#!/usr/bin/perl # # Public domain. # # Scan C header files and generate preprocessed versions of them in the # specified target directory. # my $outdir = ''; sub Scan ($$) { my $dir = shift; my $outdir = shift; if (! -e $outdir) { mkdir($outdir, 0755) || die "$outdir: $!"; } unless (opendir(CWD, $dir)) { print STDERR "$dir: $!; ignored\n"; return; } foreach my $ent (readdir(CWD)) { my $file = $dir.'/'.$ent; my $outfile = $outdir.'/'.$ent; if ($ent =~ /^\./ || -l $outfile || -l $file) { next; } if (-d $ent) { if (-e $file.'/.generated') { next; } Scan($file, $outfile); next; } if ($ent =~ /\.h$/) { print $outfile,"\n"; my @o = readpipe("perl mk/gen-declspecs.pl '$file'"); if ($? != 0) { print STDERR "gen-declspecs.pl failed\n"; exit(1); } open(OUT, ">$outfile") || die "$outfile: $!"; print OUT @o; close(OUT); } } closedir(CWD); } sub CleanEmptyDirs ($) { my $dir = shift; unless (opendir(CWD, $dir)) { print STDERR "$dir: $!; ignored\n"; return; } foreach my $ent (readdir(CWD)) { my $subdir = $dir.'/'.$ent; if ($ent =~ /^\./ || -l $subdir || !-d $subdir) { next; } CleanEmptyDirs($subdir); rmdir($subdir); } closedir(CWD); } if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: prep-headers.pl [directory]\n"; exit(1); } $outdir = $ARGV[0]; if (! -e $outdir) { my $now = localtime; mkdir($outdir, 0755) || die "$outdir: $!"; open(STAMP, ">$outdir/.generated") || die "$outdir/.generated: $!"; print STAMP $now,"\n"; close(STAMP); } Scan('.', $outdir); CleanEmptyDirs($outdir);