/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Hypertriton, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Generic node object for polyhedral approximations using the winged-edge * structure as boundary representation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Create a new Object instance. */ SG_Object * SG_ObjectNew(void *parent, const char *name) { SG_Object *so; so = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Object)); AG_ObjectInitNamed(so, &sgObjectClass, name); AG_ObjectAttach(parent, so); return (so); } static void EditListPoll(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_SELF(); AG_Tlist *tl = AG_PTR(1); int depth = AG_INT(2); AG_TlistItem *itVertices, *itFacets, *itEdges, *it; int i; /* Vertices */ itVertices = AG_TlistAddS(tl, sgIconVertices.s, _("Vertices")); itVertices->depth = depth+1; itVertices->p1 = so->vtx; if (so->nVtx > 0) { itVertices->flags |= AG_TLIST_HAS_CHILDREN; if (AG_TlistVisibleChildren(tl, itVertices)) { for (i = 0; i < so->nVtx; i++) { SG_Vertex *v = &so->vtx[i]; it = AG_TlistAdd(tl, sgIconOrigin.s, "v%d", i); it->cat = "vertex"; it->depth = depth+2; it->p1 = v; it->selected = (v->flags & SG_VERTEX_SELECTED); } } } /* Edges */ itEdges = AG_TlistAddS(tl, sgIconLine.s, _("Edges")); itEdges->depth = depth+1; itEdges->p1 = so->edgeTbl; if (so->nEdgeTbl > 0) { itEdges->flags |= AG_TLIST_HAS_CHILDREN; if (AG_TlistVisibleChildren(tl, itEdges)) { char en[SG_EDGE_NAME_MAX]; SG_Edge *e; SG_FOREACH_EDGE(e, i, so) { SG_EdgeGetName(e, en, sizeof(en)); it = AG_TlistAddS(tl, sgIconLine.s, en); it->cat = "edge"; it->depth = depth+2; it->p1 = e; it->selected = (e->flags & SG_EDGE_SELECTED); } } } /* Facets */ itFacets = AG_TlistAddS(tl, sgIconFacet.s, _("Facets")); itFacets->depth = depth+1; itFacets->p1 = so->facetTbl; if (so->nFacetTbl > 0) { itFacets->flags |= AG_TLIST_HAS_CHILDREN; if (AG_TlistVisibleChildren(tl, itFacets)) { for (i = 0; i < so->nFacetTbl; i++) { char fn[SG_FACET_NAME_MAX]; SG_FacetEnt *fe = &so->facetTbl[i]; SG_Facet *f; SLIST_FOREACH(f, &fe->facets, facets) { SG_FacetGetName(f, fn, sizeof(fn)); it = AG_TlistAddS(tl, sgIconFacet.s, fn); it->cat = "facet"; it->depth = depth+2; it->p1 = f; it->selected = (f->flags & SG_FACET_SELECTED); } } } } } static void Init(void *_Nonnull obj) { SG_Object *so = obj; so->flags = 0; so->vtx = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Vertex)); so->nVtx = 1; so->edgeTbl = Malloc(sizeof(SG_EdgeEnt)); so->nEdgeTbl = 1; SLIST_INIT(&so->edgeTbl[0].edges); so->facetTbl = Malloc(sizeof(SG_FacetEnt)); so->nFacetTbl = 1; SLIST_INIT(&so->facetTbl[0].facets); SG_VertexInit(&so->vtx[0]); /* Reserved */ so->tex = NULL; so->bsp = NULL; AG_SetEvent(so, "edit-list-poll", EditListPoll, NULL); } static void Reset(void *_Nonnull obj) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_ObjectFreeGeometry(so); } /* Set an object rendering texture. */ void SG_ObjectSetTexture(void *obj, SG_Texture *tex) { SG_Object *so = obj; AG_ObjectLock(so); so->tex = tex; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); } /* Get a pointer to an object texture. */ SG_Texture * SG_ObjectGetTexture(void *obj) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Texture *tex; AG_ObjectLock(so); tex = so->tex; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (tex); } /* Initialize an existing vertex structure. */ void SG_VertexInit(SG_Vertex *vtx) { vtx->v = M_VECTOR3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); vtx->n = M_VECTOR3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); vtx->c = M_ColorBlack(); vtx->st = M_VECTOR2(0.0, 0.0); vtx->flags = 0; } /* Allocate a vertex from a specified position vector. */ int SG_VertexNewv(void *obj, const M_Vector3 *vNew) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Vertex *vtx; Uint i; int rv; AG_ObjectLock(so); /* Check for duplicate vertices. */ if (so->flags & SG_OBJECT_NODUPVERTEX) { for (i = 1; i < so->nVtx; i++) { vtx = &so->vtx[i]; if (vtx->v.x == vNew->x && vtx->v.y == vNew->y && vtx->v.z == vNew->z) { rv = i; goto out; } } } /* Allocate new vertex. */ so->vtx = Realloc(so->vtx,(so->nVtx+1)*sizeof(SG_Vertex)); vtx = &so->vtx[so->nVtx]; SG_VertexInit(vtx); vtx->v.x = vNew->x; vtx->v.y = vNew->y; vtx->v.z = vNew->z; rv = (int)(so->nVtx++); out: AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (rv); } /* Allocate a vertex from specified position and normal vectors. */ int SG_VertexNewvn(void *obj, const M_Vector3 *vNew, const M_Vector3 *nNew) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Vertex *vtx; int vn; AG_ObjectLock(so); vn = SG_VertexNewv(obj, vNew); vtx = &so->vtx[vn]; vtx->n = *nNew; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (vn); } /* Allocate a vertex from specified position and normal vectors. */ int SG_VertexNew(void *obj, const M_Vector3 vNew) { return (SG_VertexNewv(obj, &vNew)); } /* Allocate a vertex from specified position. */ int SG_VertexNew3(void *obj, M_Real x, M_Real y, M_Real z) { M_Vector3 v; v.x = x; v.y = y; v.z = z; return (SG_VertexNewv(obj, &v)); } /* Allocate a vertex from specified position. */ int SG_VertexNew2(void *obj, M_Real x, M_Real z) { M_Vector3 v; v.x = x; v.y = 0.0; v.z = z; return (SG_VertexNewv(obj, &v)); } /* * Create or reuse a vertex, inheriting the position, normal, color and * texture coordinates of another vertex. */ int SG_VertexNewCopy(void *obj, const SG_Vertex *vp) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Vertex *v; int vind; AG_ObjectLock(so); vind = SG_VertexNewv(obj, &vp->v); v = &so->vtx[vind]; v->c = vp->c; v->n = vp->n; v->st = vp->st; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (vind); } /* Resize the object's edge table. */ int SG_EdgeRehash(void *pso, Uint nEdgesNew) { SG_Object *so = pso; SG_EdgeEnt *edgeTblNew; Uint nEdgesOld, i; AG_ObjectLock(so); nEdgesOld = so->nEdgeTbl; Verbose("%s: rehashing for %u->%u edges\n", OBJECT(so)->name, nEdgesOld, nEdgesNew); if ((edgeTblNew = TryMalloc(nEdgesNew*sizeof(SG_EdgeEnt))) == NULL) { AG_SetError("Out of memory"); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (-1); } so->nEdgeTbl = nEdgesNew; for (i = 0; i < nEdgesNew; i++) { SLIST_INIT(&edgeTblNew[i].edges); } for (i = 0; i < nEdgesOld; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *eeNew, *eeOld; SG_Edge *e, *eNext; eeOld = &so->edgeTbl[i]; for (e = SLIST_FIRST(&eeOld->edges); e != SLIST_END(&eeOld->edges); e = eNext) { eNext = SLIST_NEXT(e, edges); eeNew = &edgeTblNew[SG_HashEdge(so, e->v, e->oe->v)]; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&eeNew->edges, e, edges); } } Free(so->edgeTbl); so->edgeTbl = edgeTblNew; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (0); } /* Resize the object's facet table. */ int SG_FacetRehash(void *pso, Uint nFacetsNew) { SG_Object *so = pso; SG_FacetEnt *facetTblNew; Uint nFacetsOld, i; AG_ObjectLock(so); nFacetsOld = so->nFacetTbl; Verbose("%s: rehashing for %u->%u facets\n", OBJECT(so)->name, nFacetsOld, nFacetsNew); if ((facetTblNew = TryMalloc(nFacetsNew*sizeof(SG_FacetEnt))) == NULL) { AG_SetError("Out of memory"); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (-1); } so->nFacetTbl = nFacetsNew; for (i = 0; i < nFacetsNew; i++) { SLIST_INIT(&facetTblNew[i].facets); } for (i = 0; i < nFacetsOld; i++) { SG_FacetEnt *feNew, *feOld; SG_Facet *f, *fNext; feOld = &so->facetTbl[i]; for (f = SLIST_FIRST(&feOld->facets); f != SLIST_END(&feOld->facets); f = fNext) { fNext = SLIST_NEXT(f, facets); feNew = &facetTblNew[SG_HashFacet(so,f)]; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&feNew->facets, f, facets); } } Free(so->facetTbl); so->facetTbl = facetTblNew; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (0); } /* * Create (or fetch) the edge between vertices vT and vH. Returns the * HEAD halfedge (vH). By convention, the HEAD halfedge points to the * face at the LEFT of the edge. * * This function does not assign the facet pointers. The face pointers of * existing edges are not changed, and for new edges they are set to NULL. */ SG_Edge * SG_Edge2(void *obj, int vT, int vH) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_EdgeEnt *ee; SG_Edge *e; AG_ObjectLock(so); ee = &so->edgeTbl[SG_HashEdge(so, vT,vH)]; SLIST_FOREACH(e, &ee->edges, edges) { if (e->v == vH && e->oe->v == vT) { AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (e); } if (e->v == vT && e->oe->v == vH) { AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (e->oe); } } e = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Edge)); e->v = vH; e->f = NULL; e->flags = 0; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ee->edges, e, edges); e->oe = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Edge)); e->oe->oe = e; e->oe->v = vT; e->oe->f = NULL; e->oe->flags = 0; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ee->edges, e->oe, edges); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (e); } /* * Generate a unique name string for an (half)edge. The parent object * must be locked. */ void SG_EdgeGetName(SG_Edge *e, char *dst, size_t dst_len) { snprintf(dst, dst_len, "%u->%u", e->v, e->oe->v); } /* * Destroy a facet and all references to it. This leaves a "hole" * in the place of the facet. */ void SG_FacetDelete(SG_Facet *f) { SG_Object *so = f->obj; SG_FacetEnt *fe; SG_Edge *e; Uint i; AG_ObjectLock(so); SG_FOREACH_EDGE(e, i, so) { if (e->f == f) e->f = NULL; } fe = &so->facetTbl[SG_HashFacet(so,f)]; SLIST_REMOVE(&fe->facets, f, sg_facet, facets); Free(f); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); } /* * Generate a triangular facet from a specified contour. * * If the contour specifies one or more existing edges, the orientation of * the facet may be reversed to be consistent with the existing facets sharing * those edges. */ SG_Facet * SG_FacetFromTri3(void *obj, int v1, int v2, int v3) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_FacetEnt *fe; SG_Facet *f; int i; f = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Facet)); f->obj = so; f->n = 3; f->flags = 0; f->of = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Facet)); f->of->obj = so; f->of->n = 3; f->of->flags = 0; AG_ObjectLock(so); f->e[0] = SG_Edge2(so, v1,v2); f->of->e[0] = f->e[0]->oe; f->e[1] = SG_Edge2(so, v2,v3); f->of->e[1] = f->e[1]->oe; f->e[2] = SG_Edge2(so, v3,v1); f->of->e[2] = f->e[2]->oe; f->e[3] = NULL; f->of->e[3] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { f->e[i]->f = f; f->e[i]->oe->f = f->of; } fe = &so->facetTbl[SG_HashTriangle(so, v1,v2,v3)]; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&fe->facets, f, facets); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (f); } /* Generate a quad facet from a specified contour. */ SG_Facet * SG_FacetFromQuad4(void *obj, int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_FacetEnt *fe; SG_Facet *f; int i; f = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Facet)); f->obj = so; f->n = 4; f->flags = 0; f->of = Malloc(sizeof(SG_Facet)); f->of->obj = so; f->of->n = 4; f->of->flags = 0; AG_ObjectLock(so); f->e[0] = SG_Edge2(so, v1,v2); f->of->e[0] = f->e[0]->oe; f->e[1] = SG_Edge2(so, v2,v3); f->of->e[1] = f->e[1]->oe; f->e[2] = SG_Edge2(so, v3,v4); f->of->e[2] = f->e[2]->oe; f->e[3] = SG_Edge2(so, v4,v1); f->of->e[3] = f->e[3]->oe; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { f->e[i]->f = f; f->e[i]->oe->f = f->of; } fe = &so->facetTbl[SG_HashQuad(so, v1,v2,v3,v4)]; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&fe->facets, f, facets); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (f); } /* * Generate a unique name string for a facet. * Parent object must be locked. */ void SG_FacetGetName(SG_Facet *f, char *dst, size_t dst_len) { switch (f->n) { case 3: snprintf(dst, dst_len, "%u,%u,%u", f->e[0]->v, f->e[1]->v, f->e[2]->v); break; case 4: snprintf(dst, dst_len, "%u,%u,%u,%u", f->e[0]->v, f->e[1]->v, f->e[2]->v, f->e[3]->v); break; default: break; } } /* Create an extrusion along a given direction from a facet. */ int SG_FacetExtrude(void *obj, SG_Facet *f, M_Vector3 d, SG_ExtrudeMode mode) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Facet *fE[4]; int i; AG_ObjectLock(so); for (i = 0; i < f->n; i++) { if (LFACE(f->e[i]) != f) { AG_SetError("Inconsistent facet edge %d", i); goto fail; } if (RFACE(f->e[i]) != NULL) { /* TODO replace face */ AG_SetError("Cannot extrude solid facet edge %d", i); goto fail; } } for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { fE[i] = SG_FacetFromQuad4(so, HVTX(f->e[i]), SG_VertexNew(so, M_VecAdd3(OBJ_V(so,HVTX(f->e[i])), d)), SG_VertexNew(so, M_VecAdd3(OBJ_V(so,TVTX(f->e[i])), d)), TVTX(f->e[i])); if (fE[i] == NULL) goto fail; } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (0); fail: AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (-1); } /* Return the area covered by a facet. */ M_Real SG_FacetArea(SG_Object *so, SG_Facet *f) { M_Real area = 0.0; int i, j; AG_ObjectLock(so); for (i = 0; i < f->n; i++) { j = (i + 1) % f->n; area += FACET_V(so,f,i).x * FACET_V(so,f,j).y; area -= FACET_V(so,f,i).y * FACET_V(so,f,j).x; } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); area /= 2.0; return (Fabs(area)); } /* Return the area covered by a facet (signed). */ M_Real SG_FacetAreaSigned(SG_Object *so, SG_Facet *f) { M_Real area = 0.0; int i, j; AG_ObjectLock(so); for (i = 0; i < f->n; i++) { j = (i + 1) % f->n; area += FACET_V(so,f,i).x * FACET_V(so,f,j).y; area -= FACET_V(so,f,i).y * FACET_V(so,f,j).x; } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (area/2.0); } /* * Compute the center of mass (centroid) of the given polygonal facet * in world coordinates. */ M_Vector3 SG_FacetCentroid(SG_Object *so, SG_Facet *f) { int i, j; M_Real dot, aTmp = 0.0; M_Vector3 vTmp = M_VecZero3(); AG_ObjectLock(so); for (i = (f->n - 1), j = 0; j < f->n; i = j, j++) { M_Vector3 *vi = &FACET_V(so,f,i); M_Vector3 *vj = &FACET_V(so,f,j); dot = M_VecDot3p(vi, vj); aTmp += dot; vTmp.x += (vj->x + vi->x) * dot; vTmp.y += (vj->y + vi->y) * dot; vTmp.z += (vj->z + vi->z) * dot; } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); if (aTmp != 0.0) { return (M_VecScale3p(&vTmp, 1.0/(2.0*aTmp))); } return M_VecZero3(); /* Undefined */ } /* Calculate vertex normals for the given object. */ int SG_ObjectNormalize(void *obj) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Facet *f; Uint fi; AG_ObjectLock(so); SG_FOREACH_FACET(f, fi, so) { M_Vector3 n; int i; n = SG_FacetNormal(so, f); for (i = 0; i < f->n; i++) { FACET_N(so,f,i) = n; } } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (0); } /* Tesselate quads to triangles for the given object. */ Uint SG_ObjectConvQuadsToTriangles(void *obj) { SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Facet *f; //, *t1, *t2; Uint count = 0, fi; AG_ObjectLock(so); SG_FOREACH_FACET(f, fi, so) { if (f->n != 4) { continue; } (void)SG_FacetFromTri3(so, FV1(f), FV2(f), FV3(f)); (void)SG_FacetFromTri3(so, FV3(f), FV4(f), FV1(f)); /* TODO XXX edge faces */ SG_FacetDelete(f); count++; } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (count); } /* Check for errors in the edge/facet/vertex connectivity information. */ int SG_ObjectCheckConnectivity(void *obj, AG_Console *C) { char fn[SG_FACET_NAME_MAX], en[SG_EDGE_NAME_MAX]; SG_Object *so = obj; SG_Facet *f; SG_Edge *e; Uint i, j, fi; Uint nErrors = 0, nRefs; Uint nHoles = 0; AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "*** Pass 1: Checking facets"); AG_ObjectLock(so); SG_FOREACH_FACET(f, fi, so) { SG_FacetGetName(f, fn, sizeof(fn)); /* Check back pointer */ if (f->obj != so) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Facet %s invalid backref %p", fn, f->obj); nErrors++; continue; } /* Check edge count */ if (f->n != 3 && f->n != 4) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Facet %s bad edge count %d", fn, f->n); nErrors++; continue; } /* * Each facet must be referenced by exactly n halfedges, * where n is the facet's side count. */ for (j = 0, nRefs = 0; j < so->nEdgeTbl; j++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ee = &so->edgeTbl[j]; SLIST_FOREACH(e, &ee->edges, edges) { if (e->f == f) break; } if (e != NULL) nRefs++; } if (nRefs != f->n) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Facet %s is referenced by %d edges instead of %d", fn, nRefs, f->n); nErrors++; } for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++) { e = f->e[j]; /* * Check that the facet's referenced halfedges have * the correct facet pointer. */ if (e->f != f) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Facet %s inconsistent e%d", fn, j); nErrors++; } /* * The opposing halfedge must point to the opposing * facet (dual-sided facet), or NULL * (single-sided facet). */ if (e->f == e->oe->f) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Facet %s e%d has inconsistent facet ref", fn, j); nErrors++; } else if (e->oe->f == NULL) { nHoles++; } } } AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "There are %u hole edges", nHoles); /* Check edge/facet and edge/vertex connectivity. */ AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "*** Pass 2: Checking edge->{facet,vertex} connectivity"); for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ee = &so->edgeTbl[i]; /* Edge must point to a valid vertex. */ SLIST_FOREACH(e, &ee->edges, edges) { SG_EdgeGetName(e, en, sizeof(en)); if (e->v < 0 || (Uint)e->v >= so->nVtx) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Edge %s bad vertex %d", en, e->v); continue; } /* Edge must be referenced by at least one facet. */ for (fi = 0; fi < so->nFacetTbl; fi++) { SLIST_FOREACH(f, &so->facetTbl[fi].facets, facets) { for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++) { if (f->e[j] == e || f->e[j] == e->oe) break; } if (j < f->n) break; } if (f != NULL) break; } if (fi == so->nFacetTbl) { AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Unreferenced edge %s", en); nErrors++; } } } AG_ObjectUnlock(so); AG_ConsoleMsg(C, "Found %u errors.\n\n", nErrors); if (nErrors > 0) { AG_SetError("Found %u errors", nErrors); return (-1); } return (0); } /* Generate vertex/edge adjacency matrix. */ Uint8 * SG_ObjectEdgeMatrix(SG_Object *so, Uint *pn) { #if 0 Uint8 *M; SG_Edge *e; int i, j; Uint n; AG_ObjectLock(so); n = so->nVtx; M = Malloc(sizeof(Uint8)*n*n); for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { M[i] = 0; } SLIST_FOREACH(e, &so->edges, edges) { M[e->oe->v*n + e->v] = 1; } *pn = so->nVtx; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (M); #else return (NULL); #endif } /* Generate vertex/facet adjacency matrix. */ Uint8 * SG_ObjectFacetMatrix(SG_Object *so, Uint *pn) { #if 0 Uint8 *M; SG_Edge *e; int i, j; Uint n; AG_ObjectLock(so); n = so->nVtx; M = Malloc(sizeof(Uint8)*n*n); for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { M[i] = 0; } SLIST_FOREACH(e, &so->edges, edges) { M[e->oe->v*n + e->v] = 1; } *pn = so->nVtx; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); return (M); #else return (NULL); #endif } /* Destroy all vertices, edges and facets. */ void SG_ObjectFreeGeometry(void *p) { SG_Object *so = p; Uint i; AG_ObjectLock(so); /* Free the edges */ for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ee = &so->edgeTbl[i]; SG_Edge *e, *eNext; for (e = SLIST_FIRST(&ee->edges); e != SLIST_END(&ee->edges); e = eNext) { eNext = SLIST_NEXT(e, edges); Free(e); } } so->edgeTbl = Realloc(so->edgeTbl, sizeof(SG_EdgeEnt)); so->nEdgeTbl = 1; SLIST_INIT(&so->edgeTbl[0].edges); /* Free the facets */ for (i = 0; i < so->nFacetTbl; i++) { SG_FacetEnt *fe = &so->facetTbl[i]; SG_Facet *f1, *f2; for (f1 = SLIST_FIRST(&fe->facets); f1 != SLIST_END(&fe->facets); f1 = f2) { f2 = SLIST_NEXT(f1, facets); Free(f1); } } so->facetTbl = Realloc(so->facetTbl, sizeof(SG_FacetEnt)); so->nFacetTbl = 1; SLIST_INIT(&so->facetTbl[0].facets); /* Free the vertices */ so->vtx = Realloc(so->vtx, sizeof(SG_Vertex)); so->nVtx = 1; AG_ObjectUnlock(so); } static void Destroy(void *_Nonnull p) { SG_Object *so = p; SG_ObjectFreeGeometry(so); } static int Load(void *_Nonnull obj, AG_DataSource *_Nonnull ds, const AG_Version *_Nonnull ver) { SG_Object *so = obj; Uint i, j, count; SG_Vertex *vtx; SG_Edge *e; SG_EdgeEnt *edgeTblNew; SG_Facet *f; SG_FacetEnt *facetTblNew; Uint v[4]; so->flags = AG_ReadUint32(ds); /* Load the vertex data. */ so->vtx = NULL; so->nVtx = (Uint)AG_ReadUint32(ds); if ((vtx = TryRealloc(so->vtx, so->nVtx*sizeof(SG_Vertex))) == NULL) { return (-1); } so->vtx = vtx; for (i = 1; i < so->nVtx; i++) { vtx = &so->vtx[i]; vtx->st = M_ReadVector2(ds); vtx->c = M_ReadColor(ds); M_ReadVector3v(ds, &vtx->n); M_ReadVector3v(ds, &vtx->v); vtx->flags = (Uint)AG_ReadUint8(ds); } /* Load the halfedge table. */ count = (Uint)AG_ReadUint32(ds); if ((edgeTblNew = TryRealloc(so->edgeTbl, count*sizeof(SG_EdgeEnt))) == NULL) { goto fail; } so->edgeTbl = edgeTblNew; so->nEdgeTbl = count; Verbose("%s: %u vertices, %u edges\n", AGOBJECT(so)->name, (Uint)so->nVtx, (Uint)so->nEdgeTbl/2); for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ee = &so->edgeTbl[i]; SLIST_INIT(&ee->edges); count = (Uint)AG_ReadUint32(ds); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { if ((e = TryMalloc(sizeof(SG_Edge))) == NULL) { goto fail; } if ((e->oe = TryMalloc(sizeof(SG_Edge))) == NULL) { Free(e); goto fail; } /* Load first halfedge */ e->f = NULL; e->v = (int)AG_ReadUint32(ds); e->flags = AG_ReadUint8(ds); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ee->edges, e, edges); /* Load second halfedge */ e->oe->oe = e; e->oe->f = NULL; e->oe->v = (int)AG_ReadUint32(ds); e->oe->flags = AG_ReadUint8(ds); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ee->edges, e->oe, edges); /* Check that the edge is in the correct bucket. */ if (SG_HashEdge(so, e->v, e->oe->v) != i) { AG_SetError("Edge is in wrong bucket"); goto fail; } } } /* Load the facet information. */ count = (Uint)AG_ReadUint32(ds); if ((facetTblNew = TryRealloc(so->facetTbl, count*sizeof(SG_FacetEnt))) == NULL) { goto fail; } so->facetTbl = facetTblNew; so->nFacetTbl = count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { SG_FacetEnt *fe = &so->facetTbl[i]; SLIST_INIT(&fe->facets); } Verbose("%s: reading %u facets\n", AGOBJECT(so)->name, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { SG_FacetEnt *fe; if ((f = TryMalloc(sizeof(SG_Facet))) == NULL) { goto fail; } f->obj = so; f->n = (Uint16)AG_ReadUint8(ds); if (f->n < 3 || f->n > 4) { AG_SetError("Facet %u invalid edge count", i); Free(f); goto fail; } f->flags = (Uint16)AG_ReadUint8(ds); for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++) { v[j] = (Uint)AG_ReadUint32(ds); } for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++) { f->e[j] = SG_FindEdge(so, v[j], v[(j+1)%f->n]); if (f->e[j] == NULL) { AG_SetError("Facet %u bad edge ref", i); Free(f); goto fail; } f->e[j]->f = f; } fe = &so->facetTbl[SG_HashFacet(so,f)]; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&fe->facets, f, facets); } /* XXX TODO: load texture */ return (0); fail: SG_ObjectFreeGeometry(so); return (-1); } static int Save(void *_Nonnull p, AG_DataSource *_Nonnull ds) { SG_Object *so = p; Uint i, j, count; off_t offs; SG_Edge *e; SG_Vertex *vtx; SG_Facet *f; AG_WriteUint32(ds, (Uint32)so->flags); /* Save the vertices. */ AG_WriteUint32(ds, so->nVtx); printf("%s: saving %u vertices\n", AGOBJECT(so)->name, so->nVtx); for (i = 1; i < so->nVtx; i++) { vtx = &so->vtx[i]; M_WriteVector2(ds, &vtx->st); M_WriteColor(ds, &vtx->c); M_WriteVector3(ds, &vtx->n); M_WriteVector3(ds, &vtx->v); AG_WriteUint8(ds, (Uint8)vtx->flags); } printf("%s: saving %u edges\n", AGOBJECT(so)->name, (Uint)so->nEdgeTbl); /* Save the edge table. Halfedges are saved in pair. */ AG_WriteUint32(ds, (Uint32)so->nEdgeTbl); for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SLIST_FOREACH(e, &so->edgeTbl[i].edges, edges) e->flags &= ~(SG_EDGE_SAVED); } for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { count = 0; offs = AG_Tell(ds); AG_WriteUint32(ds, 0); SLIST_FOREACH(e, &so->edgeTbl[i].edges, edges) { if (e->flags & SG_EDGE_SAVED) continue; /* Save first halfedge */ AG_WriteUint32(ds, (Uint32)e->v); AG_WriteUint8(ds, e->flags); e->flags |= SG_EDGE_SAVED; /* Save second halfedge */ AG_WriteUint32(ds, (Uint32)e->oe->v); AG_WriteUint8(ds, e->oe->flags); e->oe->flags |= SG_EDGE_SAVED; count++; } AG_WriteUint32At(ds, (Uint32)count, offs); } for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) SLIST_FOREACH(e, &so->edgeTbl[i].edges, edges) e->flags &= ~(SG_EDGE_SAVED); /* Save the list of facets. */ count = 0; offs = AG_Tell(ds); AG_WriteUint32(ds, 0); for (i = 0; i < so->nFacetTbl; i++) { SG_FacetEnt *fe = &so->facetTbl[i]; SLIST_FOREACH(f, &fe->facets, facets) { AG_WriteUint8(ds, (Uint8)f->n); AG_WriteUint8(ds, (Uint8)f->flags); for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++) { AG_WriteUint32(ds, f->e[j]->v); } count++; } } printf("%s: saved %u facets\n", AGOBJECT(so)->name, count); AG_WriteUint32At(ds, (Uint32)count, offs); return (0); } static void DrawFacetNormals(SG_Object *_Nonnull so, SG_Facet *_Nonnull f) { M_Vector3 vc = SG_FacetCentroid(so, f); M_Vector3 n = SG_FacetNormal(so, f); int lighting; GL_DisableSave(GL_LIGHTING, &lighting); GL_Begin(GL_LINES); { GL_Color3ub(255, 255, 0); GL_Vertex3v(&vc); M_VecScale3v(&n, 0.1); M_VecAdd3v(&n, &vc); GL_Vertex3v(&n); } GL_End(); GL_EnableSaved(GL_LIGHTING, lighting); } static void DrawVertexNormals(SG_Object *_Nonnull so) { int lighting; Uint i; GL_DisableSave(GL_LIGHTING, &lighting); GL_Begin(GL_LINES); GL_Color3ub(0, 255, 0); for (i = 0; i < so->nVtx; i++) { M_Vector3 *v = &so->vtx[i].v; M_Vector3 n = so->vtx[i].n; GL_Vertex3v(v); M_VecScale3v(&n, 0.1); M_VecAdd3v(&n, v); GL_Vertex3v(&n); } GL_End(); GL_EnableSaved(GL_LIGHTING, lighting); } static void DrawObjectSilouhette(SG_Object *_Nonnull so, SG_View *_Nonnull view) { #if 0 M_Vector3 vCam = SG_NodeDir(view->cam); int depthTest; #endif Uint i; GL_PushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT|GL_LINE_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); GL_Disable(GL_LIGHTING); #if 0 GL_DisableSave(GL_DEPTH_TEST, &depthTest); #endif GL_LineWidth(4.0); GL_Enable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL_Begin(GL_LINES); GL_Color4ub(0, 255, 0, 50); for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ent = &so->edgeTbl[i]; SG_Edge *e; SLIST_FOREACH(e, &ent->edges, edges) { #if 0 /* * Edge is a silouhette edge if it is shared * by both a front-facing and back-facing * polygon. */ if (e->f != NULL && e->oe->f != NULL) { M_Real dot1 = M_VecDot3(vCam, SG_FacetNormal(so, e->f)); M_Real dot2 = M_VecDot3(vCam, SG_FacetNormal(so, e->oe->f)); if ((dot1 >= 0 && dot2 <= 0) || (dot1 <= 0 && dot2 >= 0)) { GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[e->v].v); GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[e->oe->v].v); } } #else GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[e->v].v); GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[e->oe->v].v); #endif } } GL_End(); #if 0 GL_EnableSaved(GL_DEPTH_TEST, depthTest); #endif GL_PopAttrib(); } static void DrawObjectWireframe(SG_Object *_Nonnull so) { Uint i; GL_Begin(GL_LINES); GL_Color3ub(128, 128, 128); for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ent = &so->edgeTbl[i]; SG_Edge *e; SLIST_FOREACH(e, &ent->edges, edges) { GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[e->v].v); GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[e->oe->v].v); } } GL_End(); } static void DrawObjectVertices(SG_Object *_Nonnull so) { float pointSize; int lighting; Uint i; GL_DisableSave(GL_LIGHTING, &lighting); GL_GetFloatv(GL_POINT_SIZE, &pointSize); GL_PointSize(3.0); GL_Begin(GL_POINTS); for (i = 1; i < so->nVtx; i++) { GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[i]); } GL_End(); GL_EnableSaved(GL_LIGHTING, lighting); GL_PointSize(pointSize); } static void Draw(void *_Nonnull p, SG_View *_Nonnull view) { SG_Object *so = p; SG *sg = view->sg; SG_Facet *f; Uint fi, j; if (so->tex != NULL) { SG_TextureBind(so->tex, view); } SG_FOREACH_FACET(f, fi, so) { switch (f->n) { case 3: GL_Begin(GL_TRIANGLES); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[0]->v]); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[1]->v]); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[2]->v]); GL_End(); break; case 4: GL_Begin(GL_QUADS); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[0]->v]); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[1]->v]); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[2]->v]); GL_VertexTN(&so->vtx[f->e[3]->v]); GL_End(); break; } if (sg->flags & SG_OVERLAY_FNORMALS) DrawFacetNormals(so, f); if (f->flags & SG_FACET_SELECTED) { glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glLineWidth(2.0); GL_Begin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++) { GL_Color3ub(0, 255, 0); GL_Vertex3v(&so->vtx[f->e[j]->v].v); } GL_End(); glLineWidth(1.0); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); } } if (so->tex != NULL) { SG_TextureUnbind(so->tex, view); } if (SGNODE_SELECTED(so)) DrawObjectSilouhette(so, view); if (sg->flags & SG_OVERLAY_WIREFRAME) DrawObjectWireframe(so); if (sg->flags & SG_OVERLAY_VERTICES) DrawObjectVertices(so); if (sg->flags & SG_OVERLAY_VNORMALS) DrawVertexNormals(so); #if 0 glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_N3F_V3F, SG_VERTEX_STRIDE, (const GLvoid *)so->vtx); SLIST_FOREACH(prim, &so->prims, prims) { glDrawArrays(prim->type, 0, prim->n); } #endif } static int Intersect(void *_Nonnull obj, M_Geom3 g, M_GeomSet3 *_Nullable S) { return (0); } static void CheckConnectivity(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); AG_Window *win; AG_Console *cons; if ((win = AG_WindowNew(0)) == NULL) { return; } AG_WindowSetCaption(win, "<%s>: Connectivity Check", OBJECT(so)->name); AG_WindowSetPosition(win, AG_WINDOW_MR, 1); cons = AG_ConsoleNew(win, AG_CONSOLE_EXPAND); (void)SG_ObjectCheckConnectivity(so, cons); AG_WindowSetGeometryAlignedPct(win, AG_WINDOW_BR, 80, 20); AG_WindowShow(win); } static void RecomputeNormals(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); if (SG_ObjectNormalize(so) == -1) { AG_TextMsg(AG_MSG_ERROR, "%s: %s", AGOBJECT(so)->name, AG_GetError()); } } static void ConvQuadsToTriangles(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); Uint count; count = SG_ObjectConvQuadsToTriangles(so); AG_TextMsg(AG_MSG_INFO, "%s: converted %u quads", AGOBJECT(so)->name, count); } static void EdgeTableUpdate(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); AG_Table *tbl = AG_PTR(2); AG_Label *lbl = AG_PTR(3); Uint i; Uint totEdges = 0, nWorst = 0, nUsed = 0, nCollisions = 0; AG_ObjectLock(so); AG_TableBegin(tbl); for (i = 0; i < so->nEdgeTbl; i++) { SG_EdgeEnt *ee = &so->edgeTbl[i]; SG_Edge *e; Uint j = 0; SLIST_FOREACH(e, &ee->edges, edges) { AG_TableAddRow(tbl, "%d:%d:%d:%p", e->v, e->oe->v, i, e->f); j++; } if (j > 0) { nUsed++; } if (j > 2) { nCollisions++; } if (j > nWorst) { nWorst = j; } totEdges += j; } AG_TableEnd(tbl); AG_LabelText(lbl, _("%u edges in %u buckets (%u vertices)\n" "Distribution: %d%% (worst=%u, collisions=%u)"), totEdges/2, so->nEdgeTbl, so->nVtx, nUsed*100/so->nEdgeTbl, nWorst, nCollisions); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); } static void EdgeTableDlg(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); AG_Window *win; AG_Table *tbl; AG_Label *lbl; AG_Event ev; if ((win = AG_WindowNewNamed(0, "%p-edgetbl", so)) == NULL) { return; } AG_WindowSetCaption(win, _("%s: Edge table"), AGOBJECT(so)->name); AG_WindowSetPosition(win, AG_WINDOW_MR, 1); AG_WindowSetCloseAction(win, AG_WINDOW_DETACH); lbl = AG_LabelNewS(win, AG_LABEL_HFILL, NULL); tbl = AG_TableNew(win, AG_TABLE_EXPAND); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "v1", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "v2", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "b#", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "face", NULL, NULL); AG_ButtonNewFn(win, AG_BUTTON_HFILL, _("Refresh"), EdgeTableUpdate, "%p,%p,%p", so, tbl, lbl); AG_EventArgs(&ev, "%p,%p,%p", so, tbl, lbl); EdgeTableUpdate(&ev); AG_WindowShow(win); } static void FacetTableUpdate(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); AG_Table *tbl = AG_PTR(2); AG_Label *lbl = AG_PTR(3); Uint totTris = 0, totQuads = 0; Uint nBig = 0, nUsed = 0, nCollisions = 0; Uint i; AG_ObjectLock(so); AG_TableBegin(tbl); for (i = 0; i < so->nFacetTbl; i++) { SG_FacetEnt *fe = &so->facetTbl[i]; SG_Facet *f; Uint j = 0; SLIST_FOREACH(f, &fe->facets, facets) { if (f->n == 3) { AG_TableAddRow(tbl, "%s:%d:%d:%d:%s:%d:%s", "Tri", f->e[0]->v, f->e[1]->v, f->e[2]->v, "", i, f->flags & SG_FACET_SELECTED ? "SELECTED" : ""); totTris++; } else { AG_TableAddRow(tbl, "%s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%s", "Quad", f->e[0]->v, f->e[1]->v, f->e[2]->v, f->e[3]->v, i, f->flags & SG_FACET_SELECTED ? "SELECTED" : ""); totQuads++; } j++; } if (j > 0) { nUsed++; } if (j > 1) { nCollisions++; } if (j > nBig) { nBig = j; } } AG_TableEnd(tbl); AG_LabelText(lbl, _("%u triangles and %u quads in %u buckets (%u vertices)\n" "Distribution: %d%% (worst=%u, collisions=%u)"), totTris, totQuads, so->nFacetTbl, so->nVtx, nUsed*100/so->nFacetTbl, nBig, nCollisions); AG_ObjectUnlock(so); } static void FacetTableDlg(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); AG_Window *win; AG_Table *tbl; AG_Label *lbl; AG_Event ev; if ((win = AG_WindowNewNamed(0, "%p-facettbl", so)) == NULL) { return; } if ((win = AG_WindowNew(0)) == NULL) { return; } AG_WindowSetCaption(win, _("%s: Facet table"), AGOBJECT(so)->name); AG_WindowSetPosition(win, AG_WINDOW_MR, 1); AG_WindowSetCloseAction(win, AG_WINDOW_DETACH); lbl = AG_LabelNewS(win, AG_LABEL_HFILL, NULL); tbl = AG_TableNew(win, AG_TABLE_EXPAND); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "n", "", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "v0", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "v1", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "v2", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "v3", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "b#", "<8888>", NULL); AG_TableAddCol(tbl, "flags", NULL, NULL); AG_ButtonNewFn(win, AG_BUTTON_HFILL, _("Refresh"), FacetTableUpdate, "%p,%p,%p", so, tbl, lbl); AG_EventArgs(&ev, "%p,%p,%p", so, tbl, lbl); FacetTableUpdate(&ev); AG_WindowShow(win); } /* Return a generic menu for an Object. */ void SG_ObjectMenuInstance(void *pNode, AG_MenuItem *m, SG_View *sgv) { SG_Node *node = pNode; AG_MenuAction(m, _(" Edge table..."), NULL, EdgeTableDlg, "%p", node); AG_MenuAction(m, _(" Facet table..."), NULL, FacetTableDlg, "%p", node); AG_MenuAction(m, _(" Check connectivity"), NULL, CheckConnectivity, "%p", node); AG_MenuAction(m, _(" Recompute normals"), NULL, RecomputeNormals, "%p", node); AG_MenuAction(m, _(" Convert quads to triangles"), NULL, ConvQuadsToTriangles, "%p", node); } /* Import mesh from Stanford PLY file as a SG_Object. */ static void ImportMeshFromPLY(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); SG_View *sgv = AG_PTR(2); char *path = AG_STRING(3); AG_FileType *ft = AG_PTR(4); int *status = AG_PTR(5); Uint flags = 0; if (AG_FileOptionInt(ft, "ply.vtxnormals")) { flags |= SG_PLY_LOAD_VTX_NORMALS; } if (AG_FileOptionInt(ft, "ply.vtxcolors")) { flags |= SG_PLY_LOAD_VTX_COLORS; } if (AG_FileOptionInt(ft, "ply.texcoords")) { flags |= SG_PLY_LOAD_TEXCOORDS; } if (AG_FileOptionInt(ft, "ply.dups")) { flags |= SG_PLY_DUP_VERTICES; } if (SG_ObjectLoadPLY(so, path, flags) == -1) { *status = -1; return; } AG_Redraw(sgv); } static void ImportMeshDlg(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SG_Object *so = AG_PTR(1); SG_View *sgv = AG_PTR(2); AG_Window *win; AG_FileDlg *dlg; AG_FileType *ft; if ((win = AG_WindowNew(0)) == NULL) { return; } AG_WindowSetCaption(win, _("Import Data into %s..."), OBJECT(so)->name); dlg = AG_FileDlgNewMRU(win, "sg.mru.objects", AG_FILEDLG_LOAD|AG_FILEDLG_CLOSEWIN|AG_FILEDLG_EXPAND| AG_FILEDLG_MASK_EXT|AG_FILEDLG_MASK_HIDDEN); AG_FileDlgSetOptionContainer(dlg, AG_BoxNewVert(win,AG_BOX_HFILL)); ft = AG_FileDlgAddType(dlg, _("Stanford .PLY Format"), "*.ply", ImportMeshFromPLY, "%p,%p", so, sgv); AG_FileOptionNewBool(ft, _("Load vertex normals"), "ply.vtxnormals", 1); AG_FileOptionNewBool(ft, _("Load vertex colors"), "ply.vtxcolors", 1); AG_FileOptionNewBool(ft, _("Load texture coordinates"), "ply.texcoords", 1); AG_FileOptionNewBool(ft, _("Scan for duplicate vertices"), "ply.dups", 1); AG_WindowShow(win); } static void *_Nullable Edit(void *_Nonnull obj, SG_View *_Nullable sgv) { SG_Object *so = obj; AG_Mutex *lock = &OBJECT(so)->pvt.lock; SG *sg = SGNODE(so)->sg; AG_ObjectSelector *os; AG_Box *box; if (sg == NULL) return (NULL); box = AG_BoxNewVert(NULL, AG_BOX_HFILL); AG_ButtonNewFn(box, 0, _("Import Mesh..."), ImportMeshDlg, "%p,%p", so, sgv); AG_SeparatorNewHoriz(box); os = AG_ObjectSelectorNew(box, AG_OBJSEL_PAGE_DATA, SGNODE(so)->sg, OBJECT(sg)->root, _("Texture: ")); AG_ObjectSelectorMaskType(os, "SG_Texture:*"); AG_BindPointerMp(os, "object", (void *)&so->tex, lock); return (box); } SG_NodeClass sgObjectClass = { { "SG_Node:SG_Object", sizeof(SG_Object), { 0,0 }, Init, Reset, Destroy, Load, Save, SG_NodeEdit }, SG_ObjectMenuInstance, NULL, /* menuClass */ Draw, Intersect, Edit };