/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Hypertriton, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "tileset.h" #include #include const struct rg_transform_ops rgTransforms[]; const int rgTransformsCount; #if 0 /* * Add a new rotate transformation or update an existing one. If angle is 0, * any existing rotation is removed. */ RG_Transform * TransformRotate(struct map_item *r, int angle) { Uint32 angles = (Uint32)angle; RG_Transform *tr; AG_Surface *su; float rad, theta; switch (r->type) { case MAP_ITEM_TILE: su = AG_SPRITE(r->r_sprite.obj,r->r_sprite.offs).su; break; case MAP_ITEM_ANIM: su = AG_ANIM_FRAME(r, &AG_ANIM(r->r_anim.obj,r->r_anim.offs)); break; default: return (NULL); } rad = Hypot( r->r_gfx.xorigin - su->w/2, r->r_gfx.yorigin - su->h/2); theta = Atan2( r->r_gfx.yorigin - su->w/2, r->r_gfx.xorigin - su->h/2); theta += ((float)angle/360.0)*(2.0*RG_PI); r->r_gfx.xorigin = rad*Cos(theta) + su->w/2; r->r_gfx.yorigin = rad*Sin(theta) + su->h/2; TAILQ_FOREACH(tr, &r->transforms, transforms) { if (tr->type == RG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE) { if (angle == 0) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&r->transforms, tr, transforms); Free(tr); return (NULL); } break; } } if (angle == 0) { return (NULL); } if (tr == NULL) { tr = RG_TransformNew(RG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, 1, &angles); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&r->transforms, tr, transforms); } else { tr->args[0] = angles; } return (tr); } #endif RG_Transform * RG_TransformNew(enum rg_transform_type type, int nargs, Uint32 *args) { RG_Transform *xf; xf = Malloc(sizeof(RG_Transform)); if (RG_TransformInit(xf, type, nargs, args) == -1) { Free(xf); return (NULL); } return (xf); } int RG_TransformInit(RG_Transform *xf, enum rg_transform_type type, int nargs, Uint32 *args) { int i; if (nargs > RG_TRANSFORM_MAX_ARGS) { AG_SetError("Too many transform args"); return (-1); } memset(xf, 0, sizeof(RG_Transform)); xf->type = type; xf->func = NULL; xf->nargs = nargs; if (nargs > 0) { xf->args = Malloc(nargs*sizeof(Uint32)); memcpy(xf->args, args, nargs * sizeof(Uint32)); } else { xf->args = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < rgTransformsCount; i++) { if (rgTransforms[i].type == type) { xf->func = rgTransforms[i].func; break; } } return (0); } void RG_TransformChainInit(RG_TransformChain *xchain) { TAILQ_INIT(xchain); } int RG_TransformChainLoad(AG_DataSource *buf, RG_TransformChain *xchain) { Uint32 i, count = 0; if ((count = AG_ReadUint32(buf)) > RG_TRANSFORM_CHAIN_MAX) { AG_SetError("Too many transforms in chain: %u", (Uint)count); return (-1); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { RG_Transform *xf; xf = Malloc(sizeof(RG_Transform)); RG_TransformInit(xf, 0, 0, NULL); if (RG_TransformLoad(buf, xf) == -1) { Free(xf); return (-1); } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(xchain, xf, transforms); } return (0); } void RG_TransformChainSave(AG_DataSource *buf, const RG_TransformChain *xchain) { RG_Transform *xf; Uint32 count = 0; off_t offs; offs = AG_Tell(buf); AG_WriteUint32(buf, 0); TAILQ_FOREACH(xf, xchain, transforms) { RG_TransformSave(buf, xf); count++; } AG_WriteUint32At(buf, count, offs); } void RG_TransformChainDestroy(RG_TransformChain *xchain) { RG_Transform *xf, *xf_next; for (xf = TAILQ_FIRST(xchain); xf != TAILQ_END(xchain); xf = xf_next) { xf_next = TAILQ_NEXT(xf, transforms); RG_TransformDestroy(xf); Free(xf); } } void RG_TransformChainPrint(const RG_TransformChain *xchain, char *buf, size_t buf_size) { extern const struct rg_transform_ops rgTransforms[]; extern const int rgTransformsCount; RG_Transform *tr; int i, j; TAILQ_FOREACH(tr, xchain, transforms) { for (i = 0; i < rgTransformsCount; i++) { if (rgTransforms[i].type == tr->type) break; } if (i < rgTransformsCount) { Strlcat(buf, "+", buf_size); Strlcat(buf, rgTransforms[i].name, buf_size); for (j = 0; j < tr->nargs; j++) { char num[32]; Snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "(%lu)", (unsigned long)tr->args[i]); Strlcat(buf, num, buf_size); } } } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(xchain)) Strlcat(buf, "\n", buf_size); } void RG_TransformChainDup(const RG_TransformChain *xc, RG_TransformChain *xc_dup) { RG_Transform *xf, *xf_dup; TAILQ_FOREACH(xf, xc, transforms) { xf_dup = Malloc(sizeof(RG_Transform)); RG_TransformInit(xf_dup, xf->type, xf->nargs, xf->args); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(xc_dup, xf_dup, transforms); } } int RG_TransformCompare(const RG_Transform *xf1, const RG_Transform *xf2) { return (xf1->type == xf2->type && xf1->nargs == xf2->nargs && (xf1->nargs == 0 || memcmp(xf1->args, xf2->args, xf1->nargs*sizeof(Uint32)) == 0)); } void RG_TransformDestroy(RG_Transform *xf) { Free(xf->args); } int RG_TransformLoad(AG_DataSource *buf, RG_Transform *xf) { int i; xf->type = AG_ReadUint8(buf); xf->func = NULL; xf->nargs = (int)AG_ReadUint8(buf); if (xf->nargs > RG_TRANSFORM_MAX_ARGS) { AG_SetError("Too many transform args: %u", (Uint)xf->nargs); return (-1); } Free(xf->args); xf->args = Malloc(xf->nargs * sizeof(Uint32)); for (i = 0; i < xf->nargs; i++) xf->args[i] = AG_ReadUint32(buf); /* Look for a matching algorithm. */ for (i = 0; i < rgTransformsCount; i++) { if (rgTransforms[i].type == xf->type) { xf->func = rgTransforms[i].func; break; } } if (xf->func == NULL) { AG_SetError("Unimplemented transform: %u", (Uint)xf->type); return (-1); } return (0); } void RG_TransformSave(AG_DataSource *buf, const RG_Transform *xf) { int i; AG_WriteUint8(buf, xf->type); AG_WriteUint8(buf, xf->nargs); for (i = 0; i < xf->nargs; i++) AG_WriteUint32(buf, xf->args[i]); } /* Flip a surface horizontally. */ static AG_Surface * TransformMirror(AG_Surface *su, int argc, Uint32 *argv) { Uint8 *row, *rowp; Uint8 *fb = su->pixels; int x, y; row = Malloc(su->pitch); for (y = 0; y < su->h; y++) { memcpy(row, fb, su->pitch); rowp = row + su->pitch - su->format->BytesPerPixel; for (x = 0; x < su->w; x++) { AG_PUT_PIXEL(su, fb, AG_GET_PIXEL(su, rowp)); fb += su->format->BytesPerPixel; rowp -= su->format->BytesPerPixel; } } Free(row); return (su); } /* Flip a surface vertically. */ static AG_Surface * TransformFlip(AG_Surface *su, int argc, Uint32 *argv) { size_t totsize = su->h*su->pitch; Uint8 *row, *rowbuf; Uint8 *fb = su->pixels; int y; rowbuf = Malloc(totsize); memcpy(rowbuf, fb, totsize); row = rowbuf + totsize - su->pitch; for (y = 0; y < su->h; y++) { memcpy(fb, row, su->pitch); row -= su->pitch; fb += su->pitch; } Free(rowbuf); return (su); } /* Rotate a surface by the given number of degrees. */ static AG_Surface * TransformRotate(AG_Surface *sOrig, int argc, Uint32 *argv) { AG_Surface *sNew; Uint32 theta = argv[0]; int x, y; int xp, yp; int swapdims = (theta == 90 || theta == 270); sNew = AG_SurfaceRGBA( swapdims ? sOrig->h : sOrig->w, swapdims ? sOrig->w : sOrig->h, sOrig->format->BitsPerPixel, (sOrig->flags & (AG_SRCALPHA|AG_SRCCOLORKEY|AG_RLEACCEL)), sOrig->format->Rmask, sOrig->format->Gmask, sOrig->format->Bmask, sOrig->format->Amask); if (sNew == NULL) { AG_FatalError(NULL); } switch (theta) { case 90: for (y = 0; y < sOrig->h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < sOrig->w; x++) { AG_PUT_PIXEL2(sNew, y, x, AG_GET_PIXEL2(sOrig, x, sOrig->h-y-1)); } } break; case 180: for (y = 0, yp = sOrig->h-1; y < sOrig->h; y++, yp--) { for (x = 0, xp = sOrig->w-1; x < sOrig->w; x++, xp--) { AG_PUT_PIXEL2(sNew, x, y, AG_GET_PIXEL2(sOrig, xp, yp)); } } break; case 270: for (y = 0; y < sOrig->h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < sOrig->w; x++) { AG_PUT_PIXEL2(sNew, y, x, AG_GET_PIXEL2(sOrig, sOrig->w-x-1, y)); } } break; default: /* TODO */ break; } return (sNew); } /* Invert the colors of a surface. */ static AG_Surface * TransformInvertRGB(AG_Surface *su, int argc, Uint32 *argv) { size_t size = su->w*su->h; Uint8 *p = su->pixels; Uint8 r, g, b, a; int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { AG_GetRGBA(AG_GET_PIXEL(su,p), su->format, &r,&g,&b,&a); AG_PUT_PIXEL(su, p, AG_MapRGBA(su->format, 255-r, 255-g, 255-b, a)); p += su->format->BytesPerPixel; } return (su); } const struct rg_transform_ops rgTransforms[] = { { "mirror", RG_TRANSFORM_MIRROR, TransformMirror }, { "flip", RG_TRANSFORM_FLIP, TransformFlip }, { "rotate", RG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, TransformRotate }, { "rgb-invert", RG_TRANSFORM_RGB_INVERT, TransformInvertRGB } }; const int rgTransformsCount = sizeof(rgTransforms) / sizeof(rgTransforms[0]);