/* $OpenBSD: gpr.c,v 1.12 2006/04/21 17:52:54 uwe Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2002, Federico G. Schwindt * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * A driver for the Gemplus GPR400 SmartCard reader. * * The gpr400 driver written by Wolf Geldmacher for * Linux was used as documentation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Registers in I/O space (32 bytes) */ #define GPR400_HAP_CTRL 0x00 /* Handshake and PRG Control */ #define GPR400_RESET 0x01 /* Master reset */ #define GPR400_IREQ 0x02 /* Interrupt request */ #define GPR400_INTR 0x04 /* Interrupt */ /* bits 3..8 PRG control */ #define GPR400_PD_CTRL 0x01 /* PRG data */ /* bytes 3..32 used for data exchange */ /* Registers in attribute memory (read only) */ #define GPR400_SETUP 0x018 /* General Setup */ #define GPR400_LOCK_MASK 0x08 /* 0: locked, 1: unlocked */ #define GPR400_REG1 0x01a /* SmartCard Reg. 1 */ #define GPR400_DET_MASK 0x08 /* 0: in the reader, 1: removed */ #define GPR400_INS_MASK 0x80 /* 0: not inserted, 1: inserted */ #define GPR400_REG2 0x01c /* SmartCard Reg. 2 */ #define GPR400_CAC 0x01e /* Clock and Control */ /* TLV */ #define GPR400_CLOSE 0x10 /* Close session */ #define GPR400_OPEN 0x20 /* Open session */ #define GPR400_APDU 0x30 /* APDU exchange */ #define GPR400_POWER 0x40 /* Power down/Standby */ /* 0: Power down, 1: Standby */ #define GPR400_SELECT 0x50 /* Select card */ #define GPR400_DRV0 0x00 /* Downloaded driver 0 */ #define GPR400_ISODRV 0x02 /* ISO7816-3 driver */ #define GPR400_CLK_MASK 0x08 /* 0: 3.68MHz, 1: 7.36MHz */ #define GPR400_STATUS 0xA0 /* Reader status */ #define GPR400_CONT 0x04 /* Chain block */ #define GPR400_MEM_LEN 0x1000 #define GPRUNIT(x) (minor(x) & 0x0f) #ifdef GPRDEBUG int gprdebug; #define DPRINTF(x) if (gprdebug) printf x #else #define DPRINTF(x) #endif struct gpr_softc { struct device sc_dev; struct pcmcia_function *sc_pf; bus_space_handle_t sc_ioh; bus_space_tag_t sc_iot; struct pcmcia_io_handle sc_pioh; int sc_iowin; bus_space_handle_t sc_memh; bus_space_tag_t sc_memt; struct pcmcia_mem_handle sc_pmemh; int sc_memwin; bus_addr_t sc_offset; void * sc_ih; }; int gpr_match(struct device *, void *, void *); void gpr_attach(struct device *, struct device *, void *); int gpr_detach(struct device *, int); int gpr_activate(struct device *, enum devact); int gpropen(dev_t, int, int, struct proc *); int gprclose(dev_t, int, int, struct proc *); int gprioctl(dev_t, u_long, caddr_t, int, struct proc *); int gpr_intr(void *); int tlvput(struct gpr_softc *, int, u_int8_t *, int); struct cfattach gpr_ca = { sizeof(struct gpr_softc), gpr_match, gpr_attach, gpr_detach, gpr_activate }; struct cfdriver gpr_cd = { NULL, "gpr", DV_DULL }; int gpr_match(struct device *parent, void *match, void *aux) { struct pcmcia_attach_args *pa = aux; if (pa->manufacturer == PCMCIA_VENDOR_GEMPLUS && pa->product == PCMCIA_PRODUCT_GEMPLUS_GPR400) return (1); return (0); } void gpr_attach(struct device *parent, struct device *self, void *aux) { struct gpr_softc *sc = (void *)self; struct pcmcia_attach_args *pa = aux; struct pcmcia_config_entry *cfe; const char *intrstr; for (cfe = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&pa->pf->cfe_head); cfe; cfe = SIMPLEQ_NEXT(cfe, cfe_list)) { if (!pcmcia_io_alloc(pa->pf, cfe->iospace[0].start, cfe->iospace[0].length, cfe->iospace[0].length, &sc->sc_pioh)) break; } if (cfe == NULL) { printf(": can't alloc i/o space\n"); goto fail_io_alloc; } pcmcia_function_init(pa->pf, cfe); if (pcmcia_function_enable(pa->pf)) { printf(": function enable failed\n"); goto fail_enable; } if (pcmcia_io_map(pa->pf, PCMCIA_WIDTH_AUTO, 0, sc->sc_pioh.size, &sc->sc_pioh, &sc->sc_iowin)) { printf(": can't map i/o space\n"); goto fail_io_map; } /* * GPR400 has some registers in attribute memory as well. */ if (pcmcia_mem_alloc(pa->pf, GPR400_MEM_LEN, &sc->sc_pmemh)) { printf(": can't map mem space\n"); goto fail_mem_alloc; } if (pcmcia_mem_map(pa->pf, PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR, pa->pf->ccr_base, GPR400_MEM_LEN, &sc->sc_pmemh, &sc->sc_offset, &sc->sc_memwin)) { printf(": can't map memory\n"); goto fail_mem_map; } sc->sc_pf = pa->pf; sc->sc_iot = sc->sc_pioh.iot; sc->sc_ioh = sc->sc_pioh.ioh; sc->sc_memt = sc->sc_pmemh.memt; sc->sc_memh = sc->sc_pmemh.memh; printf(" port 0x%lx/%d", sc->sc_pioh.addr, sc->sc_pioh.size); sc->sc_ih = pcmcia_intr_establish(pa->pf, IPL_TTY, gpr_intr, sc, sc->sc_dev.dv_xname); intrstr = pcmcia_intr_string(sc->sc_pf, sc->sc_ih); printf("%s%s\n", *intrstr ? ", " : "", intrstr); if (sc->sc_ih != NULL) return; pcmcia_mem_unmap(pa->pf, sc->sc_memwin); fail_mem_map: pcmcia_mem_free(pa->pf, &sc->sc_pmemh); fail_mem_alloc: pcmcia_io_unmap(pa->pf, sc->sc_iowin); fail_io_map: pcmcia_function_disable(pa->pf); fail_enable: pcmcia_io_free(pa->pf, &sc->sc_pioh); fail_io_alloc: return; } int gpr_detach(struct device *dev, int flags) { struct gpr_softc *sc = (struct gpr_softc *)dev; pcmcia_io_unmap(sc->sc_pf, sc->sc_iowin); pcmcia_io_free(sc->sc_pf, &sc->sc_pioh); pcmcia_mem_unmap(sc->sc_pf, sc->sc_memwin); pcmcia_mem_free(sc->sc_pf, &sc->sc_pmemh); return (0); } int gpr_activate(struct device *dev, enum devact act) { struct gpr_softc *sc = (struct gpr_softc *)dev; switch (act) { case DVACT_ACTIVATE: pcmcia_function_enable(sc->sc_pf); sc->sc_ih = pcmcia_intr_establish(sc->sc_pf, IPL_TTY, gpr_intr, sc, sc->sc_dev.dv_xname); break; case DVACT_DEACTIVATE: pcmcia_intr_disestablish(sc->sc_pf, sc->sc_ih); pcmcia_function_disable(sc->sc_pf); break; } return (0); } int gpropen(dev_t dev, int flags, int mode, struct proc *p) { int unit = GPRUNIT(dev); struct gpr_softc *sc; DPRINTF(("%s: flags %d, mode %d\n", __func__, flags, mode)); if (unit >= gpr_cd.cd_ndevs || (sc = gpr_cd.cd_devs[unit]) == NULL) return (ENXIO); return (tlvput(sc, GPR400_SELECT, "\x02", 1)); } int gprclose(dev_t dev, int flags, int mode, struct proc *p) { int unit = GPRUNIT(dev); struct gpr_softc *sc = gpr_cd.cd_devs[unit]; DPRINTF(("%s: flags %d, mode %d\n", __func__, flags, mode)); (void)tlvput(sc, GPR400_CLOSE, (u_int8_t *)0, 0); return (0); } int gprioctl(dev_t dev, u_long cmd, caddr_t addr, int flags, struct proc *p) { int unit = GPRUNIT(dev); struct gpr_softc *sc = gpr_cd.cd_devs[unit]; int error; DPRINTF(("%s: cmd %d, flags 0x%x\n", __func__, cmd, flags)); switch (cmd) { case GPR_RESET: /* * To reset and power up the reader, set bit 0 in the * HAP register for at least 5us and wait for 20ms. */ bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, GPR400_HAP_CTRL, GPR400_RESET); delay(10); bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, GPR400_HAP_CTRL, 0); tsleep(sc, PWAIT, "gpreset", hz / 40); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GPR_SELECT: error = tlvput(sc, GPR400_SELECT, "\x02", 1); break; case GPR_POWER: { u_int8_t *mode; if (*(int *)addr) mode = "\x01"; /* Standby */ else mode = "\x00"; /* Power down */ error = tlvput(sc, GPR400_POWER, mode, 1); } break; case GPR_CLOSE: error = tlvput(sc, GPR400_CLOSE, (u_int8_t *)0, 0); break; case GPR_RAM: { struct gpr400_ram r; bus_space_read_region_1(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_memh, sc->sc_offset, &r, sizeof(struct gpr400_ram)); error = copyout(&r, addr, sizeof(struct gpr400_ram)); } break; case GPR_CMD: case GPR_OPEN: case GPR_STATUS: case GPR_TLV: default: error = EINVAL; break; }; return (error); } int gpr_intr(void *arg) { struct gpr_softc *sc = arg; u_int8_t val; DPRINTF(("%s: got interrupt\n", __func__)); /* Ack interrupt */ val = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, GPR400_HAP_CTRL); bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, GPR400_HAP_CTRL, val & ~GPR400_INTR); wakeup(sc); return (1); } int tlvput(struct gpr_softc *sc, int cmd, u_int8_t *data, int len) { int resid, ret; DPRINTF(("%s: cmd 0x%x, data %p, len %d\n", __func__, cmd, data, len)); resid = len; do { int n, s; n = min(resid, 28); resid -= n; if (resid) cmd |= GPR400_CONT; else cmd &= ~GPR400_CONT; DPRINTF(("%s: sending cmd 0x%x, len %d, left %d\n", __func__, cmd, n, resid)); bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, 0x02, cmd); bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, 0x03, n); if (n) { bus_space_write_region_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, 0x04, data, n); data += n; } s = spltty(); /* Tell the reader to process this command. */ bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, GPR400_HAP_CTRL, GPR400_IREQ); tsleep(sc, PCATCH, "tlvput", 0); splx(s); /* Read the status. */ ret = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, 0x04); DPRINTF(("%s: ret %d\n", __func__, ret)); if (ret != 0x00 || (!resid && ret != 0xe7)) return (EIO); } while (resid > 0); return (0); }