/* $FabBSD$ */ /* $OpenBSD: vga_pci.c,v 1.35 2008/08/02 15:50:34 oga Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: vga_pci.c,v 1.3 1998/06/08 06:55:58 thorpej Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001 Wasabi Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Written by Frank van der Linden for Wasabi Systems, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by * Wasabi Systems, Inc. * 4. The name of Wasabi Systems, Inc. may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY WASABI SYSTEMS, INC. ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL WASABI SYSTEMS, INC * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include "vga.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VESAFB #include #endif #include "agp.h" int vga_pci_match(struct device *, void *, void *); void vga_pci_attach(struct device *, struct device *, void *); paddr_t vga_pci_mmap(void* v, off_t off, int prot); void vga_pci_bar_init(struct vga_pci_softc *, struct pci_attach_args *); #if NAGP > 0 int agpsubmatch(struct device *, void *, void *); int agpbus_print(void *, const char *); #endif #ifdef VESAFB int vesafb_putcmap(struct vga_pci_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cmap *); int vesafb_getcmap(struct vga_pci_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cmap *); #endif struct cfattach vga_pci_ca = { sizeof(struct vga_pci_softc), vga_pci_match, vga_pci_attach, }; #if NAGP > 0 struct pci_attach_args agp_pchb_pa; int agp_pchb_pa_set = 0; void agp_set_pchb(struct pci_attach_args *pa) { if (!agp_pchb_pa_set) { memcpy(&agp_pchb_pa, pa, sizeof *pa); agp_pchb_pa_set++; } } #endif int vga_pci_match(struct device *parent, void *match, void *aux) { struct pci_attach_args *pa = aux; if (DEVICE_IS_VGA_PCI(pa->pa_class) == 0) return (0); /* check whether it is disabled by firmware */ if ((pci_conf_read(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag, PCI_COMMAND_STATUS_REG) & (PCI_COMMAND_IO_ENABLE | PCI_COMMAND_MEM_ENABLE)) != (PCI_COMMAND_IO_ENABLE | PCI_COMMAND_MEM_ENABLE)) return (0); /* If it's the console, we have a winner! */ if (vga_is_console(pa->pa_iot, WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIVGA)) return (1); /* * If we might match, make sure that the card actually looks OK. */ if (!vga_common_probe(pa->pa_iot, pa->pa_memt)) return (0); return (1); } void vga_pci_attach(struct device *parent, struct device *self, void *aux) { struct pci_attach_args *pa = aux; #if NAGP >0 struct agpbus_attach_args aba; #endif pcireg_t reg; struct vga_pci_softc *sc = (struct vga_pci_softc *)self; /* * Enable bus master; X might need this for accelerated graphics. */ reg = pci_conf_read(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag, PCI_COMMAND_STATUS_REG); reg |= PCI_COMMAND_MASTER_ENABLE; pci_conf_write(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag, PCI_COMMAND_STATUS_REG, reg); #ifdef VESAFB if (vesabios_softc != NULL && vesabios_softc->sc_nmodes > 0) { sc->sc_textmode = vesafb_get_mode(sc); printf(", vesafb\n"); vga_extended_attach(self, pa->pa_iot, pa->pa_memt, WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIVGA, vga_pci_mmap); return; } #endif printf("\n"); vga_common_attach(self, pa->pa_iot, pa->pa_memt, WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIVGA); vga_pci_bar_init(sc, pa); #if NAGP > 0 /* * attach agp here instead of pchb so it can share mappings * with the DRM */ if (agp_pchb_pa_set) { aba.apa_pci_args = agp_pchb_pa; memcpy(&aba.apa_vga_args, pa, sizeof(struct pci_attach_args)); config_found_sm(self, &aba, agpbus_print, agpsubmatch); } #endif } #if NAGP > 0 int agpsubmatch(struct device *parent, void *match, void *aux) { extern struct cfdriver agp_cd; struct cfdata *cf = match; /* only allow agp to attach */ if (cf->cf_driver == &agp_cd) return ((*cf->cf_attach->ca_match)(parent, match, aux)); return (0); } int agpbus_print(void *vaa, const char *pnp) { if (pnp) printf("agp at %s", pnp); return (UNCONF); } #endif paddr_t vga_pci_mmap(void *v, off_t off, int prot) { #ifdef VESAFB struct vga_config *vc = (struct vga_config *)v; struct vga_pci_softc *sc = (struct vga_pci_softc *)vc->vc_softc; if (sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_DUMBFB) { if (off < 0 || off > vesabios_softc->sc_size) return (-1); return atop(sc->sc_base + off); } #endif return -1; } int vga_pci_cnattach(bus_space_tag_t iot, bus_space_tag_t memt, pci_chipset_tag_t pc, int bus, int device, int function) { return (vga_cnattach(iot, memt, WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIVGA, 0)); } int vga_pci_ioctl(void *v, u_long cmd, caddr_t addr, int flag, struct proc *pb) { int error = 0; #ifdef VESAFB struct vga_config *vc = (struct vga_config *)v; struct vga_pci_softc *sc = (struct vga_pci_softc *)vc->vc_softc; struct wsdisplay_fbinfo *wdf; struct wsdisplay_gfx_mode *gfxmode; int mode; #endif switch (cmd) { #ifdef VESAFB case WSDISPLAYIO_SMODE: mode = *(u_int *)addr; switch (mode) { case WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL: /* back to text mode */ vesafb_set_mode(sc, sc->sc_textmode); sc->sc_mode = mode; break; case WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_DUMBFB: if (sc->sc_gfxmode == -1) return (-1); vesafb_set_mode(sc, sc->sc_gfxmode); sc->sc_mode = mode; break; default: error = -1; } break; case WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO: if (sc->sc_gfxmode == -1) return (-1); wdf = (void *)addr; wdf->height = sc->sc_height; wdf->width = sc->sc_width; wdf->depth = sc->sc_depth; wdf->cmsize = 256; break; case WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES: if (sc->sc_gfxmode == -1) return (-1); *(u_int *)addr = sc->sc_linebytes; break; case WSDISPLAYIO_SVIDEO: case WSDISPLAYIO_GVIDEO: break; case WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP: if (sc->sc_depth == 8) error = vesafb_getcmap(sc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)addr); break; case WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP: if (sc->sc_depth == 8) error = vesafb_putcmap(sc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)addr); break; case WSDISPLAYIO_GETSUPPORTEDDEPTH: *(int *)addr = vesafb_get_supported_depth(sc); break; case WSDISPLAYIO_SETGFXMODE: gfxmode = (struct wsdisplay_gfx_mode *)addr; sc->sc_gfxmode = vesafb_find_mode(sc, gfxmode->width, gfxmode->height, gfxmode->depth); if (sc->sc_gfxmode == -1) error = -1; break; #endif default: error = ENOTTY; } return (error); } #ifdef notyet void vga_pci_close(void *v) { } #endif /* * Prepare dev->bars to be used for information. we do this at startup * so we can do the whole array at once, dealing with 64-bit BARs correctly. */ void vga_pci_bar_init(struct vga_pci_softc *dev, struct pci_attach_args *pa) { pcireg_t type; int addr = PCI_MAPREG_START, i = 0; memcpy(&dev->pa, pa, sizeof(dev->pa)); while (i < VGA_PCI_MAX_BARS) { dev->bars[i] = malloc(sizeof((*dev->bars[i])), M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (dev->bars[i] == NULL) { return; } dev->bars[i]->addr = addr; type = dev->bars[i]->maptype = pci_mapreg_type(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag, addr); if (pci_mapreg_info(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag, addr, dev->bars[i]->maptype, &dev->bars[i]->base, &dev->bars[i]->maxsize, &dev->bars[i]->flags) != 0) { free(dev->bars[i], M_DEVBUF); dev->bars[i] = NULL; } if (type == PCI_MAPREG_MEM_TYPE_64BIT) { addr += 8; i += 2; } else { addr+=4; ++i; } } } /* * Get the vga_pci_bar struct for the address in question. returns NULL if * invalid BAR is passed. */ struct vga_pci_bar* vga_pci_bar_info(struct vga_pci_softc *dev, int no) { if (dev == NULL || no > VGA_PCI_MAX_BARS) return (NULL); return (dev->bars[no]); } /* * map the BAR in question, returning the vga_pci_bar struct in case any more * processing needs to be done. Returns NULL on failure. Can be called multiple * times. */ struct vga_pci_bar* vga_pci_bar_map(struct vga_pci_softc *dev, int addr, bus_size_t size, int busflags) { struct vga_pci_bar *bar = NULL; int i; if (dev == NULL) return (NULL); for (i = 0; i < VGA_PCI_MAX_BARS; i++) { if (dev->bars[i] && dev->bars[i]->addr == addr) { bar = dev->bars[i]; break; } } if (bar == NULL) { printf("vga_pci_bar_map: given invalid address 0x%x\n", addr); return (NULL); } if (bar->mapped == 0) { if (pci_mapreg_map(&dev->pa, bar->addr, bar->maptype, bar->flags | busflags, &bar->bst, &bar->bsh, NULL, &bar->size, size)) { printf("vga_pci_bar_map: can't map bar 0x%x\n", addr); return (NULL); } } bar->mapped++; return (bar); } /* * "unmap" the BAR referred to by argument. If more than one place has mapped it * we just decrement the reference counter so nothing untoward happens. */ void vga_pci_bar_unmap(struct vga_pci_bar *bar) { if (bar != NULL && bar->mapped != 0) { if (--bar->mapped == 0) bus_space_unmap(bar->bst, bar->bsh, bar->size); } }