_BoxNewVert(win, AG_BOX_HFILL); { static double v; /* XXX */ num = AG_NumericalNewS(vb, AG_NUMERICAL_HFILL, unit, NULL); AG_WidgetFocus(num); v = GetDimensionVal(dim); AG_BindDouble(num, "value", &v); AG_SetDouble(num, "inc", AG_Unit2Base(1.0, AG_FindUnit(unit))); AG_SetEvent(num, "numerical-return", AddDimConstraint, "%p,%p,%p,%p", win, t, dim, num); } hb = AG_BoxNewHoriz(win, AG_BOX_HFILL | AG_BOX_HOMOGENOUS); { AG_ButtonNewFn(hb, 0, _("OK"), AddDimConstraint, "%p,%p,%p,%p", win, t, dim, num); AG_ButtonNewFn(hb, 0, _("Cancel"), UndoDimConstraint, "%p,%p", win, t); } AG_WindowShow(win); return (0); } static void ToolInit(void *_Nonnull p) { struct sk_dimension_tool *t = p; t->curDim = NULL; } static int ToolMouseMotion(void *_Nonnull self, M_Vector3 pos, M_Vector3 vel) { struct sk_dimension_tool *t = self; SK_View *skv = SKTOOL(t)->skv; SK *sk = skv->sk; M_Vector3 vC; SK_Node *node; TAILQ_FOREACH(node, &sk->nodes, nodes) { node->flags &= ~(SK_NODE_MOUSEOVER); SK_NodeRedraw(node, skv); } if ((node = SK_ProximitySearch(sk, "Point", &pos, &vC, NULL)) != NULL && M_VecDistance3p(&pos,&vC) < skv->rSnap) { node->flags |= SK_NODE_MOUSEOVER; SK_NodeRedraw(node, skv); } else { if ((node = SK_ProximitySearch(sk, NULL, &pos, &vC, NULL)) != NULL) { node->flags |= SK_NODE_MOUSEOVER; SK_NodeRedraw(node, skv); } } if (t->curDim != NULL && t->curDim->n1 != NULL && t->curDim->n2 != NULL) { M_Matrix44 Ta, TaInv; Ta = MapToAnnotation(t->curDim, NULL, NULL, NULL); TaInv = M_MatInvert44(Ta); t->curDim->vLbl = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(TaInv, M_VecToProj3(pos,1))); } return (0); } static int ToolMouseButtonDown(void *_Nonnull self, M_Vector3 pos, int btn) { struct sk_dimension_tool *t = self; SK_View *skv = SKTOOL(t)->skv; SK *sk = skv->sk; SK_Node *n; M_Vector3 vC; if (btn == AG_MOUSE_RIGHT) { if (t->curDim != NULL) { goto undo; } return (0); } else if (btn != AG_MOUSE_LEFT) { return (0); } if ((n = SK_ProximitySearch(sk, "Point", &pos, &vC, NULL)) == NULL || M_VecDistance3p(&pos,&vC) >= skv->rSnap) { if ((n = SK_ProximitySearch(sk, "Line", &pos, &vC, NULL)) == NULL) n = SK_ProximitySearch(sk, NULL, &pos, &vC, NULL); } if (t->curDim == NULL) { if (n != NULL) { t->curDim = SK_DimensionNew(sk->root); t->curDim->n1 = n; } else { goto undo; } } else if (t->curDim->n2 == NULL) { if (n != NULL) { t->curDim->n2 = n; if (SK_NodeOfClass(t->curDim->n1, "Line:*") && SK_NodeOfClass(t->curDim->n2, "Line:*")) { SK_Line *L1 = SKLINE(t->curDim->n1); SK_Line *L2 = SKLINE(t->curDim->n2); if (L1->p1 == L2->p1 || L1->p1 == L2->p2 || L1->p2 == L2->p1 || L1->p2 == L2->p2) { t->curDim->type = SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_ENDPOINT; if (SK_LineLineAngleCCW(L1, L2) > M_PI) { t->curDim->flags |= SK_DIMENSION_CONJ_ANGLE; } } else { t->curDim->type = SK_DIMENSION_ANGLE_INTERSECT; } } else { M_Vector3 v1, v2; SK_Node *nTmp; t->curDim->type = SK_DIMENSION_DISTANCE; /* * The order of the points determine the * handedness of the annotation's coordinate * system, so we arrange for the text to * display left to right initially. */ v1 = SK_Pos(t->curDim->n1); v2 = SK_Pos(t->curDim->n2); if (v1.x > v2.x) { nTmp = t->curDim->n1; t->curDim->n1 = t->curDim->n2; t->curDim->n2 = nTmp; } } } else { goto undo; } } else { if (AddDimConstraintDlg(t, sk, t->curDim) == -1) goto undo; } return (0); undo: SK_DimensionDelete(t->curDim); t->curDim = NULL; return (0); } SK_ToolOps skDimensionToolOps = { N_("Dimension"), N_("Specify distances, angles and radii"), NULL, sizeof(struct sk_dimension_tool), 0, ToolInit, NULL, /* destroy */ NULL, /* edit */ ToolMouseMotion, ToolMouseButtonDown, NULL, /* buttonup */ NULL, /* keydown */ NULL /* keyup */ };