/* * Arc4 random number generator for OpenBSD. * Copyright 1996 David Mazieres . * * Modification and redistribution in source and binary forms is * permitted provided that due credit is given to the author and the * OpenBSD project by leaving this copyright notice intact. */ /* * This code is derived from section 17.1 of Applied Cryptography, * second edition, which describes a stream cipher allegedly * compatible with RSA Labs "RC4" cipher (the actual description of * which is a trade secret). The same algorithm is used as a stream * cipher called "arcfour" in Tatu Ylonen's ssh package. * * Here the stream cipher has been modified always to include the time * when initializing the state. That makes it impossible to * regenerate the same random sequence twice, so this can't be used * for encryption, but will generate good random numbers. * * RC4 is a registered trademark of RSA Laboratories. */ #include "cgi.h" #include #include "arc4random.h" #ifdef HAVE_ARC4RANDOM #include #include u_int32_t CGI_Arc4random(void) { return arc4random(); } #else /* !HAVE_ARC4RANDOM */ #include #include #include #include #include #include struct arc4_stream { u_int8_t i; u_int8_t j; u_int8_t s[256]; }; static int rs_initialized; static struct arc4_stream rs; static pid_t arc4_stir_pid; static __inline__ void arc4_init(struct arc4_stream *as) { int n; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) as->s[n] = n; as->i = 0; as->j = 0; } static __inline__ void arc4_addrandom(struct arc4_stream *as, u_char *dat, int datlen) { int n; u_int8_t si; as->i--; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { as->i = (as->i + 1); si = as->s[as->i]; as->j = (as->j + si + dat[n % datlen]); as->s[as->i] = as->s[as->j]; as->s[as->j] = si; } as->j = as->i; } static __inline__ u_int8_t arc4_getbyte(struct arc4_stream *as) { u_int8_t si, sj; as->i = (as->i + 1); si = as->s[as->i]; as->j = (as->j + si); sj = as->s[as->j]; as->s[as->i] = sj; as->s[as->j] = si; return (as->s[(si + sj) & 0xff]); } static void arc4_stir(struct arc4_stream *as) { int i; struct { struct timeval tv; u_int rnd[(128 - sizeof(struct timeval)) / sizeof(u_int)]; } rdat; int fd; fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY); gettimeofday(&rdat.tv, NULL); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rdat.rnd) / sizeof(u_int); i ++) { read(fd, &rdat.rnd[i], sizeof(u_int)); } arc4_stir_pid = getpid(); arc4_addrandom(as, (void *) &rdat, sizeof(rdat)); /* * Discard early keystream, as per recommendations in: * http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~itsik/RC4/Papers/Rc4_ksa.ps */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) (void) arc4_getbyte(as); close(fd); } static __inline__ u_int32_t arc4_getword(struct arc4_stream *as) { u_int32_t val; val = arc4_getbyte(as) << 24; val |= arc4_getbyte(as) << 16; val |= arc4_getbyte(as) << 8; val |= arc4_getbyte(as); return val; } static void CGI_Arc4randomStir(void) { if (!rs_initialized) { arc4_init(&rs); rs_initialized = 1; } arc4_stir(&rs); } u_int32_t CGI_Arc4random(void) { if (!rs_initialized || arc4_stir_pid != getpid()) CGI_Arc4randomStir(); return arc4_getword(&rs); } #endif /* !HAVE_ARC4RANDOM */