/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Julien Nadeau Carriere * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Visualization/edition widget for SK(3) sketches. */ #include #include #include "sk.h" #include "sk_gui.h" #include #include SK_View * SK_ViewNew(void *parent, SK *sk, Uint flags) { SK_View *skv; skv = Malloc(sizeof(SK_View)); AG_ObjectInit(skv, &skViewClass); skv->flags |= flags; skv->sk = sk; if (flags & SK_VIEW_HFILL) WIDGET(skv)->flags |= AG_WIDGET_HFILL; if (flags & SK_VIEW_VFILL) WIDGET(skv)->flags |= AG_WIDGET_VFILL; AG_ObjectAttach(parent, skv); return (skv); } void SK_ViewZoom(SK_View *skv, M_Real zoom) { if (zoom != 0.0) { SK_VIEW_SCALE_X(skv) = zoom >= 0.01 ? zoom : 0.01; SK_VIEW_SCALE_Y(skv) = zoom >= 0.01 ? zoom : 0.01; } skv->wPixel = 1.0 / ((M_Real)WIDTH(skv))*2.0 / SK_VIEW_SCALE_X(skv); skv->hPixel = 1.0 / ((M_Real)HEIGHT(skv))*2.0 / SK_VIEW_SCALE_Y(skv); skv->rSnap = 16.0*skv->wPixel; Debug(skv, "Zoom %f (1px = %f x %f)\n", zoom, skv->wPixel, skv->hPixel); AG_Redraw(skv); } static void Draw(void *_Nonnull obj) { SK_View *skv = obj; SK *sk = skv->sk; M_Matrix44 T; SK_Node *node; GL_PushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_POLYGON_BIT | GL_TRANSFORM_BIT); GL_Disable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); #if 0 GL_Enable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); #endif GL_MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); GL_PushMatrix(); GL_LoadIdentity(); GL_MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); GL_PushMatrix(); T = M_MatTranspose44p(&skv->mView); /* OpenGL is column-major */ GL_LoadMatrixv(&T); /* Render the nodes */ TAILQ_FOREACH(node, &sk->root->cnodes, sknodes) { if (node->ops->draw != NULL) node->ops->draw(node, skv); } GL_PopMatrix(); /* GL_MODELVIEW */ GL_MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); GL_PopMatrix(); GL_PopAttrib(); } static void ViewMotion(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK_View *skv = AG_PTR(1); SK_Tool *tool = skv->curtool; SK *sk = skv->sk; int x = AG_INT(2); int y = AG_INT(3); int xRel = AG_INT(4); int yRel = AG_INT(5); int state = AG_INT(6); M_Vector3 vPos, vRel; M_Matrix44 Tinv; vPos.x = SK_VIEW_X(skv, x); vPos.y = SK_VIEW_Y(skv, HEIGHT(skv) - y); vPos.z = 0.0; vRel.x = (M_Real)xRel * skv->wPixel; vRel.y = -(M_Real)yRel * skv->hPixel; vRel.z = 0.0; Tinv = M_MatInvert44(skv->mView); vPos = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(Tinv, M_VecToProj3(vPos,1))); AG_MutexLock(&sk->lock); if (skv->mouse.panning) { SK_Translate2(sk->root, vRel.x, vRel.y); AG_Redraw(skv); goto out; } if (tool != NULL && tool->ops->mousemotion != NULL) { if ((tool->ops->flags & SK_MOUSEMOTION_NOSNAP) == 0) { vPos.x = SK_VIEW_X_SNAP(skv,vPos.x); vPos.y = SK_VIEW_Y_SNAP(skv,vPos.y); } tool->ops->mousemotion(tool, vPos, vRel, state); AG_Redraw(skv); } out: skv->mouse.last.x = vPos.x; skv->mouse.last.y = vPos.y; AG_MutexUnlock(&sk->lock); } static void MouseButtonDown(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK_View *skv = AG_PTR(1); SK_Tool *tool = SK_CURTOOL(skv); SK *sk = skv->sk; int button = AG_INT(2); int x = AG_INT(3); int y = AG_INT(4); M_Vector3 vPos; M_Matrix44 Tinv; if (!AG_WidgetIsFocused(skv)) AG_WidgetFocus(skv); vPos.x = SK_VIEW_X(skv, x); vPos.y = SK_VIEW_Y(skv, HEIGHT(skv) - y); vPos.z = 0.0; Tinv = M_MatInvert44(skv->mView); vPos = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(Tinv, M_VecToProj3(vPos,1))); AG_MutexLock(&sk->lock); skv->mouse.last = vPos; switch (button) { case AG_MOUSE_RIGHT: SK_ViewPopupMenu(skv, x, y); break; case AG_MOUSE_MIDDLE: skv->mouse.panning = 1; break; case AG_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN: SK_ViewZoom(skv, SK_VIEW_SCALE_X(skv) - M_Log(1.0+SK_VIEW_SCALE_X(skv))/3.0); goto out; case AG_MOUSE_WHEELUP: SK_ViewZoom(skv, SK_VIEW_SCALE_X(skv) + M_Log(1.0+SK_VIEW_SCALE_X(skv))/3.0); goto out; default: break; } if (tool != NULL && tool->ops->mousebuttondown != NULL) { if ((tool->ops->flags & SK_BUTTONDOWN_NOSNAP) == 0) { vPos.x = SK_VIEW_X_SNAP(skv, vPos.x); vPos.y = SK_VIEW_Y_SNAP(skv, vPos.y); } if (tool->ops->mousebuttondown(tool, vPos, button) == 1) { AG_Redraw(skv); goto out; } } TAILQ_FOREACH(tool, &skv->tools, tools) { SK_ToolMouseBinding *mb; SLIST_FOREACH(mb, &tool->mbindings, mbindings) { if (mb->button != button) { continue; } tool->skv = skv; if (mb->func(tool, button, 1, vPos, mb->arg) == 1) { AG_Redraw(skv); goto out; } } } if (skv->btndown_ev != NULL) { AG_PostEventByPtr(NULL, skv, skv->btndown_ev, "%i,%f,%f", button, vPos.x, vPos.y); AG_Redraw(skv); } out: AG_MutexUnlock(&sk->lock); } static void MouseButtonUp(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK_View *skv = AG_PTR(1); SK_Tool *tool = SK_CURTOOL(skv); SK *sk = skv->sk; int button = AG_INT(2); int x = AG_INT(3); int y = AG_INT(4); M_Vector3 vPos; M_Matrix44 Tinv; vPos.x = SK_VIEW_X(skv, x); vPos.y = SK_VIEW_Y(skv, HEIGHT(skv) - y); vPos.z = 0.0; Tinv = M_MatInvert44(skv->mView); vPos = M_VecFromProj3(M_MatMultVector44(Tinv, M_VecToProj3(vPos,1))); AG_MutexLock(&sk->lock); if (tool != NULL && tool->ops->mousebuttonup != NULL) { if ((tool->ops->flags & SK_BUTTONUP_NOSNAP) == 0) { vPos.x = SK_VIEW_X_SNAP(skv, vPos.x); vPos.y = SK_VIEW_Y_SNAP(skv, vPos.y); } if (tool->ops->mousebuttonup(tool, vPos, button) == 1) { AG_Redraw(skv); goto out; } } TAILQ_FOREACH(tool, &skv->tools, tools) { SK_ToolMouseBinding *mb; SLIST_FOREACH(mb, &tool->mbindings, mbindings) { if (mb->button != button) { continue; } tool->skv = skv; if (mb->func(tool, button, 0, vPos, mb->arg) == 1) { AG_Redraw(skv); goto out; } } } switch (button) { case AG_MOUSE_MIDDLE: skv->mouse.panning = 0; goto out; default: break; } if (skv->btnup_ev != NULL) { AG_PostEventByPtr(NULL, skv, skv->btnup_ev, "%i,%f,%f", button, vPos.x, vPos.y); AG_Redraw(skv); } out: AG_MutexUnlock(&sk->lock); } static void Shown(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK_View *skv = AG_SELF(); SK_ViewZoom(skv, 1.0/10.0); } static void Init(void *_Nonnull obj) { SK_View *skv = obj; WIDGET(skv)->flags |= (AG_WIDGET_FOCUSABLE | AG_WIDGET_USE_OPENGL); AG_SetEvent(skv, "mouse-button-down", MouseButtonDown, "%p", skv); AG_SetEvent(skv, "mouse-button-up", MouseButtonUp, "%p", skv); AG_SetEvent(skv, "mouse-motion", ViewMotion, "%p", skv); skv->flags = 0; skv->sk = NULL; skv->scale_ev = NULL; skv->keydown_ev = NULL; skv->btndown_ev = NULL; skv->keyup_ev = NULL; skv->btnup_ev = NULL; skv->motion_ev = NULL; skv->status[0] = '\0'; skv->mouse.last.x = 0; skv->mouse.last.y = 0; skv->mouse.panning = 0; skv->curtool = NULL; skv->deftool = NULL; skv->wPixel = 1.0; skv->hPixel = 1.0; skv->editPane = NULL; skv->viewPane = NULL; skv->editBox = NULL; skv->popup = NULL; skv->rSnap = 1.0; skv->mView = M_MatIdentity44(); skv->mProj = M_MatIdentity44(); skv->pmView = NULL; TAILQ_INIT(&skv->tools); AG_TblInit(&skv->tblNodeData, 100, 0); AG_AddEvent(skv, "widget-shown", Shown, NULL); } static void Destroy(void *_Nonnull obj) { SK_View *skv = obj; SK_Tool *tool, *toolNext; AG_Variable *V; Uint i, j; if (skv->pmView != NULL) AG_PopupDestroy(skv->pmView); for (tool = TAILQ_FIRST(&skv->tools); tool != TAILQ_END(&skv->tools); tool = toolNext) { toolNext = TAILQ_NEXT(tool, tools); SK_ToolDestroy(tool); Free(tool); } AG_TBL_FOREACH(V, i,j, &skv->tblNodeData) { Free(V->data.p); } AG_TblDestroy(&skv->tblNodeData); } /* Select an SK tool */ void SK_ViewSelectTool(SK_View *skv, SK_Tool *ntool, void *p) { if (skv->curtool != NULL) { if (skv->curtool->trigger != NULL) { AG_SetBool(skv->curtool->trigger, "state", 0); } if (skv->curtool->win != NULL) { AG_WindowHide(skv->curtool->win); } SK_ViewClearEditPane(skv); skv->curtool->skv = NULL; } skv->curtool = ntool; if (ntool != NULL) { ntool->p = p; ntool->skv = skv; if (ntool->trigger != NULL) { AG_SetBool(ntool->trigger, "state", 1); } if (ntool->win != NULL) { AG_WindowShow(ntool->win); } if (skv->editPane != NULL) { SK_ViewClearEditPane(skv); if (ntool->ops->edit != NULL) { skv->editBox = (AG_Widget *) AG_BoxNew(skv->editPane->div[1], AG_BOX_VERT,AG_BOX_EXPAND); ntool->ops->edit(ntool, skv->editBox); SK_ViewResizePanes(skv); } } Debug(skv->sk, "Selected tool: %s\n", ntool->ops->name); AG_Snprintf(skv->status, sizeof(skv->status), _("Tool: %s"), ntool->ops->name); } else { skv->status[0] = '\0'; } } /* Lookup a SK tool by name. */ SK_Tool * SK_ViewFindTool(SK_View *skv, const char *name) { SK_Tool *tool; TAILQ_FOREACH(tool, &skv->tools, tools) { if (strcmp(tool->ops->name, name) == 0) return (tool); } return (NULL); } /* Lookup a SK tool by class. */ SK_Tool * SK_ViewFindToolByOps(SK_View *skv, const SK_ToolOps *ops) { SK_Tool *tool; TAILQ_FOREACH(tool, &skv->tools, tools) { if (tool->ops == ops) return (tool); } return (NULL); } /* Register a new SK tool class. */ SK_Tool * SK_ViewRegTool(SK_View *skv, const SK_ToolOps *ops, void *p) { SK_Tool *t; t = Malloc(ops->len); t->ops = ops; t->skv = skv; t->p = p; SK_ToolInit(t); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&skv->tools, t, tools); return (t); } /* Configure the default SK tool. */ void SK_ViewSetDefaultTool(SK_View *skv, SK_Tool *tool) { skv->deftool = tool; } static void SetLengthUnit(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK *sk = AG_PTR(1); char *uname = AG_STRING(2); const AG_Unit *unit; Debug(sk, "Setting unit = %s\n", uname); if ((unit = AG_FindUnit(uname)) == NULL) { AG_TextMsg(AG_MSG_ERROR, "Unknown unit: %s", uname); return; } SK_SetLengthUnit(sk, unit); } static void AddConstraint(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK *sk = AG_PTR(1); enum sk_constraint_type type = (enum sk_constraint_type)AG_INT(2); SK_Node *node, *nodes[2]; int count = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(node, &sk->nodes, nodes) { if (!SKNODE_SELECTED(node)) { continue; } if (++count > 2) { AG_TextMsg(AG_MSG_ERROR, _("Please select only 2 nodes")); return; } nodes[count-1] = node; } if (count < 2) { AG_TextMsg(AG_MSG_ERROR, _("Please select 2 nodes")); return; } if (SK_AddConstraint(&sk->ctGraph, nodes[0], nodes[1], type) == NULL) { AG_TextMsgFromError(); return; } Debug(sk, "Added %s constraint between %s and %s\n", skConstraintNames[type], nodes[0]->name, nodes[1]->name); SK_Update(sk); } /* * Compute all intersections between selected entities and create entities * for them. */ static void ComputeIntersections(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { SK *sk = AG_PTR(1); SK_Node *n1, *n2; SK_Group *g; SK_NodePair *tested; Uint i, nTested = 0; g = SK_GroupNew(sk->root); tested = Malloc(sizeof(SK_NodePair)); TAILQ_FOREACH(n1, &sk->nodes, nodes) { if (!SKNODE_SELECTED(n1)) { continue; } TAILQ_FOREACH(n2, &sk->nodes, nodes) { if (!SKNODE_SELECTED(n2) || n2 == n1) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < nTested; i++) { if (SK_CompareNodePair(&tested[i], n1, n2)) break; } if (i < nTested) { continue; } Debug(sk, "Computing %s-%s intersections\n", n1->name, n2->name); SK_ComputeIntersections(g, n1, n2); tested = Realloc(tested, (nTested+1)* sizeof(SK_NodePair)); tested[nTested].n1 = n1; tested[nTested].n2 = n2; nTested++; } } Free(tested); } /* Expand the SK_View popup menu. */ void SK_ViewPopupMenu(SK_View *skv, int x, int y) { SK *sk = skv->sk; AG_PopupMenu *pm; AG_MenuItem *node; int i; if (skv->pmView != NULL) { AG_PopupShowAt(skv->pmView, x, y); return; } if ((pm = skv->pmView = AG_PopupNew(skv)) == NULL) return; node = AG_MenuNode(pm->root, _("Add constraint"), NULL); for (i = 0; i < SK_CONSTRAINT_LAST; i++) { AG_MenuAction(node, _(skConstraintNames[i]), NULL, AddConstraint, "%p,%i", sk, i); } AG_MenuAction(pm->root, _("Compute intersections"), NULL, ComputeIntersections, "%p", sk); AG_MenuSeparator(pm->root); node = AG_MenuNode(pm->root, _("Set Unit system"), NULL); { AG_MenuAction(node, _("Inches"), NULL, SetLengthUnit, "%p,%s", sk, "in"); AG_MenuAction(node, _("Meters"), NULL, SetLengthUnit, "%p,%s", sk, "m"); AG_MenuAction(node, _("Centimeters"), NULL, SetLengthUnit, "%p,%s", sk, "cm"); AG_MenuAction(node, _("Millimeters"), NULL, SetLengthUnit, "%p,%s", sk, "mm"); AG_MenuAction(node, _("Microns"), NULL, SetLengthUnit, "%p,%s", sk, "um"); } AG_PopupShowAt(pm, x, y); } /* Configure a widget edit box. */ void SK_ViewSetEditPane(SK_View *skv, AG_Pane *pane) { AG_ObjectLock(skv); skv->editPane = pane; AG_ObjectUnlock(skv); } /* Configure a SK view pane. */ void SK_ViewSetViewPane(SK_View *skv, AG_Pane *pane) { AG_ObjectLock(skv); skv->viewPane = pane; AG_ObjectUnlock(skv); } /* Clear the contents of the edit widget box. */ void SK_ViewClearEditPane(SK_View *skv) { if (skv->editBox == NULL) { return; } AG_ObjectDetach(skv->editBox); AG_ObjectDestroy(skv->editBox); skv->editBox = NULL; } /* Resize attached SK view panes. */ void SK_ViewResizePanes(SK_View *skv) { AG_Pane *ePane = skv->editPane; AG_Pane *vPane = skv->viewPane; AG_SizeReq r; if (ePane == NULL || vPane == NULL) { return; } AG_WidgetSizeReq(ePane->div[1], &r); AG_PaneSetDivisionMin(ePane, 1, -1, r.h + ePane->wDiv); AG_PaneSetDivisionMin(vPane, 0, r.w + ePane->wDiv, -1); AG_PaneMoveDivider(ePane, HEIGHT(ePane) - r.h); AG_WidgetUpdate(skv); } /* * Issue a proximity query for the given position with respect to all * Point entities in the sketch. */ SK_Point * SK_ViewOverPoint(SK_View *skv, M_Vector3 *pos, M_Vector3 *vC, void *ignore) { SK *sk = skv->sk; SK_Node *node; TAILQ_FOREACH(node, &sk->nodes, nodes) { node->flags &= ~(SK_NODE_MOUSEOVER); } if ((node = SK_ProximitySearch(sk, "Point", pos, vC, ignore)) != NULL && M_VecDistance3p(pos, vC) < skv->rSnap) { node->flags |= SK_NODE_MOUSEOVER; return ((SK_Point *)node); } return (NULL); } /* Retrieve per-node data */ void * SK_ViewGetNodeData(SK_View *skv, void *pNode) { char key[16]; AG_Variable *V; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%lu", (unsigned long)pNode); if ((V = AG_TblLookup(&skv->tblNodeData, key)) == NULL) { return (NULL); } return (V->data.p); } /* Assign per-node data */ void SK_ViewSetNodeData(SK_View *skv, void *pNode, void *pData) { char key[16]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%lu", (unsigned long)pNode); AG_TblInsertPointer(&skv->tblNodeData, key, pData); } AG_WidgetClass skViewClass = { { "AG_Widget:SK_View", sizeof(SK_View), { 0,0 }, Init, NULL, /* reset */ Destroy, NULL, /* load */ NULL, /* save */ NULL /* edit */ }, Draw, NULL, /* sizeReq */ NULL /* sizeAlloc */ };