/* * Revision and copyright information. * * Copyright (c) 1985-2003 by Kenneth S. Kundert * * $Date: 2003/06/29 04:19:52 $ * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * Sparse1.4 is distributed as open-source software under the Berkeley * license model. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with * or without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the original copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions * in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of * the copyright holder nor the names of the authors may be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors * ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not * limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for * a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright * owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, * special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not * limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, * data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any * theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort * (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use * of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. */ /* * MATRIX FACTORIZATION MODULE * * Author: Advising Professor: * Kenneth S. Kundert Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli * UC Berkeley * * This file contains the routines to factor the matrix into LU form. */ #include #include "m.h" #include "m_sparse.h" static int FactorComplexMatrix( MatrixPtr ); static void CountMarkowitz( MatrixPtr, RealVector, int ); static void MarkowitzProducts( MatrixPtr, int ); static ElementPtr SearchForPivot( MatrixPtr, int, int ); static ElementPtr SearchForSingleton( MatrixPtr, int ); static ElementPtr QuicklySearchDiagonal( MatrixPtr, int ); static ElementPtr SearchDiagonal( MatrixPtr, int ); static ElementPtr SearchEntireMatrix( MatrixPtr, int ); static RealNumber FindLargestInCol( ElementPtr ); static RealNumber FindBiggestInColExclude( MatrixPtr, ElementPtr, int ); static void ExchangeRowsAndCols( MatrixPtr, ElementPtr, int ); static void ExchangeColElements( MatrixPtr, int, ElementPtr, int, ElementPtr, int ); static void ExchangeRowElements( MatrixPtr, int, ElementPtr, int, ElementPtr, int ); static void RealRowColElimination( MatrixPtr, ElementPtr ); static void ComplexRowColElimination( MatrixPtr, ElementPtr ); static void UpdateMarkowitzNumbers( MatrixPtr, ElementPtr ); static int MatrixIsSingular( MatrixPtr, int ); static int ZeroPivot( MatrixPtr, int ); /*! * This routine chooses a pivot order for the matrix and factors it * into \a LU form. It handles both the initial factorization and subsequent * factorizations when a reordering is desired. This is handled in a manner * that is transparent to the user. The routine uses a variation of * Gauss's method where the pivots are associated with \a L and the * diagonal terms of \a U are one. * * \return * The error code is returned. Possible errors are \a spNO_MEMORY, * \a spSINGULAR and \a spSMALL_PIVOT. * Error is cleared upon entering this function. * * \param eMatrix * Pointer to the matrix. * \param RHS * Representative right-hand side vector that is used to determine * pivoting order when the right hand side vector is sparse. If * RHS is a NULL pointer then the RHS vector is assumed to * be full and it is not used when determining the pivoting * order. * \param RelThreshold * This number determines what the pivot relative threshold will * be. It should be between zero and one. If it is one then the * pivoting method becomes complete pivoting, which is very slow * and tends to fill up the matrix. If it is set close to zero * the pivoting method becomes strict Markowitz with no * threshold. The pivot threshold is used to eliminate pivot * candidates that would cause excessive element growth if they * were used. Element growth is the cause of roundoff error. * Element growth occurs even in well-conditioned matrices. * Setting the \a RelThreshold large will reduce element growth and * roundoff error, but setting it too large will cause execution * time to be excessive and will result in a large number of * fill-ins. If this occurs, accuracy can actually be degraded * because of the large number of operations required on the * matrix due to the large number of fill-ins. A good value seems * to be 0.001. The default is chosen by giving a value larger * than one or less than or equal to zero. This value should be * increased and the matrix resolved if growth is found to be * excessive. Changing the pivot threshold does not improve * performance on matrices where growth is low, as is often the * case with ill-conditioned matrices. Once a valid threshold is * given, it becomes the new default. The default value of * \a RelThreshold was choosen for use with nearly diagonally * dominant matrices such as node- and modified-node admittance * matrices. For these matrices it is usually best to use * diagonal pivoting. For matrices without a strong diagonal, it * is usually best to use a larger threshold, such as 0.01 or * 0.1. * \param AbsThreshold * The absolute magnitude an element must have to be considered * as a pivot candidate, except as a last resort. This number * should be set significantly smaller than the smallest diagonal * element that is is expected to be placed in the matrix. If * there is no reasonable prediction for the lower bound on these * elements, then \a AbsThreshold should be set to zero. * \a AbsThreshold is used to reduce the possibility of choosing as a * pivot an element that has suffered heavy cancellation and as a * result mainly consists of roundoff error. Once a valid * threshold is given, it becomes the new default. * \param DiagPivoting * A flag indicating that pivot selection should be confined to the * diagonal if possible. If \a DiagPivoting is nonzero and if * \a DIAGONAL_PIVOTING is enabled pivots will be chosen only from * the diagonal unless there are no diagonal elements that satisfy * the threshold criteria. Otherwise, the entire reduced * submatrix is searched when looking for a pivot. The diagonal * pivoting in Sparse is efficient and well refined, while the * off-diagonal pivoting is not. For symmetric and near symmetric * matrices, it is best to use diagonal pivoting because it * results in the best performance when reordering the matrix and * when factoring the matrix without ordering. If there is a * considerable amount of nonsymmetry in the matrix, then * off-diagonal pivoting may result in a better equation ordering * simply because there are more pivot candidates to choose from. * A better ordering results in faster subsequent factorizations. * However, the initial pivot selection process takes considerably * longer for off-diagonal pivoting. * * \see spFactor() */ /* >>> Local variables: * pPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element being used as a pivot. * */ spError spOrderAndFactor( spMatrix eMatrix, spREAL RHS[], spREAL RelThreshold, spREAL AbsThreshold, int DiagPivoting ) { MatrixPtr Matrix = (MatrixPtr)eMatrix; ElementPtr pPivot; int Step, Size; RealNumber LargestInCol; /* Begin `spOrderAndFactor'. */ ASSERT_IS_SPARSE( Matrix ); ASSERT_NO_ERRORS( Matrix ); ASSERT_IS_NOT_FACTORED( Matrix ); Matrix->Error = spOKAY; Size = Matrix->Size; if (RelThreshold <= 0.0) RelThreshold = Matrix->RelThreshold; if (RelThreshold > 1.0) RelThreshold = Matrix->RelThreshold; Matrix->RelThreshold = RelThreshold; if (AbsThreshold < 0.0) AbsThreshold = Matrix->AbsThreshold; Matrix->AbsThreshold = AbsThreshold; if (NOT Matrix->NeedsOrdering) { /* Matrix has been factored before and reordering is not required. */ for (Step = 1; Step <= Size; Step++) { pPivot = Matrix->Diag[Step]; LargestInCol = FindLargestInCol(pPivot->NextInCol); if ((LargestInCol * RelThreshold < ELEMENT_MAG(pPivot))) { if (Matrix->Complex) ComplexRowColElimination( Matrix, pPivot ); else RealRowColElimination( Matrix, pPivot ); } else { Matrix->NeedsOrdering = YES; break; /* for loop */ } } if (NOT Matrix->NeedsOrdering) goto Done; else { /* * A pivot was not large enough to maintain accuracy, * so a partial reordering is required. */ AG_Verbose("SPARSE Strange: Reordering, Step = %1d\n", Step); } } /* End of if(NOT Matrix->NeedsOrdering) */ else { /* * This is the first time the matrix has been factored. These few statements * indicate to the rest of the code that a full reodering is required rather * than a partial reordering, which occurs during a failure of a fast * factorization. */ Step = 1; if (NOT Matrix->RowsLinked) spcLinkRows( Matrix ); if (NOT Matrix->InternalVectorsAllocated) spcCreateInternalVectors( Matrix ); if (Matrix->Error >= spFATAL) return Matrix->Error; } /* Form initial Markowitz products. */ CountMarkowitz( Matrix, RHS, Step ); MarkowitzProducts( Matrix, Step ); Matrix->MaxRowCountInLowerTri = -1; /* Perform reordering and factorization. */ for (; Step <= Size; Step++) { pPivot = SearchForPivot( Matrix, Step, DiagPivoting ); if (pPivot == NULL) return MatrixIsSingular( Matrix, Step ); ExchangeRowsAndCols( Matrix, pPivot, Step ); if (Matrix->Complex) ComplexRowColElimination( Matrix, pPivot ); else RealRowColElimination( Matrix, pPivot ); if (Matrix->Error >= spFATAL) return Matrix->Error; UpdateMarkowitzNumbers( Matrix, pPivot ); #ifdef ANNOTATE_FULL WriteStatus( Matrix, Step ); #endif } Done: Matrix->NeedsOrdering = NO; Matrix->Reordered = YES; Matrix->Factored = YES; return Matrix->Error; } /*! * This routine is the companion routine to spOrderAndFactor(). * Unlike spOrderAndFactor(), spFactor() cannot change the ordering. * It is also faster than spOrderAndFactor(). The standard way of * using these two routines is to first use spOrderAndFactor() for the * initial factorization. For subsequent factorizations, spFactor() * is used if there is some assurance that little growth will occur * (say for example, that the matrix is diagonally dominant). If * spFactor() is called for the initial factorization of the matrix, * then spOrderAndFactor() is automatically called with the default * threshold. This routine uses "row at a time" \a LU factorization. * Pivots are associated with the lower triangular matrix and the * diagonals of the upper triangular matrix are ones. * * \return * The error code is returned. Possible errors are * \a spNO_MEMORY, \a spSINGULAR, \a spZERO_DIAG and \a spSMALL_PIVOT. * Error is cleared upon entering this function. * * \param eMatrix * Pointer to matrix. * \see spOrderAndFactor() */ spError spFactor( spMatrix eMatrix ) { MatrixPtr Matrix = (MatrixPtr)eMatrix; register ElementPtr pElement; register ElementPtr pColumn; register int Step, Size; RealNumber Mult; /* Begin `spFactor'. */ ASSERT_IS_SPARSE( Matrix ); ASSERT_NO_ERRORS( Matrix ); ASSERT_IS_NOT_FACTORED( Matrix ); if (Matrix->NeedsOrdering) { return spOrderAndFactor( eMatrix, (RealVector)NULL, 0.0, 0.0, DIAG_PIVOTING_AS_DEFAULT ); } if (NOT Matrix->Partitioned) spPartition( eMatrix, spDEFAULT_PARTITION ); if (Matrix->Complex) return FactorComplexMatrix( Matrix ); Size = Matrix->Size; if (Matrix->Diag[1]->Real == 0.0) return ZeroPivot( Matrix, 1 ); Matrix->Diag[1]->Real = 1.0 / Matrix->Diag[1]->Real; /* Start factorization. */ for (Step = 2; Step <= Size; Step++) { if (Matrix->DoRealDirect[Step]) { /* Update column using direct addressing scatter-gather. */ register RealNumber *Dest = (RealNumber *)Matrix->Intermediate; /* Scatter. */ pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pElement != NULL) { Dest[pElement->Row] = pElement->Real; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* Update column. */ pColumn = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pColumn->Row < Step) { pElement = Matrix->Diag[pColumn->Row]; pColumn->Real = Dest[pColumn->Row] * pElement->Real; while ((pElement = pElement->NextInCol) != NULL) Dest[pElement->Row] -= pColumn->Real * pElement->Real; pColumn = pColumn->NextInCol; } /* Gather. */ pElement = Matrix->Diag[Step]->NextInCol; while (pElement != NULL) { pElement->Real = Dest[pElement->Row]; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* Check for singular matrix. */ if (Dest[Step] == 0.0) return ZeroPivot( Matrix, Step ); Matrix->Diag[Step]->Real = 1.0 / Dest[Step]; } else { /* Update column using indirect addressing scatter-gather. */ register RealNumber **pDest = (RealNumber **)Matrix->Intermediate; /* Scatter. */ pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pElement != NULL) { pDest[pElement->Row] = &pElement->Real; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* Update column. */ pColumn = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pColumn->Row < Step) { pElement = Matrix->Diag[pColumn->Row]; Mult = (*pDest[pColumn->Row] *= pElement->Real); while ((pElement = pElement->NextInCol) != NULL) *pDest[pElement->Row] -= Mult * pElement->Real; pColumn = pColumn->NextInCol; } /* Check for singular matrix. */ if (Matrix->Diag[Step]->Real == 0.0) return ZeroPivot( Matrix, Step ); Matrix->Diag[Step]->Real = 1.0 / Matrix->Diag[Step]->Real; } } Matrix->Factored = YES; return (Matrix->Error = spOKAY); } /* * FACTOR COMPLEX MATRIX * * This routine is the companion routine to spFactor(), it * handles complex matrices. It is otherwise identical. * * >>> Returned: * The error code is returned. Possible errors are listed below. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (char *) * Pointer to matrix. * * >>> Possible errors: * spSINGULAR * Error is cleared in this function. */ static int FactorComplexMatrix( MatrixPtr Matrix ) { register ElementPtr pElement; register ElementPtr pColumn; register int Step, Size; ComplexNumber Mult, Pivot; /* Begin `FactorComplexMatrix'. */ ASSERT(Matrix->Complex); Size = Matrix->Size; pElement = Matrix->Diag[1]; if (ELEMENT_MAG(pElement) == 0.0) return ZeroPivot( Matrix, 1 ); /* Cmplx expr: *pPivot = 1.0 / *pPivot. */ CMPLX_RECIPROCAL( *pElement, *pElement ); /* Start factorization. */ for (Step = 2; Step <= Size; Step++) { if (Matrix->DoCmplxDirect[Step]) { /* Update column using direct addressing scatter-gather. */ register ComplexNumber *Dest; Dest = (ComplexNumber *)Matrix->Intermediate; /* Scatter. */ pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pElement != NULL) { Dest[pElement->Row] = *(ComplexNumber *)pElement; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* Update column. */ pColumn = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pColumn->Row < Step) { pElement = Matrix->Diag[pColumn->Row]; /* Cmplx expr: Mult = Dest[pColumn->Row] * (1.0 / *pPivot). */ CMPLX_MULT(Mult, Dest[pColumn->Row], *pElement); CMPLX_ASSIGN(*pColumn, Mult); while ((pElement = pElement->NextInCol) != NULL) { /* Cmplx expr: Dest[pElement->Row] -= Mult * pElement */ CMPLX_MULT_SUBT_ASSIGN(Dest[pElement->Row],Mult,*pElement); } pColumn = pColumn->NextInCol; } /* Gather. */ pElement = Matrix->Diag[Step]->NextInCol; while (pElement != NULL) { *(ComplexNumber *)pElement = Dest[pElement->Row]; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* Check for singular matrix. */ Pivot = Dest[Step]; if (CMPLX_1_NORM(Pivot) == 0.0) return ZeroPivot( Matrix, Step ); CMPLX_RECIPROCAL( *Matrix->Diag[Step], Pivot ); } else { /* Update column using direct addressing scatter-gather. */ register ComplexNumber **pDest; pDest = (ComplexNumber **)Matrix->Intermediate; /* Scatter. */ pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pElement != NULL) { pDest[pElement->Row] = (ComplexNumber *)pElement; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* Update column. */ pColumn = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pColumn->Row < Step) { pElement = Matrix->Diag[pColumn->Row]; /* Cmplx expr: Mult = *pDest[pColumn->Row] * (1.0 / *pPivot). */ CMPLX_MULT(Mult, *pDest[pColumn->Row], *pElement); CMPLX_ASSIGN(*pDest[pColumn->Row], Mult); while ((pElement = pElement->NextInCol) != NULL) { /* Cmplx expr: *pDest[pElement->Row] -= Mult * pElement */ CMPLX_MULT_SUBT_ASSIGN(*pDest[pElement->Row],Mult,*pElement); } pColumn = pColumn->NextInCol; } /* Check for singular matrix. */ pElement = Matrix->Diag[Step]; if (ELEMENT_MAG(pElement) == 0.0) return ZeroPivot( Matrix, Step ); CMPLX_RECIPROCAL( *pElement, *pElement ); } } Matrix->Factored = YES; return (Matrix->Error = spOKAY); } /*! * This routine determines the cost to factor each row using both * direct and indirect addressing and decides, on a row-by-row basis, * which addressing mode is fastest. This information is used in * spFactor() to speed the factorization. * * When factoring a previously ordered matrix using spFactor(), Sparse * operates on a row-at-a-time basis. For speed, on each step, the * row being updated is copied into a full vector and the operations * are performed on that vector. This can be done one of two ways, * either using direct addressing or indirect addressing. Direct * addressing is fastest when the matrix is relatively dense and * indirect addressing is best when the matrix is quite sparse. The * user selects the type of partition used with \a Mode. If \a Mode is set * to \a spDIRECT_PARTITION, then the all rows are placed in the direct * addressing partition. Similarly, if \a Mode is set to * \a spINDIRECT_PARTITION, then the all rows are placed in the indirect * addressing partition. By setting \a Mode to \a spAUTO_PARTITION, the * user allows Sparse to select the partition for each row * individually. spFactor() generally runs faster if Sparse is * allowed to choose its own partitioning, however choosing a * partition is expensive. The time required to choose a partition is * of the same order of the cost to factor the matrix. If you plan to * factor a large number of matrices with the same structure, it is * best to let Sparse choose the partition. Otherwise, you should * choose the partition based on the predicted density of the matrix. * * \param eMatrix * Pointer to matrix. * \param Mode * Mode must be one of three special codes: \a spDIRECT_PARTITION, * \a spINDIRECT_PARTITION, or \a spAUTO_PARTITION. */ void spPartition( spMatrix eMatrix, int Mode ) { MatrixPtr Matrix = (MatrixPtr)eMatrix; register ElementPtr pElement, pColumn; register int Step, Size; register int *Nc, *No; register long *Nm; BOOLEAN *DoRealDirect, *DoCmplxDirect; /* Begin `spPartition'. */ ASSERT_IS_SPARSE( Matrix ); if (Matrix->Partitioned) return; Size = Matrix->Size; DoRealDirect = Matrix->DoRealDirect; DoCmplxDirect = Matrix->DoCmplxDirect; Matrix->Partitioned = YES; /* If partition is specified by the user, this is easy. */ if (Mode == spDEFAULT_PARTITION) Mode = DEFAULT_PARTITION; if (Mode == spDIRECT_PARTITION) { for (Step = 1; Step <= Size; Step++) DoRealDirect[Step] = YES; DoCmplxDirect[Step] = YES; return; } else if (Mode == spINDIRECT_PARTITION) { for (Step = 1; Step <= Size; Step++) DoRealDirect[Step] = NO; DoCmplxDirect[Step] = NO; return; } else vASSERT( Mode == spAUTO_PARTITION, "Invalid partition code" );; /* Otherwise, count all operations needed in when factoring matrix. */ Nc = (int *)Matrix->MarkowitzRow; No = (int *)Matrix->MarkowitzCol; Nm = (long *)Matrix->MarkowitzProd; /* Start mock-factorization. */ for (Step = 1; Step <= Size; Step++) { Nc[Step] = No[Step] = Nm[Step] = 0; pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pElement != NULL) { Nc[Step]++; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } pColumn = Matrix->FirstInCol[Step]; while (pColumn->Row < Step) { pElement = Matrix->Diag[pColumn->Row]; Nm[Step]++; while ((pElement = pElement->NextInCol) != NULL) No[Step]++; pColumn = pColumn->NextInCol; } } for (Step = 1; Step <= Size; Step++) { /* * The following are just estimates based on a count on the number of * machine instructions used on each machine to perform the various * tasks. It was assumed that each machine instruction required the * same amount of time (I don't believe this is true for the VAX, and * have no idea if this is true for the 68000 family). For optimum * performance, these numbers should be tuned to the machine. * Nc is the number of nonzero elements in the column. * Nm is the number of multipliers in the column. * No is the number of operations in the inner loop. */ #define generic #ifdef hp9000s300 DoRealDirect[Step] = (Nm[Step] + No[Step] > 3*Nc[Step] - 2*Nm[Step]); /* On the hp350, it is never profitable to use direct for complex. */ DoCmplxDirect[Step] = NO; #undef generic #endif #ifdef vax DoRealDirect[Step] = (Nm[Step] + No[Step] > 3*Nc[Step] - 2*Nm[Step]); DoCmplxDirect[Step] = (Nm[Step] + No[Step] > 7*Nc[Step] - 4*Nm[Step]); #undef generic #endif #ifdef generic DoRealDirect[Step] = (Nm[Step] + No[Step] > 3*Nc[Step] - 2*Nm[Step]); DoCmplxDirect[Step] = (Nm[Step] + No[Step] > 7*Nc[Step] - 4*Nm[Step]); #undef generic #endif } #ifdef ANNOTATE_FULL { int Ops = 0; for (Step = 1; Step <= Size; Step++) Ops += No[Step]; printf("Operation count for inner loop of factorization = %d.\n", Ops); } #endif return; } /* * CREATE INTERNAL VECTORS * * Creates the Markowitz and Intermediate vectors. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * * >>> Possible errors: * spNO_MEMORY */ void spcCreateInternalVectors( MatrixPtr Matrix ) { int Size; /* Begin `spcCreateInternalVectors'. */ /* Create Markowitz arrays. */ Size= Matrix->Size; if (Matrix->MarkowitzRow == NULL) { if (( Matrix->MarkowitzRow = ALLOC(int, Size+1)) == NULL) Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; } if (Matrix->MarkowitzCol == NULL) { if (( Matrix->MarkowitzCol = ALLOC(int, Size+1)) == NULL) Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; } if (Matrix->MarkowitzProd == NULL) { if (( Matrix->MarkowitzProd = ALLOC(long, Size+2)) == NULL) Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; } /* Create DoDirect vectors for use in spFactor(). */ if (Matrix->DoRealDirect == NULL) { if (( Matrix->DoRealDirect = ALLOC(BOOLEAN, Size+1)) == NULL) Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; } if (Matrix->DoCmplxDirect == NULL) { if (( Matrix->DoCmplxDirect = ALLOC(BOOLEAN, Size+1)) == NULL) Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; } /* Create Intermediate vectors for use in MatrixSolve. */ if (Matrix->Intermediate == NULL) { if ((Matrix->Intermediate = ALLOC(RealNumber,2*(Size+1))) == NULL) Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; } if (Matrix->Error != spNO_MEMORY) Matrix->InternalVectorsAllocated = YES; return; } /* * COUNT MARKOWITZ * * Scans Matrix to determine the Markowitz counts for each row and column. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * RHS (RealVector) * Representative right-hand side vector that is used to determine * pivoting order when the right hand side vector is sparse. If * RHS is a NULL pointer then the RHS vector is assumed to be full * and it is not used when determining the pivoting order. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * Count (int) * Temporary counting variable. * ExtRow (int) * The external row number that corresponds to I. * pElement (ElementPtr) * Pointer to matrix elements. * Size (int) * The size of the matrix. */ static void CountMarkowitz( MatrixPtr Matrix, register RealVector RHS, int Step ) { register int Count, I, Size = Matrix->Size; register ElementPtr pElement; int ExtRow; /* Begin `CountMarkowitz'. */ /* Generate MarkowitzRow Count for each row. */ for (I = Step; I <= Size; I++) { /* Set Count to -1 initially to remove count due to pivot element. */ Count = -1; pElement = Matrix->FirstInRow[I]; while (pElement != NULL AND pElement->Col < Step) pElement = pElement->NextInRow; while (pElement != NULL) { Count++; pElement = pElement->NextInRow; } /* Include nonzero elements in the RHS vector. */ ExtRow = Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[I]; if (RHS != NULL) { if (Matrix->Complex) { if ((RHS[2*ExtRow] != 0.0) OR (RHS[2*ExtRow+1] != 0.0)) Count++; } else if (RHS[I] != 0.0) Count++; } Matrix->MarkowitzRow[I] = Count; } /* Generate the MarkowitzCol count for each column. */ for (I = Step; I <= Size; I++) { /* Set Count to -1 initially to remove count due to pivot element. */ Count = -1; pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[I]; while (pElement != NULL AND pElement->Row < Step) pElement = pElement->NextInCol; while (pElement != NULL) { Count++; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } Matrix->MarkowitzCol[I] = Count; } return; } /* * MARKOWITZ PRODUCTS * * Calculates MarkowitzProduct for each diagonal element from the Markowitz * counts. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local Variables: * pMarkowitzProduct (long *) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzProduct array. Is used to * sequentially access entries quickly. * pMarkowitzRow (int *) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzRow array. Is used to sequentially * access entries quickly. * pMarkowitzCol (int *) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzCol array. Is used to sequentially * access entries quickly. * Product (long) * Temporary storage for Markowitz product./ * Size (int) * The size of the matrix. */ static void MarkowitzProducts( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { register int I, *pMarkowitzRow, *pMarkowitzCol; register long Product, *pMarkowitzProduct; register int Size = Matrix->Size; double fProduct; /* Begin `MarkowitzProducts'. */ Matrix->Singletons = 0; pMarkowitzProduct = &(Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]); pMarkowitzRow = &(Matrix->MarkowitzRow[Step]); pMarkowitzCol = &(Matrix->MarkowitzCol[Step]); for (I = Step; I <= Size; I++) { /* If chance of overflow, use real numbers. */ if ((*pMarkowitzRow > LARGEST_SHORT_INTEGER AND *pMarkowitzCol != 0) OR (*pMarkowitzCol > LARGEST_SHORT_INTEGER AND *pMarkowitzRow != 0)) { fProduct = (double)(*pMarkowitzRow++) * (double)(*pMarkowitzCol++); if (fProduct >= LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER) *pMarkowitzProduct++ = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; else *pMarkowitzProduct++ = (long)fProduct; } else { Product = *pMarkowitzRow++ * *pMarkowitzCol++; if ((*pMarkowitzProduct++ = Product) == 0) Matrix->Singletons++; } } return; } /* * SEARCH FOR BEST PIVOT * * Performs a search to determine the element with the lowest Markowitz * Product that is also acceptable. An acceptable element is one that is * larger than the AbsThreshold and at least as large as RelThreshold times * the largest element in the same column. The first step is to look for * singletons if any exist. If none are found, then all the diagonals are * searched. The diagonal is searched once quickly using the assumption that * elements on the diagonal are large compared to other elements in their * column, and so the pivot can be chosen only on the basis of the Markowitz * criterion. After a element has been chosen to be pivot on the basis of * its Markowitz product, it is checked to see if it is large enough. * Waiting to the end of the Markowitz search to check the size of a pivot * candidate saves considerable time, but is not guaranteed to find an * acceptable pivot. Thus if unsuccessful a second pass of the diagonal is * made. This second pass checks to see if an element is large enough during * the search, not after it. If still no acceptable pivot candidate has * been found, the search expands to cover the entire matrix. * * >>> Returned: * A pointer to the element chosen to be pivot. If every element in the * matrix is zero, then NULL is returned. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * The row and column number of the beginning of the reduced submatrix. * * >>> Local variables: * ChosenPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to element that has been chosen to be the pivot. * * >>> Possible errors: * spSINGULAR * spSMALL_PIVOT */ static ElementPtr SearchForPivot( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step, BOOLEAN DiagPivoting ) { register ElementPtr ChosenPivot; /* Begin `SearchForPivot'. */ /* If singletons exist, look for an acceptable one to use as pivot. */ if (Matrix->Singletons) { ChosenPivot = SearchForSingleton( Matrix, Step ); if (ChosenPivot != NULL) { Matrix->PivotSelectionMethod = 's'; return ChosenPivot; } } #if DIAGONAL_PIVOTING if (DiagPivoting) { /* * Either no singletons exist or they weren't acceptable. Take quick first * pass at searching diagonal. First search for element on diagonal of * remaining submatrix with smallest Markowitz product, then check to see * if it okay numerically. If not, QuicklySearchDiagonal fails. */ ChosenPivot = QuicklySearchDiagonal( Matrix, Step ); if (ChosenPivot != NULL) { Matrix->PivotSelectionMethod = 'q'; return ChosenPivot; } /* * Quick search of diagonal failed, carefully search diagonal and check each * pivot candidate numerically before even tentatively accepting it. */ ChosenPivot = SearchDiagonal( Matrix, Step ); if (ChosenPivot != NULL) { Matrix->PivotSelectionMethod = 'd'; return ChosenPivot; } } #endif /* DIAGONAL_PIVOTING */ /* No acceptable pivot found yet, search entire matrix. */ ChosenPivot = SearchEntireMatrix( Matrix, Step ); Matrix->PivotSelectionMethod = 'e'; return ChosenPivot; } /* * SEARCH FOR SINGLETON TO USE AS PIVOT * * Performs a search to find a singleton to use as the pivot. The * first acceptable singleton is used. A singleton is acceptable if * it is larger in magnitude than the AbsThreshold and larger * than RelThreshold times the largest of any other elements in the same * column. It may seem that a singleton need not satisfy the * relative threshold criterion, however it is necessary to prevent * excessive growth in the RHS from resulting in overflow during the * forward and backward substitution. A singleton does not need to * be on the diagonal to be selected. * * >>> Returned: * A pointer to the singleton chosen to be pivot. In no singleton is * acceptable, return NULL. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * ChosenPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to element that has been chosen to be the pivot. * PivotMag (RealNumber) * Magnitude of ChosenPivot. * Singletons (int) * The count of the number of singletons that can be used as pivots. * A local version of Matrix->Singletons. * pMarkowitzProduct (long *) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzProduct array. It is used to quickly * access successive Markowitz products. */ static ElementPtr SearchForSingleton( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { register ElementPtr ChosenPivot; register int I; register long *pMarkowitzProduct; int Singletons; RealNumber PivotMag; /* Begin `SearchForSingleton'. */ /* Initialize pointer that is to scan through MarkowitzProduct vector. */ pMarkowitzProduct = &(Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Matrix->Size+1]); Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Matrix->Size+1] = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]; /* Decrement the count of available singletons, on the assumption that an * acceptable one will be found. */ Singletons = Matrix->Singletons--; /* * Assure that following while loop will always terminate, this is just * preventive medicine, if things are working right this should never * be needed. */ Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step-1] = 0; while (Singletons-- > 0) { /* Singletons exist, find them. */ /* * This is tricky. Am using a pointer to sequentially step through the * MarkowitzProduct array. Search terminates when singleton (Product = 0) * is found. Note that the conditional in the while statement * ( *pMarkowitzProduct ) is true as long as the MarkowitzProduct is not * equal to zero. The row (and column) index on the diagonal is then * calculated by subtracting the pointer to the Markowitz product of * the first diagonal from the pointer to the Markowitz product of the * desired element, the singleton. * * Search proceeds from the end (high row and column numbers) to the * beginning (low row and column numbers) so that rows and columns with * large Markowitz products will tend to be move to the bottom of the * matrix. However, choosing Diag[Step] is desirable because it would * require no row and column interchanges, so inspect it first by * putting its Markowitz product at the end of the MarkowitzProd * vector. */ while ( *pMarkowitzProduct-- ) { /* * N bottles of beer on the wall; * N bottles of beer. * you take one down and pass it around; * N-1 bottles of beer on the wall. */ } I = pMarkowitzProduct - Matrix->MarkowitzProd + 1; /* Assure that I is valid. */ if (I < Step) break; /* while (Singletons-- > 0) */ if (I > Matrix->Size) I = Step; /* Singleton has been found in either/both row or/and column I. */ if ((ChosenPivot = Matrix->Diag[I]) != NULL) { /* Singleton lies on the diagonal. */ PivotMag = ELEMENT_MAG(ChosenPivot); if ( PivotMag > Matrix->AbsThreshold AND PivotMag > Matrix->RelThreshold * FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, ChosenPivot, Step ) ) return ChosenPivot; } else { /* Singleton does not lie on diagonal, find it. */ if (Matrix->MarkowitzCol[I] == 0) { ChosenPivot = Matrix->FirstInCol[I]; while ((ChosenPivot != NULL) AND (ChosenPivot->Row < Step)) ChosenPivot = ChosenPivot->NextInCol; if (ChosenPivot == NULL) { /* Reduced column has no elements, matrix is singular. */ break; } PivotMag = ELEMENT_MAG( ChosenPivot ); if ( PivotMag > Matrix->AbsThreshold AND PivotMag > Matrix->RelThreshold * FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, ChosenPivot, Step ) ) return ChosenPivot; else { if (Matrix->MarkowitzRow[I] == 0) { ChosenPivot = Matrix->FirstInRow[I]; while((ChosenPivot != NULL) AND (ChosenPivot->ColNextInRow; if (ChosenPivot == NULL) {/* Reduced row has no elements, matrix is singular. */ break; } PivotMag = ELEMENT_MAG(ChosenPivot); if ( PivotMag > Matrix->AbsThreshold AND PivotMag > Matrix->RelThreshold * FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, ChosenPivot, Step ) ) return ChosenPivot; } } } else { ChosenPivot = Matrix->FirstInRow[I]; while ((ChosenPivot != NULL) AND (ChosenPivot->Col < Step)) ChosenPivot = ChosenPivot->NextInRow; if (ChosenPivot == NULL) { /* Reduced row has no elements, matrix is singular. */ break; } PivotMag = ELEMENT_MAG(ChosenPivot); if ( PivotMag > Matrix->AbsThreshold AND PivotMag > Matrix->RelThreshold * FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, ChosenPivot, Step ) ) return ChosenPivot; } } /* Singleton not acceptable (too small), try another. */ } /* end of while(lSingletons>0) */ /* * All singletons were unacceptable. Restore Matrix->Singletons count. * Initial assumption that an acceptable singleton would be found was wrong. */ Matrix->Singletons++; return NULL; } #if DIAGONAL_PIVOTING #if MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ /* * QUICK SEARCH OF DIAGONAL FOR PIVOT WITH MODIFIED MARKOWITZ CRITERION * * Searches the diagonal looking for the best pivot. For a pivot to be * acceptable it must be larger than the pivot RelThreshold times the largest * element in its reduced column. Among the acceptable diagonals, the * one with the smallest MarkowitzProduct is sought. Search terminates * early if a diagonal is found with a MarkowitzProduct of one and its * magnitude is larger than the other elements in its row and column. * Since its MarkowitzProduct is one, there is only one other element in * both its row and column, and, as a condition for early termination, * these elements must be located symmetricly in the matrix. If a tie * occurs between elements of equal MarkowitzProduct, then the element with * the largest ratio between its magnitude and the largest element in its * column is used. The search will be terminated after a given number of * ties have occurred and the best (largest ratio) of the tied element will * be used as the pivot. The number of ties that will trigger an early * termination is MinMarkowitzProduct * TIES_MULTIPLIER. * * >>> Returned: * A pointer to the diagonal element chosen to be pivot. If no diagonal is * acceptable, a NULL is returned. * * >>> Arguments: * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * ChosenPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element that has been chosen to be the pivot. * LargestOffDiagonal (RealNumber) * Magnitude of the largest of the off-diagonal terms associated with * a diagonal with MarkowitzProduct equal to one. * Magnitude (RealNumber) * Absolute value of diagonal element. * MaxRatio (RealNumber) * Among the elements tied with the smallest Markowitz product, MaxRatio * is the best (smallest) ratio of LargestInCol to the diagonal Magnitude * found so far. The smaller the ratio, the better numerically the * element will be as pivot. * MinMarkowitzProduct (long) * Smallest Markowitz product found of pivot candidates that lie along * diagonal. * NumberOfTies (int) * A count of the number of Markowitz ties that have occurred at current * MarkowitzProduct. * pDiag (ElementPtr) * Pointer to current diagonal element. * pMarkowitzProduct (long *) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzProduct array. It is used to quickly * access successive Markowitz products. * Ratio (RealNumber) * For the current pivot candidate, Ratio is the ratio of the largest * element in its column (excluding itself) to its magnitude. * TiedElements (ElementPtr[]) * Array of pointers to the elements with the minimum Markowitz * product. * pOtherInCol (ElementPtr) * When there is only one other element in a column other than the * diagonal, pOtherInCol is used to point to it. Used when Markowitz * product is to determine if off diagonals are placed symmetricly. * pOtherInRow (ElementPtr) * When there is only one other element in a row other than the diagonal, * pOtherInRow is used to point to it. Used when Markowitz product is * to determine if off diagonals are placed symmetricly. */ static ElementPtr QuicklySearchDiagonal( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { register long MinMarkowitzProduct, *pMarkowitzProduct; register ElementPtr pDiag, pOtherInRow, pOtherInCol; int I, NumberOfTies = 0; ElementPtr ChosenPivot, TiedElements[MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES + 1]; RealNumber Magnitude, LargestInCol, Ratio, MaxRatio; RealNumber LargestOffDiagonal; RealNumber FindBiggestInColExclude(); /* Begin `QuicklySearchDiagonal'. */ NumberOfTies = -1; MinMarkowitzProduct = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; pMarkowitzProduct = &(Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Matrix->Size+2]); Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Matrix->Size+1] = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]; /* Assure that following while loop will always terminate. */ Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step-1] = -1; /* * This is tricky. Am using a pointer in the inner while loop to * sequentially step through the MarkowitzProduct array. Search * terminates when the Markowitz product of zero placed at location * Step-1 is found. The row (and column) index on the diagonal is then * calculated by subtracting the pointer to the Markowitz product of * the first diagonal from the pointer to the Markowitz product of the * desired element. The outer for loop is infinite, broken by using * break. * * Search proceeds from the end (high row and column numbers) to the * beginning (low row and column numbers) so that rows and columns with * large Markowitz products will tend to be move to the bottom of the * matrix. However, choosing Diag[Step] is desirable because it would * require no row and column interchanges, so inspect it first by * putting its Markowitz product at the end of the MarkowitzProd * vector. */ for(;;) /* Endless for loop. */ { while (MinMarkowitzProduct < *(--pMarkowitzProduct)) { /* * N bottles of beer on the wall; * N bottles of beer. * You take one down and pass it around; * N-1 bottles of beer on the wall. */ } I = pMarkowitzProduct - Matrix->MarkowitzProd; /* Assure that I is valid; if I < Step, terminate search. */ if (I < Step) break; /* Endless for loop */ if (I > Matrix->Size) I = Step; if ((pDiag = Matrix->Diag[I]) == NULL) continue; /* Endless for loop */ if ((Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pDiag)) <= Matrix->AbsThreshold) continue; /* Endless for loop */ if (*pMarkowitzProduct == 1) { /* Case where only one element exists in row and column other than diagonal. */ /* Find off diagonal elements. */ pOtherInRow = pDiag->NextInRow; pOtherInCol = pDiag->NextInCol; if (pOtherInRow == NULL AND pOtherInCol == NULL) { pOtherInRow = Matrix->FirstInRow[I]; while(pOtherInRow != NULL) { if (pOtherInRow->Col >= Step AND pOtherInRow->Col != I) break; pOtherInRow = pOtherInRow->NextInRow; } pOtherInCol = Matrix->FirstInCol[I]; while(pOtherInCol != NULL) { if (pOtherInCol->Row >= Step AND pOtherInCol->Row != I) break; pOtherInCol = pOtherInCol->NextInCol; } } /* Accept diagonal as pivot if diagonal is larger than off diagonals and the * off diagonals are placed symmetricly. */ if (pOtherInRow != NULL AND pOtherInCol != NULL) { if (pOtherInRow->Col == pOtherInCol->Row) { LargestOffDiagonal = MAX(ELEMENT_MAG(pOtherInRow), ELEMENT_MAG(pOtherInCol)); if (Magnitude >= LargestOffDiagonal) { /* Accept pivot, it is unlikely to contribute excess error. */ return pDiag; } } } } if (*pMarkowitzProduct < MinMarkowitzProduct) { /* Notice strict inequality in test. This is a new smallest MarkowitzProduct. */ TiedElements[0] = pDiag; MinMarkowitzProduct = *pMarkowitzProduct; NumberOfTies = 0; } else { /* This case handles Markowitz ties. */ if (NumberOfTies < MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES) { TiedElements[++NumberOfTies] = pDiag; if (NumberOfTies >= MinMarkowitzProduct * TIES_MULTIPLIER) break; /* Endless for loop */ } } } /* End of endless for loop. */ /* Test to see if any element was chosen as a pivot candidate. */ if (NumberOfTies < 0) return NULL; /* Determine which of tied elements is best numerically. */ ChosenPivot = NULL; MaxRatio = 1.0 / Matrix->RelThreshold; for (I = 0; I <= NumberOfTies; I++) { pDiag = TiedElements[I]; Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pDiag); LargestInCol = FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, pDiag, Step ); Ratio = LargestInCol / Magnitude; if (Ratio < MaxRatio) { ChosenPivot = pDiag; MaxRatio = Ratio; } } return ChosenPivot; } #else /* Not MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ */ /* * QUICK SEARCH OF DIAGONAL FOR PIVOT WITH CONVENTIONAL MARKOWITZ * CRITERION * * Searches the diagonal looking for the best pivot. For a pivot to be * acceptable it must be larger than the pivot RelThreshold times the largest * element in its reduced column. Among the acceptable diagonals, the * one with the smallest MarkowitzProduct is sought. Search terminates * early if a diagonal is found with a MarkowitzProduct of one and its * magnitude is larger than the other elements in its row and column. * Since its MarkowitzProduct is one, there is only one other element in * both its row and column, and, as a condition for early termination, * these elements must be located symmetricly in the matrix. * * >>> Returned: * A pointer to the diagonal element chosen to be pivot. If no diagonal is * acceptable, a NULL is returned. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * ChosenPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element that has been chosen to be the pivot. * LargestOffDiagonal (RealNumber) * Magnitude of the largest of the off-diagonal terms associated with * a diagonal with MarkowitzProduct equal to one. * Magnitude (RealNumber) * Absolute value of diagonal element. * MinMarkowitzProduct (long) * Smallest Markowitz product found of pivot candidates which are * acceptable. * pDiag (ElementPtr) * Pointer to current diagonal element. * pMarkowitzProduct (long *) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzProduct array. It is used to quickly * access successive Markowitz products. * pOtherInCol (ElementPtr) * When there is only one other element in a column other than the * diagonal, pOtherInCol is used to point to it. Used when Markowitz * product is to determine if off diagonals are placed symmetricly. * pOtherInRow (ElementPtr) * When there is only one other element in a row other than the diagonal, * pOtherInRow is used to point to it. Used when Markowitz product is * to determine if off diagonals are placed symmetricly. */ static ElementPtr QuicklySearchDiagonal( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { register long MinMarkowitzProduct, *pMarkowitzProduct; register ElementPtr pDiag; int I; ElementPtr ChosenPivot, pOtherInRow, pOtherInCol; RealNumber Magnitude, LargestInCol, LargestOffDiagonal; RealNumber FindBiggestInColExclude(); /* Begin `QuicklySearchDiagonal'. */ ChosenPivot = NULL; MinMarkowitzProduct = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; pMarkowitzProduct = &(Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Matrix->Size+2]); Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Matrix->Size+1] = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]; /* Assure that following while loop will always terminate. */ Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step-1] = -1; /* * This is tricky. Am using a pointer in the inner while loop to * sequentially step through the MarkowitzProduct array. Search * terminates when the Markowitz product of zero placed at location * Step-1 is found. The row (and column) index on the diagonal is then * calculated by subtracting the pointer to the Markowitz product of * the first diagonal from the pointer to the Markowitz product of the * desired element. The outer for loop is infinite, broken by using * break. * * Search proceeds from the end (high row and column numbers) to the * beginning (low row and column numbers) so that rows and columns with * large Markowitz products will tend to be move to the bottom of the * matrix. However, choosing Diag[Step] is desirable because it would * require no row and column interchanges, so inspect it first by * putting its Markowitz product at the end of the MarkowitzProd * vector. */ for (;;) /* Endless for loop. */ { while (*(--pMarkowitzProduct) >= MinMarkowitzProduct) { /* Just passing through. */ } I = pMarkowitzProduct - Matrix->MarkowitzProd; /* Assure that I is valid; if I < Step, terminate search. */ if (I < Step) break; /* Endless for loop */ if (I > Matrix->Size) I = Step; if ((pDiag = Matrix->Diag[I]) == NULL) continue; /* Endless for loop */ if ((Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pDiag)) <= Matrix->AbsThreshold) continue; /* Endless for loop */ if (*pMarkowitzProduct == 1) { /* Case where only one element exists in row and column other than diagonal. */ /* Find off-diagonal elements. */ pOtherInRow = pDiag->NextInRow; pOtherInCol = pDiag->NextInCol; if (pOtherInRow == NULL AND pOtherInCol == NULL) { pOtherInRow = Matrix->FirstInRow[I]; while(pOtherInRow != NULL) { if (pOtherInRow->Col >= Step AND pOtherInRow->Col != I) break; pOtherInRow = pOtherInRow->NextInRow; } pOtherInCol = Matrix->FirstInCol[I]; while(pOtherInCol != NULL) { if (pOtherInCol->Row >= Step AND pOtherInCol->Row != I) break; pOtherInCol = pOtherInCol->NextInCol; } } /* Accept diagonal as pivot if diagonal is larger than off-diagonals and the * off-diagonals are placed symmetricly. */ if (pOtherInRow != NULL AND pOtherInCol != NULL) { if (pOtherInRow->Col == pOtherInCol->Row) { LargestOffDiagonal = MAX(ELEMENT_MAG(pOtherInRow), ELEMENT_MAG(pOtherInCol)); if (Magnitude >= LargestOffDiagonal) { /* Accept pivot, it is unlikely to contribute excess error. */ return pDiag; } } } } MinMarkowitzProduct = *pMarkowitzProduct; ChosenPivot = pDiag; } /* End of endless for loop. */ if (ChosenPivot != NULL) { LargestInCol = FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, ChosenPivot, Step ); if( ELEMENT_MAG(ChosenPivot) <= Matrix->RelThreshold * LargestInCol ) ChosenPivot = NULL; } return ChosenPivot; } #endif /* Not MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ */ /* * SEARCH DIAGONAL FOR PIVOT WITH MODIFIED MARKOWITZ CRITERION * * Searches the diagonal looking for the best pivot. For a pivot to be * acceptable it must be larger than the pivot RelThreshold times the largest * element in its reduced column. Among the acceptable diagonals, the * one with the smallest MarkowitzProduct is sought. If a tie occurs * between elements of equal MarkowitzProduct, then the element with * the largest ratio between its magnitude and the largest element in its * column is used. The search will be terminated after a given number of * ties have occurred and the best (smallest ratio) of the tied element will * be used as the pivot. The number of ties that will trigger an early * termination is MinMarkowitzProduct * TIES_MULTIPLIER. * * >>> Returned: * A pointer to the diagonal element chosen to be pivot. If no diagonal is * acceptable, a NULL is returned. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * ChosenPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element that has been chosen to be the pivot. * Size (int) * Local version of size which is placed in a register to increase speed. * Magnitude (RealNumber) * Absolute value of diagonal element. * MinMarkowitzProduct (long) * Smallest Markowitz product found of those pivot candidates which are * acceptable. * NumberOfTies (int) * A count of the number of Markowitz ties that have occurred at current * MarkowitzProduct. * pDiag (ElementPtr) * Pointer to current diagonal element. * pMarkowitzProduct (long*) * Pointer that points into MarkowitzProduct array. It is used to quickly * access successive Markowitz products. * Ratio (RealNumber) * For the current pivot candidate, Ratio is the * Ratio of the largest element in its column to its magnitude. * RatioOfAccepted (RealNumber) * For the best pivot candidate found so far, RatioOfAccepted is the * Ratio of the largest element in its column to its magnitude. */ static ElementPtr SearchDiagonal( MatrixPtr Matrix, register int Step ) { register int J; register long MinMarkowitzProduct, *pMarkowitzProduct; register int I; register ElementPtr pDiag; int NumberOfTies = 0, Size = Matrix->Size; ElementPtr ChosenPivot; RealNumber Magnitude, Ratio, RatioOfAccepted = 0.0, LargestInCol; RealNumber FindBiggestInColExclude(); /* Begin `SearchDiagonal'. */ ChosenPivot = NULL; MinMarkowitzProduct = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; pMarkowitzProduct = &(Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Size+2]); Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Size+1] = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]; /* Start search of diagonal. */ for (J = Size+1; J > Step; J--) { if (*(--pMarkowitzProduct) > MinMarkowitzProduct) continue; /* for loop */ if (J > Matrix->Size) I = Step; else I = J; if ((pDiag = Matrix->Diag[I]) == NULL) continue; /* for loop */ if ((Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pDiag)) <= Matrix->AbsThreshold) continue; /* for loop */ /* Test to see if diagonal's magnitude is acceptable. */ LargestInCol = FindBiggestInColExclude( Matrix, pDiag, Step ); if (Magnitude <= Matrix->RelThreshold * LargestInCol) continue; /* for loop */ if (*pMarkowitzProduct < MinMarkowitzProduct) { /* Notice strict inequality in test. This is a new smallest MarkowitzProduct. */ ChosenPivot = pDiag; MinMarkowitzProduct = *pMarkowitzProduct; RatioOfAccepted = LargestInCol / Magnitude; NumberOfTies = 0; } else { /* This case handles Markowitz ties. */ NumberOfTies++; Ratio = LargestInCol / Magnitude; if (Ratio < RatioOfAccepted) { ChosenPivot = pDiag; RatioOfAccepted = Ratio; } if (NumberOfTies >= MinMarkowitzProduct * TIES_MULTIPLIER) return ChosenPivot; } } /* End of for(Step) */ return ChosenPivot; } #endif /* DIAGONAL_PIVOTING */ /* * SEARCH ENTIRE MATRIX FOR BEST PIVOT * * Performs a search over the entire matrix looking for the acceptable * element with the lowest MarkowitzProduct. If there are several that * are tied for the smallest MarkowitzProduct, the tie is broken by using * the ratio of the magnitude of the element being considered to the largest * element in the same column. If no element is acceptable then the largest * element in the reduced submatrix is used as the pivot and the * matrix is declared to be spSMALL_PIVOT. If the largest element is * zero, the matrix is declared to be spSINGULAR. * * >>> Returned: * A pointer to the diagonal element chosen to be pivot. If no element is * found, then NULL is returned and the matrix is spSINGULAR. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * ChosenPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element that has been chosen to be the pivot. * LargestElementMag (RealNumber) * Magnitude of the largest element yet found in the reduced submatrix. * Size (int) * Local version of Size; placed in a register for speed. * Magnitude (RealNumber) * Absolute value of diagonal element. * MinMarkowitzProduct (long) * Smallest Markowitz product found of pivot candidates which are * acceptable. * NumberOfTies (int) * A count of the number of Markowitz ties that have occurred at current * MarkowitzProduct. * pElement (ElementPtr) * Pointer to current element. * pLargestElement (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the largest element yet found in the reduced submatrix. * Product (long) * Markowitz product for the current row and column. * Ratio (RealNumber) * For the current pivot candidate, Ratio is the * Ratio of the largest element in its column to its magnitude. * RatioOfAccepted (RealNumber) * For the best pivot candidate found so far, RatioOfAccepted is the * Ratio of the largest element in its column to its magnitude. * * >>> Possible errors: * spSINGULAR * spSMALL_PIVOT */ static ElementPtr SearchEntireMatrix( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { register int I, Size = Matrix->Size; register ElementPtr pElement; int NumberOfTies = 0; long Product, MinMarkowitzProduct; ElementPtr ChosenPivot, pLargestElement = NULL; RealNumber Magnitude, LargestElementMag, Ratio, RatioOfAccepted = 0.0, LargestInCol; /* Begin `SearchEntireMatrix'. */ ChosenPivot = NULL; LargestElementMag = 0.0; MinMarkowitzProduct = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; /* Start search of matrix on column by column basis. */ for (I = Step; I <= Size; I++) { pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[I]; while (pElement != NULL AND pElement->Row < Step) pElement = pElement->NextInCol; if((LargestInCol = FindLargestInCol(pElement)) == 0.0) continue; /* for loop */ while (pElement != NULL) { /* Check to see if element is the largest encountered so far. If so, record its magnitude and address. */ if ((Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pElement)) > LargestElementMag) { LargestElementMag = Magnitude; pLargestElement = pElement; } /* Calculate element's MarkowitzProduct. */ spcMarkoProd( Product, Matrix->MarkowitzRow[pElement->Row], Matrix->MarkowitzCol[pElement->Col] ); /* Test to see if element is acceptable as a pivot candidate. */ if ((Product <= MinMarkowitzProduct) AND (Magnitude > Matrix->RelThreshold * LargestInCol) AND (Magnitude > Matrix->AbsThreshold)) { /* Test to see if element has lowest MarkowitzProduct yet found, or whether it is tied with an element found earlier. */ if (Product < MinMarkowitzProduct) { /* Notice strict inequality in test. This is a new smallest MarkowitzProduct. */ ChosenPivot = pElement; MinMarkowitzProduct = Product; RatioOfAccepted = LargestInCol / Magnitude; NumberOfTies = 0; } else { /* This case handles Markowitz ties. */ NumberOfTies++; Ratio = LargestInCol / Magnitude; if (Ratio < RatioOfAccepted) { ChosenPivot = pElement; RatioOfAccepted = Ratio; } if (NumberOfTies >= MinMarkowitzProduct * TIES_MULTIPLIER) return ChosenPivot; } } pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } /* End of while(pElement != NULL) */ } /* End of for(Step) */ if (ChosenPivot != NULL) return ChosenPivot; if (LargestElementMag == 0.0) { Matrix->Error = spSINGULAR; return NULL; } Matrix->Error = spSMALL_PIVOT; return pLargestElement; } /* * DETERMINE THE MAGNITUDE OF THE LARGEST ELEMENT IN A COLUMN * * This routine searches a column and returns the magnitude of the largest * element. This routine begins the search at the element pointed to by * pElement, the parameter. * * The search is conducted by starting at the element specified by a pointer, * which should be one below the diagonal, and moving down the column. On * the way down the column, the magnitudes of the elements are tested to see * if they are the largest yet found. * * >>> Returned: * The magnitude of the largest element in the column below and including * the one pointed to by the input parameter. * * >>> Arguments: * pElement (ElementPtr) * The pointer to the first element to be tested. Also, used by the * routine to access all lower elements in the column. * * >>> Local variables: * Largest (RealNumber) * The magnitude of the largest element. * Magnitude (RealNumber) * The magnitude of the currently active element. */ static RealNumber FindLargestInCol( register ElementPtr pElement ) { RealNumber Magnitude, Largest = 0.0; /* Begin `FindLargestInCol'. */ /* Search column for largest element beginning at Element. */ while (pElement != NULL) { if ((Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pElement)) > Largest) Largest = Magnitude; pElement = pElement->NextInCol; } return Largest; } /* * DETERMINE THE MAGNITUDE OF THE LARGEST ELEMENT IN A COLUMN * EXCLUDING AN ELEMENT * * This routine searches a column and returns the magnitude of the largest * element. One given element is specifically excluded from the search. * * The search is conducted by starting at the first element in the column * and moving down the column until the active part of the matrix is entered, * i.e. the reduced submatrix. The rest of the column is then traversed * looking for the largest element. * * >>> Returned: * The magnitude of the largest element in the active portion of the column, * excluding the specified element, is returned. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * pElement (ElementPtr) * The pointer to the element that is to be excluded from search. Column * to be searched is one that contains this element. Also used to * access the elements in the column. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. Indicates where * the active part of the matrix begins. * * >>> Local variables: * Col (int) * The number of the column to be searched. Also the column number of * the element to be avoided in the search. * Largest (RealNumber) * The magnitude of the largest element. * Magnitude (RealNumber) * The magnitude of the currently active element. * Row (int) * The row number of element to be excluded from the search. */ static RealNumber FindBiggestInColExclude( MatrixPtr Matrix, register ElementPtr pElement, register int Step ) { register int Row; int Col; RealNumber Largest, Magnitude; /* Begin `FindBiggestInColExclude'. */ Row = pElement->Row; Col = pElement->Col; pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Col]; /* Travel down column until reduced submatrix is entered. */ while ((pElement != NULL) AND (pElement->Row < Step)) pElement = pElement->NextInCol; /* Initialize the variable Largest. */ if (pElement->Row != Row) Largest = ELEMENT_MAG(pElement); else Largest = 0.0; /* Search rest of column for largest element, avoiding excluded element. */ while ((pElement = pElement->NextInCol) != NULL) { if ((Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pElement)) > Largest) { if (pElement->Row != Row) Largest = Magnitude; } } return Largest; } /* * EXCHANGE ROWS AND COLUMNS * * Exchanges two rows and two columns so that the selected pivot is moved to * the upper left corner of the remaining submatrix. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * pPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the current pivot. * Step (int) * Index of the diagonal currently being eliminated. * * >>> Local variables: * Col (int) * Column where the pivot was found. * Row (int) * Row where the pivot was found. * OldMarkowitzProd_Col (long) * Markowitz product associated with the diagonal element in the row * the pivot was found in. * OldMarkowitzProd_Row (long) * Markowitz product associated with the diagonal element in the column * the pivot was found in. * OldMarkowitzProd_Step (long) * Markowitz product associated with the diagonal element that is being * moved so that the pivot can be placed in the upper left-hand corner * of the reduced submatrix. */ static void ExchangeRowsAndCols( MatrixPtr Matrix, ElementPtr pPivot, register int Step ) { register int Row, Col; long OldMarkowitzProd_Step, OldMarkowitzProd_Row, OldMarkowitzProd_Col; /* Begin `ExchangeRowsAndCols'. */ Row = pPivot->Row; Col = pPivot->Col; Matrix->PivotsOriginalRow = Row; Matrix->PivotsOriginalCol = Col; if ((Row == Step) AND (Col == Step)) return; /* Exchange rows and columns. */ if (Row == Col) { spcRowExchange( Matrix, Step, Row ); spcColExchange( Matrix, Step, Col ); SWAP( long, Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step], Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row] ); SWAP( ElementPtr, Matrix->Diag[Row], Matrix->Diag[Step] ); } else { /* Initialize variables that hold old Markowitz products. */ OldMarkowitzProd_Step = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]; OldMarkowitzProd_Row = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row]; OldMarkowitzProd_Col = Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Col]; /* Exchange rows. */ if (Row != Step) { spcRowExchange( Matrix, Step, Row ); Matrix->NumberOfInterchangesIsOdd = NOT Matrix->NumberOfInterchangesIsOdd; spcMarkoProd( Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row], Matrix->MarkowitzRow[Row], Matrix->MarkowitzCol[Row] ); /* Update singleton count. */ if ((Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row]==0) != (OldMarkowitzProd_Row==0)) { if (OldMarkowitzProd_Row == 0) Matrix->Singletons--; else Matrix->Singletons++; } } /* Exchange columns. */ if (Col != Step) { spcColExchange( Matrix, Step, Col ); Matrix->NumberOfInterchangesIsOdd = NOT Matrix->NumberOfInterchangesIsOdd; spcMarkoProd( Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Col], Matrix->MarkowitzCol[Col], Matrix->MarkowitzRow[Col] ); /* Update singleton count. */ if ((Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Col]==0) != (OldMarkowitzProd_Col==0)) { if (OldMarkowitzProd_Col == 0) Matrix->Singletons--; else Matrix->Singletons++; } Matrix->Diag[Col] = spcFindDiag( Matrix, Col ); } if (Row != Step) Matrix->Diag[Row] = spcFindDiag( Matrix, Row ); Matrix->Diag[Step] = spcFindDiag( Matrix, Step ); /* Update singleton count. */ Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step] = Matrix->MarkowitzCol[Step] * Matrix->MarkowitzRow[Step]; if ((Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Step]==0) != (OldMarkowitzProd_Step==0)) { if (OldMarkowitzProd_Step == 0) Matrix->Singletons--; else Matrix->Singletons++; } } return; } /* * EXCHANGE ROWS * * Performs all required operations to exchange two rows. Those operations * include: swap FirstInRow pointers, fixing up the NextInCol pointers, * swapping row indexes in MatrixElements, and swapping Markowitz row * counts. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * Row1 (int) * Row index of one of the rows, becomes the smallest index. * Row2 (int) * Row index of the other row, becomes the largest index. * * Local variables: * Column (int) * Column in which row elements are currently being exchanged. * Row1Ptr (ElementPtr) * Pointer to an element in Row1. * Row2Ptr (ElementPtr) * Pointer to an element in Row2. * Element1 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element in Row1 to be exchanged. * Element2 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element in Row2 to be exchanged. */ void spcRowExchange( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Row1, int Row2 ) { register ElementPtr Row1Ptr, Row2Ptr; int Column; ElementPtr Element1, Element2; /* Begin `spcRowExchange'. */ if (Row1 > Row2) SWAP(int, Row1, Row2); Row1Ptr = Matrix->FirstInRow[Row1]; Row2Ptr = Matrix->FirstInRow[Row2]; while (Row1Ptr != NULL OR Row2Ptr != NULL) { /* Exchange elements in rows while traveling from left to right. */ if (Row1Ptr == NULL) { Column = Row2Ptr->Col; Element1 = NULL; Element2 = Row2Ptr; Row2Ptr = Row2Ptr->NextInRow; } else if (Row2Ptr == NULL) { Column = Row1Ptr->Col; Element1 = Row1Ptr; Element2 = NULL; Row1Ptr = Row1Ptr->NextInRow; } else if (Row1Ptr->Col < Row2Ptr->Col) { Column = Row1Ptr->Col; Element1 = Row1Ptr; Element2 = NULL; Row1Ptr = Row1Ptr->NextInRow; } else if (Row1Ptr->Col > Row2Ptr->Col) { Column = Row2Ptr->Col; Element1 = NULL; Element2 = Row2Ptr; Row2Ptr = Row2Ptr->NextInRow; } else /* Row1Ptr->Col == Row2Ptr->Col */ { Column = Row1Ptr->Col; Element1 = Row1Ptr; Element2 = Row2Ptr; Row1Ptr = Row1Ptr->NextInRow; Row2Ptr = Row2Ptr->NextInRow; } ExchangeColElements( Matrix, Row1, Element1, Row2, Element2, Column); } /* end of while(Row1Ptr != NULL OR Row2Ptr != NULL) */ if (Matrix->InternalVectorsAllocated) SWAP( int, Matrix->MarkowitzRow[Row1], Matrix->MarkowitzRow[Row2]); SWAP( ElementPtr, Matrix->FirstInRow[Row1], Matrix->FirstInRow[Row2]); SWAP( int, Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[Row1], Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[Row2]); #if TRANSLATE Matrix->ExtToIntRowMap[ Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[Row1] ] = Row1; Matrix->ExtToIntRowMap[ Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[Row2] ] = Row2; #endif return; } /* * EXCHANGE COLUMNS * * Performs all required operations to exchange two columns. Those operations * include: swap FirstInCol pointers, fixing up the NextInRow pointers, * swapping column indexes in MatrixElements, and swapping Markowitz * column counts. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * Col1 (int) * Column index of one of the columns, becomes the smallest index. * Col2 (int) * Column index of the other column, becomes the largest index * * Local variables: * Row (int) * Row in which column elements are currently being exchanged. * Col1Ptr (ElementPtr) * Pointer to an element in Col1. * Col2Ptr (ElementPtr) * Pointer to an element in Col2. * Element1 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element in Col1 to be exchanged. * Element2 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the element in Col2 to be exchanged. */ void spcColExchange( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Col1, int Col2 ) { register ElementPtr Col1Ptr, Col2Ptr; int Row; ElementPtr Element1, Element2; /* Begin `spcColExchange'. */ if (Col1 > Col2) SWAP(int, Col1, Col2); Col1Ptr = Matrix->FirstInCol[Col1]; Col2Ptr = Matrix->FirstInCol[Col2]; while (Col1Ptr != NULL OR Col2Ptr != NULL) { /* Exchange elements in rows while traveling from top to bottom. */ if (Col1Ptr == NULL) { Row = Col2Ptr->Row; Element1 = NULL; Element2 = Col2Ptr; Col2Ptr = Col2Ptr->NextInCol; } else if (Col2Ptr == NULL) { Row = Col1Ptr->Row; Element1 = Col1Ptr; Element2 = NULL; Col1Ptr = Col1Ptr->NextInCol; } else if (Col1Ptr->Row < Col2Ptr->Row) { Row = Col1Ptr->Row; Element1 = Col1Ptr; Element2 = NULL; Col1Ptr = Col1Ptr->NextInCol; } else if (Col1Ptr->Row > Col2Ptr->Row) { Row = Col2Ptr->Row; Element1 = NULL; Element2 = Col2Ptr; Col2Ptr = Col2Ptr->NextInCol; } else /* Col1Ptr->Row == Col2Ptr->Row */ { Row = Col1Ptr->Row; Element1 = Col1Ptr; Element2 = Col2Ptr; Col1Ptr = Col1Ptr->NextInCol; Col2Ptr = Col2Ptr->NextInCol; } ExchangeRowElements( Matrix, Col1, Element1, Col2, Element2, Row); } /* end of while(Col1Ptr != NULL OR Col2Ptr != NULL) */ if (Matrix->InternalVectorsAllocated) SWAP( int, Matrix->MarkowitzCol[Col1], Matrix->MarkowitzCol[Col2]); SWAP( ElementPtr, Matrix->FirstInCol[Col1], Matrix->FirstInCol[Col2]); SWAP( int, Matrix->IntToExtColMap[Col1], Matrix->IntToExtColMap[Col2]); #if TRANSLATE Matrix->ExtToIntColMap[ Matrix->IntToExtColMap[Col1] ] = Col1; Matrix->ExtToIntColMap[ Matrix->IntToExtColMap[Col2] ] = Col2; #endif return; } /* * EXCHANGE TWO ELEMENTS IN A COLUMN * * Performs all required operations to exchange two elements in a column. * Those operations are: restring NextInCol pointers and swapping row indexes * in the MatrixElements. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * Row1 (int) * Row of top element to be exchanged. * Element1 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to top element to be exchanged. * Row2 (int) * Row of bottom element to be exchanged. * Element2 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to bottom element to be exchanged. * Column (int) * Column that exchange is to take place in. * * >>> Local variables: * ElementAboveRow1 (ElementPtr *) * Location of pointer which points to the element above Element1. This * pointer is modified so that it points to correct element on exit. * ElementAboveRow2 (ElementPtr *) * Location of pointer which points to the element above Element2. This * pointer is modified so that it points to correct element on exit. * ElementBelowRow1 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to element below Element1. * ElementBelowRow2 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to element below Element2. * pElement (ElementPtr) * Pointer used to traverse the column. */ static void ExchangeColElements( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Row1, register ElementPtr Element1, int Row2, register ElementPtr Element2, int Column ) { ElementPtr *ElementAboveRow1, *ElementAboveRow2; ElementPtr ElementBelowRow1, ElementBelowRow2; register ElementPtr pElement; /* Begin `ExchangeColElements'. */ /* Search to find the ElementAboveRow1. */ ElementAboveRow1 = &(Matrix->FirstInCol[Column]); pElement = *ElementAboveRow1; while (pElement->Row < Row1) { ElementAboveRow1 = &(pElement->NextInCol); pElement = *ElementAboveRow1; } if (Element1 != NULL) { ElementBelowRow1 = Element1->NextInCol; if (Element2 == NULL) { /* Element2 does not exist, move Element1 down to Row2. */ if ( ElementBelowRow1 != NULL AND ElementBelowRow1->Row < Row2 ) { /* Element1 must be removed from linked list and moved. */ *ElementAboveRow1 = ElementBelowRow1; /* Search column for Row2. */ pElement = ElementBelowRow1; do { ElementAboveRow2 = &(pElement->NextInCol); pElement = *ElementAboveRow2; } while (pElement != NULL AND pElement->Row < Row2); /* Place Element1 in Row2. */ *ElementAboveRow2 = Element1; Element1->NextInCol = pElement; *ElementAboveRow1 =ElementBelowRow1; } Element1->Row = Row2; } else { /* Element2 does exist, and the two elements must be exchanged. */ if ( ElementBelowRow1->Row == Row2) { /* Element2 is just below Element1, exchange them. */ Element1->NextInCol = Element2->NextInCol; Element2->NextInCol = Element1; *ElementAboveRow1 = Element2; } else { /* Element2 is not just below Element1 and must be searched for. */ pElement = ElementBelowRow1; do { ElementAboveRow2 = &(pElement->NextInCol); pElement = *ElementAboveRow2; } while (pElement->Row < Row2); ElementBelowRow2 = Element2->NextInCol; /* Switch Element1 and Element2. */ *ElementAboveRow1 = Element2; Element2->NextInCol = ElementBelowRow1; *ElementAboveRow2 = Element1; Element1->NextInCol = ElementBelowRow2; } Element1->Row = Row2; Element2->Row = Row1; } } else { /* Element1 does not exist. */ ElementBelowRow1 = pElement; /* Find Element2. */ if (ElementBelowRow1->Row != Row2) { do { ElementAboveRow2 = &(pElement->NextInCol); pElement = *ElementAboveRow2; } while (pElement->Row < Row2); ElementBelowRow2 = Element2->NextInCol; /* Move Element2 to Row1. */ *ElementAboveRow2 = Element2->NextInCol; *ElementAboveRow1 = Element2; Element2->NextInCol = ElementBelowRow1; } Element2->Row = Row1; } return; } /* * EXCHANGE TWO ELEMENTS IN A ROW * * Performs all required operations to exchange two elements in a row. * Those operations are: restring NextInRow pointers and swapping column * indexes in the MatrixElements. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * Col1 (int) * Col of left-most element to be exchanged. * Element1 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to left-most element to be exchanged. * Col2 (int) * Col of right-most element to be exchanged. * Element2 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to right-most element to be exchanged. * Row (int) * Row that exchange is to take place in. * * >>> Local variables: * ElementLeftOfCol1 (ElementPtr *) * Location of pointer which points to the element to the left of * Element1. This pointer is modified so that it points to correct * element on exit. * ElementLeftOfCol2 (ElementPtr *) * Location of pointer which points to the element to the left of * Element2. This pointer is modified so that it points to correct * element on exit. * ElementRightOfCol1 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to element right of Element1. * ElementRightOfCol2 (ElementPtr) * Pointer to element right of Element2. * pElement (ElementPtr) * Pointer used to traverse the row. */ static void ExchangeRowElements( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Col1, register ElementPtr Element1, int Col2, register ElementPtr Element2, int Row ) { ElementPtr *ElementLeftOfCol1, *ElementLeftOfCol2; ElementPtr ElementRightOfCol1, ElementRightOfCol2; register ElementPtr pElement; /* Begin `ExchangeRowElements'. */ /* Search to find the ElementLeftOfCol1. */ ElementLeftOfCol1 = &(Matrix->FirstInRow[Row]); pElement = *ElementLeftOfCol1; while (pElement->Col < Col1) { ElementLeftOfCol1 = &(pElement->NextInRow); pElement = *ElementLeftOfCol1; } if (Element1 != NULL) { ElementRightOfCol1 = Element1->NextInRow; if (Element2 == NULL) { /* Element2 does not exist, move Element1 to right to Col2. */ if ( ElementRightOfCol1 != NULL AND ElementRightOfCol1->Col < Col2 ) { /* Element1 must be removed from linked list and moved. */ *ElementLeftOfCol1 = ElementRightOfCol1; /* Search Row for Col2. */ pElement = ElementRightOfCol1; do { ElementLeftOfCol2 = &(pElement->NextInRow); pElement = *ElementLeftOfCol2; } while (pElement != NULL AND pElement->Col < Col2); /* Place Element1 in Col2. */ *ElementLeftOfCol2 = Element1; Element1->NextInRow = pElement; *ElementLeftOfCol1 =ElementRightOfCol1; } Element1->Col = Col2; } else { /* Element2 does exist, and the two elements must be exchanged. */ if ( ElementRightOfCol1->Col == Col2) { /* Element2 is just right of Element1, exchange them. */ Element1->NextInRow = Element2->NextInRow; Element2->NextInRow = Element1; *ElementLeftOfCol1 = Element2; } else { /* Element2 is not just right of Element1 and must be searched for. */ pElement = ElementRightOfCol1; do { ElementLeftOfCol2 = &(pElement->NextInRow); pElement = *ElementLeftOfCol2; } while (pElement->Col < Col2); ElementRightOfCol2 = Element2->NextInRow; /* Switch Element1 and Element2. */ *ElementLeftOfCol1 = Element2; Element2->NextInRow = ElementRightOfCol1; *ElementLeftOfCol2 = Element1; Element1->NextInRow = ElementRightOfCol2; } Element1->Col = Col2; Element2->Col = Col1; } } else { /* Element1 does not exist. */ ElementRightOfCol1 = pElement; /* Find Element2. */ if (ElementRightOfCol1->Col != Col2) { do { ElementLeftOfCol2 = &(pElement->NextInRow); pElement = *ElementLeftOfCol2; } while (pElement->Col < Col2); ElementRightOfCol2 = Element2->NextInRow; /* Move Element2 to Col1. */ *ElementLeftOfCol2 = Element2->NextInRow; *ElementLeftOfCol1 = Element2; Element2->NextInRow = ElementRightOfCol1; } Element2->Col = Col1; } return; } /* * PERFORM ROW AND COLUMN ELIMINATION ON REAL MATRIX * * Eliminates a single row and column of the matrix and leaves single row of * the upper triangular matrix and a single column of the lower triangular * matrix in its wake. Uses Gauss's method. * * >>> Argument: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * pPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the current pivot. * * >>> Local variables: * pLower (ElementPtr) * Points to matrix element in lower triangular column. * pSub (ElementPtr) * Points to elements in the reduced submatrix. * Row (int) * Row index. * pUpper (ElementPtr) * Points to matrix element in upper triangular row. * * >>> Possible errors: * spNO_MEMORY */ static void RealRowColElimination( MatrixPtr Matrix, register ElementPtr pPivot ) { register ElementPtr pSub, *ppAbove; register int Row; register ElementPtr pLower, pUpper; /* Begin `RealRowColElimination'. */ /* Test for zero pivot. */ if (ABS(pPivot->Real) == 0.0) { (void)MatrixIsSingular( Matrix, pPivot->Row ); return; } pPivot->Real = 1.0 / pPivot->Real; pUpper = pPivot->NextInRow; while (pUpper != NULL) { /* Calculate upper triangular element. */ pUpper->Real *= pPivot->Real; pSub = pUpper->NextInCol; pLower = pPivot->NextInCol; ppAbove = &pUpper->NextInCol; while (pLower != NULL) { Row = pLower->Row; /* Find element in row that lines up with current lower triangular element. */ while (pSub != NULL AND pSub->Row < Row) { ppAbove = &pSub->NextInCol; pSub = pSub->NextInCol; } /* Test to see if desired element was not found, if not, create fill-in. */ if (pSub == NULL OR pSub->Row > Row) { pSub = spcCreateElement( Matrix, Row, pUpper->Col, &pLower->NextInRow, ppAbove, YES ); if (pSub == NULL) { Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; return; } } pSub->Real -= pUpper->Real * pLower->Real; pSub = pSub->NextInCol; pLower = pLower->NextInCol; } pUpper = pUpper->NextInRow; } return; } /* * PERFORM ROW AND COLUMN ELIMINATION ON COMPLEX MATRIX * * Eliminates a single row and column of the matrix and leaves single row of * the upper triangular matrix and a single column of the lower triangular * matrix in its wake. Uses Gauss's method. * * >>> Argument: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * pPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the current pivot. * * >>> Local variables: * pLower (ElementPtr) * Points to matrix element in lower triangular column. * pSub (ElementPtr) * Points to elements in the reduced submatrix. * Row (int) * Row index. * pUpper (ElementPtr) * Points to matrix element in upper triangular row. * * Possible errors: * spNO_MEMORY */ static void ComplexRowColElimination( MatrixPtr Matrix, register ElementPtr pPivot ) { register ElementPtr pSub, *ppAbove; register int Row; register ElementPtr pLower, pUpper; /* Begin `ComplexRowColElimination'. */ /* Test for zero pivot. */ if (ELEMENT_MAG(pPivot) == 0.0) { (void)MatrixIsSingular( Matrix, pPivot->Row ); return; } CMPLX_RECIPROCAL(*pPivot, *pPivot); pUpper = pPivot->NextInRow; while (pUpper != NULL) { /* Calculate upper triangular element. */ /* Cmplx expr: *pUpper = *pUpper * (1.0 / *pPivot). */ CMPLX_MULT_ASSIGN(*pUpper, *pPivot); pSub = pUpper->NextInCol; pLower = pPivot->NextInCol; ppAbove = &pUpper->NextInCol; while (pLower != NULL) { Row = pLower->Row; /* Find element in row that lines up with current lower triangular element. */ while (pSub != NULL AND pSub->Row < Row) { ppAbove = &pSub->NextInCol; pSub = pSub->NextInCol; } /* Test to see if desired element was not found, if not, create fill-in. */ if (pSub == NULL OR pSub->Row > Row) { pSub = spcCreateElement( Matrix, Row, pUpper->Col, &pLower->NextInRow, ppAbove, YES ); if (pSub == NULL) { Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY; return; } } /* Cmplx expr: pElement -= *pUpper * pLower. */ CMPLX_MULT_SUBT_ASSIGN(*pSub, *pUpper, *pLower); pSub = pSub->NextInCol; pLower = pLower->NextInCol; } pUpper = pUpper->NextInRow; } return; } /* * UPDATE MARKOWITZ NUMBERS * * Updates the Markowitz numbers after a row and column have been eliminated. * Also updates singleton count. * * >>> Argument: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to the matrix. * pPivot (ElementPtr) * Pointer to the current pivot. * * >>> Local variables: * Row (int) * Row index. * Col (int) * Column index. * ColPtr (ElementPtr) * Points to matrix element in upper triangular column. * RowPtr (ElementPtr) * Points to matrix element in lower triangular row. */ static void UpdateMarkowitzNumbers( MatrixPtr Matrix, ElementPtr pPivot ) { register int Row, Col; register ElementPtr ColPtr, RowPtr; register int *MarkoRow = Matrix->MarkowitzRow, *MarkoCol = Matrix->MarkowitzCol; double Product; /* Begin `UpdateMarkowitzNumbers'. */ /* Update Markowitz numbers. */ for (ColPtr = pPivot->NextInCol; ColPtr != NULL; ColPtr = ColPtr->NextInCol) { Row = ColPtr->Row; --MarkoRow[Row]; /* Form Markowitz product while being cautious of overflows. */ if ((MarkoRow[Row] > LARGEST_SHORT_INTEGER AND MarkoCol[Row] != 0) OR (MarkoCol[Row] > LARGEST_SHORT_INTEGER AND MarkoRow[Row] != 0)) { Product = (double)MarkoCol[Row] * (double)MarkoRow[Row]; if (Product >= LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER) Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row] = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; else Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row] = (long)Product; } else Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Row] = MarkoRow[Row] * MarkoCol[Row]; if (MarkoRow[Row] == 0) Matrix->Singletons++; } for (RowPtr = pPivot->NextInRow; RowPtr != NULL; RowPtr = RowPtr->NextInRow) { Col = RowPtr->Col; --MarkoCol[Col]; /* Form Markowitz product while being cautious of overflows. */ if ((MarkoRow[Col] > LARGEST_SHORT_INTEGER AND MarkoCol[Col] != 0) OR (MarkoCol[Col] > LARGEST_SHORT_INTEGER AND MarkoRow[Col] != 0)) { Product = (double)MarkoCol[Col] * (double)MarkoRow[Col]; if (Product >= LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER) Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Col] = LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER; else Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Col] = (long)Product; } else Matrix->MarkowitzProd[Col] = MarkoRow[Col] * MarkoCol[Col]; if ((MarkoCol[Col] == 0) AND (MarkoRow[Col] != 0)) Matrix->Singletons++; } return; } /* * ZERO PIVOT ENCOUNTERED * * This routine is called when a singular matrix is found. It then * records the current row and column and exits. * * >>> Returned: * The error code spSINGULAR or spZERO_DIAG is returned. * * >>> Arguments: * Matrix (MatrixPtr) * Pointer to matrix. * Step (int) * Index of diagonal that is zero. */ static int MatrixIsSingular( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { /* Begin `MatrixIsSingular'. */ Matrix->SingularRow = Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[ Step ]; Matrix->SingularCol = Matrix->IntToExtColMap[ Step ]; return (Matrix->Error = spSINGULAR); } static int ZeroPivot( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { /* Begin `ZeroPivot'. */ Matrix->SingularRow = Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[ Step ]; Matrix->SingularCol = Matrix->IntToExtColMap[ Step ]; return (Matrix->Error = spZERO_DIAG); } #ifdef ANNOTATE_FULL /* * * WRITE STATUS * * Write a summary of important variables to standard output. */ static void WriteStatus( MatrixPtr Matrix, int Step ) { int I; /* Begin `WriteStatus'. */ printf("Step = %1d ", Step); printf("Pivot found at %1d,%1d using ", Matrix->PivotsOriginalRow, Matrix->PivotsOriginalCol); switch(Matrix->PivotSelectionMethod) { case 's': printf("SearchForSingleton\n"); break; case 'q': printf("QuicklySearchDiagonal\n"); break; case 'd': printf("SearchDiagonal\n"); break; case 'e': printf("SearchEntireMatrix\n"); break; } printf("MarkowitzRow = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->Size; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->MarkowitzRow[I]); printf("\n"); printf("MarkowitzCol = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->Size; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->MarkowitzCol[I]); printf("\n"); printf("MarkowitzProduct = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->Size; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->MarkowitzProd[I]); printf("\n"); printf("Singletons = %2d\n", Matrix->Singletons); printf("IntToExtRowMap = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->Size; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[I]); printf("\n"); printf("IntToExtColMap = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->Size; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->IntToExtColMap[I]); printf("\n"); printf("ExtToIntRowMap = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->ExtSize; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->ExtToIntRowMap[I]); printf("\n"); printf("ExtToIntColMap = "); for (I = 1; I <= Matrix->ExtSize; I++) printf("%2d ", Matrix->ExtToIntColMap[I]); printf("\n\n"); /* spPrint((char *)Matrix, NO, YES); */ return; } #endif /* ANNOTATE_FULL */