#print So far all the special characters in the substitute command have been used in the left-hand expression, the one that is looked for in the line as it exists before the change. None of these characters are meaningful in the right-hand expression; for example, s/ab/a./ turn "ab" into "a." just as if "." were an ordinary letter. But there is one character that is special on the right side of a substitution, which is '&'. The ampersand is replaced by whatever text is being replaced. In s/the/&m/ the string "the" is turned into "them" because the '&' is replaced by "the". In this directory there is a file 'text'; on the third line, change the word 'dog' into 'dogs'; then rewrite the file and say "ready". #create Ref cat mouse dogs rat #create text cat mouse dog rat #user #cmp text Ref #log #next 37.1a 10 37.2a 6